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  • Thread Starter ucsendre


    K?sz?n?m a gyors frissítést!


    Same error with plain core WP.
    The CF7 block crashes the block editor.
    Shortcode block works.
    Frontend works.
    Please check. This error is ridiculous.
    Thank you.


    I got the same error.

    The site config:
    server: Apache
    PHP: 7.4.27
    WordPress version: 5.9
    locale: hu_HU
    active theme: Twenty Twenty-Two 1.0
    (Same error when Astra theme version 3.7.7 is active.)
    Contact Form 7 version: 5.5.4
    WP debug logging is enabled – the log file is empty.

    All other plugins are disabled.

    JS error in browser console:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') 
        at save (/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/block-editor/index.js?ver=5.5.4:1:4122)
        at yt (/wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:27409)
        at wt (/wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:27802)
        at /wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:54385
        at Br (/wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:54531)
        at Nr (/wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:55473)
        at (<anonymous>)
        at Nr (/wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:55340)
        at /wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js?ver=28d5b8f8805a22435cbdc51927067812:2:56486
        at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)



    Ye @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:141
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    dh @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:80
    Bj @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:145
    Qj @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:176
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    gf @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:162
    (anonymous) @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:73
    unstable_runWithPriority @ react.min.js?ver=17.0.1:24
    Za @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:73
    $g @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:73
    ja @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:73
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    t @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    b @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ redux-routine.min.js?ver=6c3ab278bc9641b6f62731e018a4449e:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ core-data.min.js?ver=b4684a7c90f2d858ab7fa74414ad5a54:2
    await in (anonymous) (async)
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ redux-routine.min.js?ver=6c3ab278bc9641b6f62731e018a4449e:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    Q @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    setTimeout (async)
    a @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    u @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
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    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    a @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    (anonymous) @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    xe @ data.min.js?ver=c5f9378263e5eea9d870764c8fc1dd1b:2
    zt @ edit-post.min.js?ver=aec3905d54d344b48f452da0da95d621:7
    Le @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:100
    Pj @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:231
    di @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:168
    Nj @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:168
    sc @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:168
    gf @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:162
    Pa @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:157
    yd @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:188
    (anonymous) @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:191
    bi @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:163
    zd @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:191
    M.render @ react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:243
    Qt @ edit-post.min.js?ver=aec3905d54d344b48f452da0da95d621:7
    (anonymous) @ post.php?post=188&action=edit:1895
    Thread Starter ucsendre


    I have checked again and found that the widget is still missing (WC 5.9.0, WP 5.8.2).
    I have disabled the “Disable WooCommerce Bloat” plugin and the WC widget was back on WP dashboard – but without any sales data which is nonsense as we are in the high season and selling huge amounts of stuff every day.
    So I just clicked on the net sales data (showing 0) and found that it takes right to the “new” WC analytics page – which has not been populated with data as it was turned off all the time.
    So it seems to me that the WC widget is directly linked to the new WC admin stuff, which slows down the backend if it is turned on ??
    This means for me that I will let this WC widget thing go bye-bye with all the new WC bloat stuff.
    Sad but not the end of the world.
    I mark this thread as resolved now.

    Thread Starter ucsendre


    @gabelivan I have removed the hash and it works fine now. Warnings are gone ??
    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ucsendre.
    Thread Starter ucsendre


    @gabelivan This is the “Do not minify the CSS files matching the patterns below (one per line):” content:
    In the php warning it says “MinifyJs.php”, so I include the contents of “Do not minify the JavaScript files matching the patterns below (one per line):” here:
    #flying-images (I have set optimisation for “All SCRIPT tags * both options”)
    I have a bad feeling about the # character. Maybe it needs to be escaped or the line is completely wrong.

    Thread Starter ucsendre


    Hello @algolplus
    Ticket #50059 have been submitted.
    Thank you!

    Hi @zingerbee,

    You can find previous versions at the bottom of this page:
    (same works for every plugin on

    Hi @wpclever

    Thank you for the fix.
    I have made some changes in your script to avoid this:

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'woosb_fix_stock_for_bvfheating', 99 );
    function woosb_fix_stock_for_bvfheating() { ?>
    <script defer id="woosb_fix_stock_for_bvfheating" type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).on('found_variation', function(e, t) {
        var $product = jQuery(e['target']).closest('.woosb-product');
        if ($product.length) {
            if (!t['is_in_stock'] && t['availability_html'] && t['availability_html'] !== '') {
                jQuery(t['availability_html'].replace('class="', 'class="stock-new ')).
            } else {
    jQuery(document).on('reset_data', function(e) {
        var $product = jQuery(e['target']).closest('.woosb-product');
        if ($product.length) {
    <?php }

    Hi @wpclever

    Yes, I know the bundle is not purchasable when an out-of-stock variation is selected in it.

    However we would like to keep the appearence of our site to match our expectations in case of every product may it be any kind of product.

    What we are missing is that the “In stock” status mark of the complete bundle should match the selected variations status.

    Please see here:

    If this can be fixed by using custom code please let us know but I think that could be added to the plugin code.

    You can test here:

    Hi @wpclever

    In the info popup your plugin says: “By default, the bundle’ stock was calculated automatically from bundled products.
    The stock management works well in case the bundle has only simple products.
    My question is: how do you calculate the stock of a bundle if the bundle has variable product in it?

    Thread Starter ucsendre


    Dear @omardabbas

    Please change the below lines in the product-xml-feeds-for-woocommerce-pro > includes > shortcodes > class-alg-products-shortcodes.php file.
    line 554:

    				if ( '' !== $atts['sum_with'] && is_numeric( $atts['sum_with'] ) ) {
    					$the_price = $the_price + $atts['sum_with'];


    				if (isset($atts['sum_with'])) {
    					if ( '' !== $atts['sum_with'] && is_numeric( $atts['sum_with'] ) ) {
    						$the_price = $the_price + $atts['sum_with'];

    and line 872:

    			if ( '' !== $atts['sum_with'] && is_numeric( $atts['sum_with'] ) ) {
    				$price = $price + $atts['sum_with'];


    			if (isset($atts['sum_with'])) {
    				if ( '' !== $atts['sum_with'] && is_numeric( $atts['sum_with'] ) ) {
    					$price = $price + $atts['sum_with'];

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter ucsendre


    Számla készítésekor a rendelésben ez a hibaüzenet j?n vissza:
    Http error: Operation timed out after 30001 milliseconds with 0 out of -1 bytes received
    A számlá felületén viszont megjelenik az elkészült számla.

    Same error here: PHP Deprecated: login_headertitle is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 5.2.0! Use login_headertext instead. Usage of the title attribute on the login logo is not recommended for accessibility reasons. Use the link text instead.

    upgrading your php to 7.4 might help

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