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  • Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    Ti ringrazio ancora, stranamente sono riuscito con il tuo codice anche sulla versione MODERN del Tema Customizr su altri miei domini-web.
    Forse i soliti cookies che Firefox MANTIENE A TUTTI I COSTI sino a quando sei costretto persino a spegnere e riavviare i computer? Bah .. mistero.
    Sul sito dove non sono riuscito, in ogni caso, ci riproverò, NON VORREI che sia qualche Plugin incompatibile (anche) a bloccarmi ..oltre al dubbio dei RIGIDI COOKIES di Firefox quale browser (ma su quest’ultima ho seri dubbi che non sia la vera causa perché ci stò molto attento .. credo più fattibile sia un Plugin che và in contrasto).
    In linea di massima il tuo codice da inserire direttamente nel CSS aggiuntivo del tema in uso è MOLTO BUONO.
    Dopo anni e anni .. finalmente vedo le tabelle e idati inseriti anche su un telefono cellulare (era ora).

    Per l’assistenza ho notato anche io che è cambiata la “sinfonia” post covid, probabile vi sia qualche problema dell’autore? Il suo sito ufficiale è totalmente cambiato e forse anche l’approccio con gli utenti? Una cosa strana è che non riesco più a trovare il FORUM INTERNO AL SUO SITO dove diversi utenti WP ne discutevano dando anche consigli utili.

    Spero che legga (Lui) e che non abbia riportato inceppamenti virali, al limite, visto che stà in costa azzurra, prossima estate andrò a trovarlo :DDD quale suo fedelissimo utente free e poco-pay ??

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    Ti ringrazio ancora, un unico problema residuo, me ne sono accorto oggi:
    Il Code funziona ma solo con la versione CLASSIC del theme Customizr, a quanto pare la versione MODERN (che è inglobata nel tema stesso) se viene settata codice non riesce a influenzarla e le tabelle restano con lo stesso problema.
    Ho provato ad esempio su ma ho dovuto alla fine capire che era poprio il settaggio alla vers. Modern che è ininfluenzabile dal CSS aggiuntivo che gentilmente mi hai consigliato:

    /* TABLE RESPONSIVE x cellulari */
    @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {td {font-size: 12px !important; word-wrap: break-word; padding: 1px !important}}

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni




    Grazie mille per la dritta, spero torni utile anche per altri utenti del theme Customizr.


    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    Per CSS intendi:
    customizr \ style.css (non ho problemi negli upgrade .. ho sempre un file modificato di scorta e modifico a mano e Ftp)

    customizr\assets\front\css \ style.css
    customizr\assets\front\css \ style.min.css

    In questi due ho provato questo:
    @media (max-width: 767px){table, tr, td {width:80%; height: auto; font-size:10px}}

    Per l’immagine ci stavo pensando anche io, cmq ci sono un paio di cose strane:
    1 _La versione MODERN di Customizr è LA PEGGIORE PER LE TABLES.
    2 _Questo problema in altri Themes WP non si riscontra.

    Attendo conferma del CSS per tentare con la modifica indicata, grazie.


    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    Well then, I await an answer on the code and why closing PHP .. everything is OK but with the vs. original code .. no (with block note windows , notepad ++ and macromedia dreamwear).
    As you have seen, there is no need to exclude the new editor: a line of code is enough.
    I look forward, and thanks again

    Ciao dall’Italia.

    I have the same problem on 25 websites, located on different hosting and with different databases.
    Will they all have InnoDB tables ??
    For me they have PhpMyadmin – Php 7.04 (or even 8 if you want) managed by their Cpanel.
    Does Cpanel only provide databases where your Plugin is not working well? (just to know).
    It has been a long time since I noticed this problem mentioned above by the other user, and I didn’t like it very much.
    I have been using this Plugin for a long time, easy but, surprise surprise … on one site it made me disappear on a blank page, and not when I activated it and used it to clean the DB, but when I tried to uninstall it at the end of the cleaning job: it is useless to keep it fixed because I make new pages / articles (or minor changes) once every 2 – 3 months on the websites.
    This Pulgin did not want to uninstall anymore .. until the whole wordpress site was sent to me in BLANK: truly exceptional .. I would say.
    It should be added that I use a few plugins: DEFENDER – CLASSIC EDITOR – WPForms Lite – Yoast SEO + Easy Photo Album or FooGallery or Ultimate Gallery Master (is old plug ..ok) ..

    If there are incompatibilities with some plugins or databases or boh ??, it would be useful to know, if not, I will be forced to stop using it and make this simple change (which I don’t like doing it … but in extreme cases … extreme remedies) :

    Let us know, because I see few who could be your competitors, but I can’t afford anomalies like the ones I see in the last uses of this Plugin.

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    I think I solved it, thanks.
    Testing on One of our Website = ok
    Created test free wp site in = ok
    The problem was some PHP OPTIONS in the Cpanel which, if used, create problems and inconsistencies.
    I think it’s solved, the problem is PHP 7.4 OPTIONS in CPANEL.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    OK Mr. Patrick
    Email sent as requested by one of our most used business emails : NOW.
    Day 9/11/2020 – H 15 min.36 (PM) – Milan – Italy

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    Ok in the wordpress file = WRITE DISABLED

    Not ok in admin panel = RED BUTTON FOREVER !!! (this is the Otpical problem)
    And this RED BUTTON does not happen in all web domains, but only on some (with identical REGISTRAR HOSTING and wordpress + Plugin).

    We use 4 plugins, no cache or other strange plugins: classic editor, Defender, Yoast, Ultimate gallery master, WP forms.

    The problem is in the Admin Panel :
    1) Botton RED does not turn off
    2) Security Tweaks always YELLOW for “Disable File Editor”

    1 + 2 = the “optical problem in ADMIN PANEL -> Section Defender

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni



    //Disable File Edits
    define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

    are write in wp-config
    It remains to be understood because RED BALL IS ALWAYS ACTIVE
    and inside the admin panel of the site ( Why ? ) it looks exactly the opposite of wp-config:
    as if the WRITE FUNCTION were always active and never deactivated:
    The file editor is currently enabled.
    The file editor is currently enabled.
    The file editor is currently enabled.

    I’m glad it works (in wp-config) but not work in “Admin Panel”:

    = In the file wp-config : ok the WRITE is disabled
    = But in the Admin Panel : no, enabled the WRITE .. always.

    This RED signal e the fake CONSTANT TIME NOTICE “The file editor is currently enabled” ( in YELLOW color), generate great confusion in the head of any ADMIN-USER.

    You are never sure because in the ADMIN panel it seems that you have deactivated the WRITE .. but after 2 seconds it “magically” returns as ACTIVE (with red dot + yellow warning).

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    some error logs

    [Tue Oct 13 01:30:07.547017 2020] [access_compat:error] [pid 257832:tid 47718118504192] [client IP XXXXXXXX] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /home/YYYYYYY/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/wp-defender/index.php, referer: https://www.YYYYYYYYY/blog/wp-content/uploads/wp-defender/index.php
    [Tue Oct 13 15:31:02.701745 2020] [access_compat:error] [pid 256100:tid 47718133212928] [client IP XXXXXXXXXX] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /home/YYYYYYYY/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/defender-security/languages/wpdef-default.pot, referer: https://www.YYYYYYYYY/blog/wp-content/plugins/defender-security/languages/wpdef-default.pot

    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    The DEFENDER problem is from the latest DEFENDER version (or last wordpress plus last defender.. ??? ) and I’ve never seen it before.

    Our sites are on different Registrar Providers: and, by chance, this strange problem happens: and it remains so even when I go back to our various blogs with wordpress.

    I am not the owner of the Registrar Hosting where our domains are.
    I refresh the browser, build sites, maintain and clean them (also on FTP FILEZILLA AND CPANEL – MANAGER FILES)
    There are no caches: the servers automatically refresh every day.
    Among other things .. I only have 4 plugins.

    I clean up databases and caches with the usual plugins: Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions

    Nothing more and nothing less

    See the problem of defender here: in real time

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by ultrasuoni.
    Thread Starter ultrasuoni


    No Mr. Nithin, Disable the file Editor = DO NOT WORK PROPERLY IN MANY MY WEB SITE (not all .. not all but ..the majority ..Yes = don’t work the setting “disable editor” ).
    Others functions are ok, the others n. 11 internal features are working !

    Please look and regarde my screenshot for understanding the false result (after refresh pages .. obvious .. in Firefox Browser and others browsers ..).


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