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  • Thread Starter Updula


    Problem solved! I made a plugin which will add full RTL support to WooCommerce:

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [WooCommerce RTL] Thanks
    Plugin Author Updula


    Thank you do much!
    ????? ??????!

    Thread Starter Updula


    Hey menashkes

    Try downloading the latest verstion (currently 2.2.8) from here:

    Install it like you’d install any other plugin, activate it, and make sure you’re running your WordPress site on a RTL language (e.g. Arabic) for the RTL support to work.

    If you already installed the official plugin, you can download only the files which will add RTL support from here:

    After that you may upload each file to it’s proper directory using FTP.

    If you’d like to make your own RTL version of WooCommerce, follow these instructions:

    - Download the latest version and replace the old plugin folder with the new one.
    - Create a new folder in "assets/css" with the name “rtl” and copy all the CSS stylesheets (but not chosen.css) into it.
    - Configure CSS loaders to detect RTL language and load the needed stylesheets from "assets/css/rtl" via “is_rtl” function (Steps are below).
    - Edit "class-wc-admin-notices.php” & "class-wc-admin-welcome.php” to load “rtl/activation.css”.
    - Edit "class-wc-admin-assets.php” to load “rtl/admin.css”.
    - Edit "class-wc-admin-assets.php” to load “rtl/dashboard.css” & “rtl/menu.css”.
    - Edit "class-wc-frontend-scripts.php” to load “rtl/prettyPhoto.css”.
    - Edit "class-wc-frontend-scripts.php” and add a key named “rtl_src” to the array that loads CSS files to load “rtl/{file_name.}.css”.
    - In "class-wc-frontend-scripts.php”, edit the “foreach” for the variable “$enqueue_styles” to load “rtl_src” if the language is RTL in.
    - RTL each CSS file under “assets/css/rtl”.
    - Find and replace “../“ with “../../“ for all CSS files under “css/rtl”.
    - Edit "woocommerce.css" and make “.product_dimensions” and “.product_weight” classes “direction: ltr” using the classes ".woocommerce table.shop_attributes td, .woocommerce-page table.shop_attributes td".
    - Edit "woocommerce.css" and reverse "margin-right" to "margin-left" for the classes ".woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle:last-child, .woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle:last-child".
    - Edit "woocommerce.css" and replace arrows between the classes ".wc-forward” and ".wc-backward”.
    - Edit "admin.css" and fix TipTip position to be RTL friendly by changing "right" to "left" in the id "#tiptip_holder" and adding "right: 50%; margin-right: -6px" in the classes "#tiptip_arrow, #tiptip_arrow_inner".
    - Edit "admin.css" and reverse “chosen-rtl” class to RTL via the original "admin.css" file.
    - Edit “prettyPhoto.css” and fix its arrows & flip the “close” and “expand” buttons to be at a proper position.
    - Edit "my-orders.php” file “text-align: left” to be RTL friendly using this PHP code "<?php if ( is_rtl() ) { echo 'text-align: right;'; } else { echo 'text-align: left;'; } ?>".
    - Edit all files under “templates/emails” text-algin from “left” to “right” if is RTL.
    - Edit “abstract-wc-email.php” "text-align" from “left” to “right”, and "font-family" from "Arial" to "Tahoma" if is RTL.
    - Edit "class-wc-frontend-scripts.php" to load “chosen-rtl.min.js” & edit that file so it work on the class “.chosen-container”.

    Thank you.

    Me too!

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