Michal Jaworski
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Deprecated CallsHi @jurasjo,
Thanks for the info. We will release the new version of the Tao shortly.
Stay tuned!Regards
MichalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] SubskrybenciWitam,
WP Tao nie zak?ada w ?aden sposób kont w WordPress. Prosz? sprawdzi? czy te konta na pewno si? utworzy?y czy tylko wyst?puj? w logach Tao. Tao mo?e zapisa? taki kontakt np. przy dodawania spamowego komentarza (ale konto si? nie tworzy).
Micha?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Can I implement this plugin in ELGG?Hi @philosofree,
I’m not sure what do you want to achieve. I don’t know ELGG – sorry.
The data is stored in dedicated tables in WP database.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Duplicate queriesHi @jurasjo,
This queries (mailchimp) are run only on admin – they are not slow down your site for regular users.
Nevertheless we will try to optimise this.
MichalHi @stevedtx99,
I looks strange. Can you attach the screenshot? Do you use some “suspicious” plugins?
MichalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Remove Events tied to Unidentified UserHi @stevedtx99,
No, sorry. There’s no such option in WP Tao. One you can do is filter events by those who are identified.
MichalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Ip + MobileHi @pescadito01,
Thanks for suggestions. We will consider to implement such functionality.
MichalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] Request for multiple user actionsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] it caused sites very very slowForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] Problem z p?atno?ci? PayUWitam,
Czy po stronie dane integracyjne s? prawid?owe (nie s? pomylone np. ich kolejno??, nie ma spacji na końcu itp.)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Seller] Zawarto?? chronionaWitam,
ad. 1 A co pojawia si? w miejscu przycisku?
ad. 2 Tak.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao] WoW@jurasjo – thanks! ??
OK, one more question – are you sure the user making order isn’t excluded from tracking? E.g. if you use admin email to make an order and have administrators excluded from tracking, these events will not be recorded.
Could you please try to make an order from different browser and for some new user (not tracked before by Tao)?
Hi @lastafa,
When you write “sales” you mean both order and payment events?
Michal- This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Michal Jaworski.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Custom Emails] Errors when users try to set their passwordHi @tbonetimmons,
Sorry for delayed response… The warning should not be visible anymore since 1.2.2 version of the plugin. Please update.