Stephencottontail or other knowledgeable folks,
Site I’m working on:
Theme: Foreverwood
WP and theme updated (4.5.2? and theme 2.0.1?)
I’ve added another plugin which works as a widget.
Plugin name: Content Randomizer
I am encountering the same problem as my text widget issue – left alignment of the text under the widget headline. Stephencottontail got me the info to fix the text widget above. Now I’ve got another widget.
As a general question, how can I find the CSS name for the widget, such as this one for the text widget: .sidebar-widget .textwidget ?
I looked using firebug, but could not decipher it. I tried .sidebar-widget .randomizerslideshowwidget and a few other items but none seem to affect it.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge,