Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Quoted message appearing in repliesCan you please reply via mail to your post on the test forum from the FastMail app in two mails, one as a plain test one as html. I would like to see if the plain text is producing the same results…
Thanks in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Subject line ASCI is being converted to HTMLAny progress?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Quoted message appearing in repliesIt is probably due to reply formatting by your e-mail client. Can you send me a sample of your reply? Just register on the plugin site and post something on the support forum…
I have tested this plugin with various e-mail clients, but of course there are some out there that were not tested.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [pollka polls] Allowing users to change their vote in a poll?Paul, as English is not my first language, maybe there is a better word for this type of poll. Anyhow, you can change the keyword in plugin settings to better suit your needs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [pollka polls] It doesn't work?Had similar effect with WP 4.3 and old 2012 theme. Theme upgrade helped.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [pollka polls] Allowing users to change their vote in a poll?This is exactly what the “open” poll is for. User can change his/her mind, vote again and the new vote will overwrite the old one. The vote can be changed many times, it might require the page reload before the next “change of mind” might be accepted. You can also limit the poll by setting the end date.
Please reffer to the demo page: https://pollka.unicornis.pl/pollka-poll-plugin/ there are two demo account, please feel free to play with them to figure out how it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Reset Password Page – Can't Confirm PasswordJeff (plugin author) pointed me into the right direction. It seems it is because my custom forms. I am currently redoing them into the new format. Will let you know if it worked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Reset Password Page – Can't Confirm PasswordIt works fine in WP 6.2.4, but with 6.3 I have exactly the same behaviour as described by Nathan above.
Installing TML 6.4 Beta 2 did not help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [pollka polls] It doesn't work?Please check w/o any other plugins except bbpress and in one of the basic themes like 2014 for example. Let me know if it helped.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [pollka polls] multiple choiceNot at the moment.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [pollka polls] Allowing users to change their vote in a poll?I am not sure if I understand your suggestion. Voting more than once mean user can change his/her vote. Do you want to limit it only to one change?
Admin can play with the poll results. Table poll_votes, where post_id is the id of post where the poll tag is located, poll_id is the number of poll in this post, then you have user_id and his selection. Changing the respective record will change the result displayed, deleting the record will cancel the vote
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Repetition of footer in emailIn version 1.2.5 the opt-out part “You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the forum Technical and practical on site Oyster Owners Group
Login and visit the forum if you wish to unsubscribe from these emails.” is not part of the notification message any more. If the plugin is used with BuddyPress and BuddyPress e-mail group subscriptions, the opt-out is different. The default text is the same, so it appears twice.The opt-out is hardcoded (I will add customization window in settings, maybe even tonight).
A quick work around is to detele the repeated part in plugin settins in the New Topic and New Reply notification content dialog, or to clear the content of these boxes, save it (than the default text is being populated) and save it once again.
Thanks for pointing out this problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Subject line ASCI is being converted to HTMLI have tried with quote marks and some local characters, both ways (as a notification and a reply), w/o any problems. Can you discribe your case in more details?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Subject line ASCI is being converted to HTMLWhich version of plugin you are refering to? Do you mean the subject line of the e-mail notification or a email with the reply to be posted?
I will have a closer look.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Post via Mail] Error when posting new replyThis is the function form BuddyPress plugin, hooked to bbp_before_record_activity_parse_args action. Should not be called if Buddypress is not installed. So I am a bit curious why this was causing you problems. From the other posts I see that you figured out an workaround.
If the new version still is problematic in your environment, let me know so I will fix it in the next release.