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  • ok ??

    Great to know it is solved!

    Little question: When are you going to release the next version? Can you also include fixes for these ones:

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /Users/camilo/html/cmslandingpages/app/wp-content/plugins/q-and-a-focus-plus-faq/inc/ratings.php on line 65


    function hasAlreadyVoted($post_id) {
    	global $current_user, $timebeforerevote, $qafp_options;
    	$voted_ID = array();
    	$meta_ID = get_post_meta($post_id, "voted_ID");
    	if (isset($meta_ID[0])) {
    		$voted_ID = $meta_ID[0];
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() ) $id = $current_user->ID; else $id = 'A' . ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    	if ( in_array($id, array_keys($voted_ID)) ) {
    		if ( $id[0] != 'A' || $qafp_options['rate_wait'] == null ) return true;
    		$time = $voted_ID[$id];
    		$now = time();
    		if ( round(($now - $time) / 60) > $timebeforerevote ) return false;
    		return true;
    	return false;

    and the following notice:
    Notice: Undefined variable: output in /Users/camilo/html/cmslandingpages/app/wp-content/plugins/q-and-a-focus-plus-faq/inc/ratings.php on line 99


    function getPostLikeLink($post_id) {
    	global $qafp_options;
    	$vote_count = get_post_meta($post_id, "votes_count", true);
    	$icons = $qafp_options['ricons'];
    	$output = '';
    	if ( $qafp_options['restrict_ratings'] == false || ( $qafp_options['restrict_ratings'] == true && is_user_logged_in() ) ) {
    		if(hasAlreadyVoted($post_id)) {
    			$vote_count = $vote_count - 1;
    			if ($vote_count == 1) $persons = "person"; else $persons = "people";
    				$output .= '<span title="' . __('You already found this helpful!', 'qa-focus-plus') . '" class="qtip qafp-like-' . $icons .' qafp-alreadyvoted-' . $icons .'"></span>&nbsp;';
    				$output .= '<span class="qafp-count">';
    				$output .= sprintf( __('You and %1$s other %2$s found this helpful.', 'qa-focus-plus'), $vote_count, $persons);
    				$output .= '</span>';
    		} else {
    			if ($vote_count == 1) $persons = "person"; else $persons = "people";
    			$output .= '<a href="javascript:void(\'0\');" data-post_id="'.$post_id.'" class="qafp-star"><span class="qafp-rating-helper">';
    			$output .= __('Please click here if this helped you.', 'qa-focus-plus');
    			$output .= '</span><br />';
    			$output .= '<span title="' . __('This is helpful!', 'qa-focus-plus') . '" class="qtip qafp-like-' . $icons .'">';
    			$output .= '</span></a>
    			<span class="qafp-count">';
    			$output .= sprintf( __('%1$s %2$s found this helpful.', 'qa-focus-plus'), $vote_count, $persons);
    			$output .= '</span>';
    	} else if ( $qafp_options['restrict_ratings'] == true && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
    		if ($vote_count == 1) $persons = "person"; else $persons = "people";
    		$output .= '<a href="' . wp_login_url( get_permalink() ) . '" target="_top"><span class="qafp-rating-helper">';
    		$output .= __('Please log in to rate this.', 'qa-focus-plus');
    		$output .= '</span><br />';
    		$output .= '<span title="' . __('Please log in to rate this.', 'qa-focus-plus') . '" class="qtip qafp-like-' . $icons .'">';
    		$output .= '</span></a>
    		<span class="qafp-count">';
    		$output .= sprintf( __('%1$s %2$s found this helpful.', 'qa-focus-plus'), $vote_count, $persons);
    		$output .= '</span>';
    	return $output;


    Thread Starter unreal4u


    @james: that was the first thing I did.

    I have completely solved the problem: on the hosting, there was a php.ini value which was the cause of the problem: it was auto-prepending a file called anti-spam-v2.php so a simple php_value auto_prepend_file none in my .htaccess was enough to completely solve the issue.


    Thread Starter unreal4u


    After reinstalling WP 3.0.1, WP 3.0.0, and trying endlessly different solutions… I’ve kind of solved it, and it has nothing to do with whatever was posted before…

    I copied/pasted a LOT of lorem ipsum text just to see whether it was a post size problem, but everything was ok. In total, 2x 150 paragraphs, 2x 17939 words, 2x 120716 bytes of Lorem Ipsum text, which was far up the 4.553 bytes text I was trying to post. (Thanks to lorem ipsum btw, you’ve helped a lot of times xD)

    With the lorem ipsum result, the only problem could be in the text itself… the only “strange” character was the “@”, which was repeated a lot of times (it is a page which displays many, many emails). I replaced all occurrences of @ with some other text ( :%s/@/(in)/g did the trick) and violá: everything was normal.

    I don’t think this is a specific WP bug, because on my test server I have no problems at all with the same “@-contaminated” text. Could it be some spam filter on the hosting? It that even possible?


    Thread Starter unreal4u


    Ok, will try that tonight. However, I don’t think it will solve the problem, i did a scp to the production server so everything should be right.

    I forgot that I have also tried different browsers with the same result (Well, should be, as it is a PHP issue, not a browser issue).

    Greetings !

    Try deactivating APC; I had the exact same error, once i de-activated APC (in php.ini :


    it worked smoothly ??

    Greetings ??



    In your APC conf:

    Update 2 (SOLUTION): This seems promising. In php.ini in the [apc] section I set apc.filters = wp-cache-config which should exclude wp-cache-config.php and wp-cache-config-sample.php from being cached by APC.

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