Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bogo] what about compatibility with woocommerce?It doesn’t seem to work with WooCommerce.
Regular CPTs might work, though.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bogo] Not working with WordPress 4.7.5Works with WP 4.8 and WP 4.9-nightly though.
You might want to disable either WP_DEBUG or reduce the default PHP error reporting w0lf.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nearby WordPress Events] Needs improvements for international users!All my WP installs are using the default language. Thus, locale is normally set to en_US. No, switching to German involves lots of hassles, as it DOES NOT improve the overall usability. Looking up specific parts turn into a huge amount of effort, eg. the meaning of the WooCommerce product sorting options in the same configuration dialoge, and so on.
So yes, one should be a) able to switch the current location in the widget options, and b) either custom radius (input field) or a range for the km amount would be great.
Else I foresee this worthy effort turning into another useless, time-wasting dashboard widget ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Sonder] Nice overall, but does not support PHP 5.3 or olderSo what? PHP 5.3 is obsolete = not updated anymore, and a big PITA for all developers, too.
cu, w0lf.
- This reply was modified 8 years ago by usability.idealist.
IMHO the plugin is missing an update for some vital part that has changed since 4.5.
Currently digging into it meself, w0lf.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Social Media Share Buttons - Social Sharing for Everyone] noprintI suggest adding some print-focused styling to the main CSS file of your theme (usually style.css, but might differ).
One would just set those elements, which you don’t want to be displayed, to either
.my-class { display: none }
to make em completely disappear – or if you still want whitespace, in cases where the former method might break the page layout, you could use visibility: hidden, ie.
.my-class { visibility: hidden }
A good introduction might be CSS Design: Going to Print.
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF: TablePress] Doesn't seem to work ..Theme is not interfering. It’s the _tk starter theme.
I did a quick text search over all available plugin files; the only other possibly guilty plugins, aside of the above mentioned ACF extensions, could be:
- Enhanced Media Library
- CMS Tree Page View
Both mention fixes or adaptions specificially for ACF in their code or documentation. And both are active.
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 4.2.1 image disappears after left/right alignmentActually, the BETTER way would have been to create a child theme of CC2, and do the changes there. With your current implementation, your changes will disappear as soon as you update the theme.
But I personally agree that removing links that aint used anyway is indeed better than just making them visually disappear (ie. not at all) ??
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Secondary Nav Bar not working on mobileThere is no real fix. The second menu would have to be integrated somehow into the first one. This can only be done with extended programming (excessive: server-side / PHP, or less, client-side / Javascript).
A very quick fix – or more like, trick – would be to HIDE the secondary navbar while in mobile view. You could simply add the following CSS code to the Custom CSS field (CC Settings > Advanced Settings > Custom CSS) – assuming you’re using the pre-installed HeadJS:
.lt-768 #access-secondary { display: none; }
If you’re NOT using HeadJS out of any reason, then the more clunky CSS media query is the other choice:
@media (max-width: 767px) { .#access-secondary { display: none; } }
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Secondary Nav Bar not working on mobileAh yes. Very unhelpful, thank you very much.
It’s like I said there (being THIS developer). So, to get more into detail: Why would one require a secondary menu? As some kind of submenu? There is already support for submenus built in .. no need for that.
And even IF one is actually using a second menu, how should that one be handled in a mobile view? Shall there be TWO menu icons be present? How will users determine which menu is which?
So yes, we are replacing the second menu with a “choose your menu location” option. And thus its also totally legitimate to tell you that if you definitely need to continue to use this menu AND have a somehow working mobile view, in which users DO NOT HAVE to decide which menu is which .. then there is custom programming.
So, what’s your point, exactly?
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Photos not centeringhi diparr,
looks like the PinIt plugin (or whatever its called) is causing the issue. The centering works alright, but the plugin puts a span tag around the images, which is set up as inline-block, thus overruling the CSS for the image.
A quick fix would be to add the following CSS code to the Custom CSS field in the theme settings (CC Settings > Advanced Settings > Custom CSS):
span.pibfi_pinterest { display: block; }
And tell the plugin developer this issue as well, maybe he’s gonna add better support for regular WordPress functionality ??
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme Check] Too loose check for get_settings()Yep, I’m aware of that.
Maybe use an exclusion array, something like the following:
$excludes = array('function %s', 'public function %s', ... )
and then just go with an additional condition or method call a la
&& ! this->is_excluded( $key ) )
cu, w0lf.
Hi folks,
this error stems from a functionality that is only available in PHP version 5.4 or later.
So, the quickest fix is: Update your PHP version (or force your host to do it, finally!). PHP 5.3 and older are officially end-of-life and possibly unsecure (also see as well as ).
Other quick fix – if you cannnot update PHP out of any reason – is: Replace includes/admin/customizer-option.class.php in your theme directory that causes the error with the fixed version from Github:
Regular fix will be out in the next update, which supposedly is going to be commited to the WP Theme Directory today or tomorrow.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Dublicate site name in TitleOk, tested it, and there might be a conflict with a function located at the very end of (custom community-directory)/includes/extras.php
For a quick fix, uncomment the complete function, starting from (and including)
if( !function_exists( '_tk_wp_title' ) ) :
An updated version should be up soon in the official github repo at
Just download the file itself and overwrite the existing one in your wordpress installation (Path normally would be: (your-site)/wp-content/themes/custom-community/includes/ ;))
cu, w0lf.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Custom Community] Dublicate site name in TitleHi folks,
gonna file this as a bug in the official bug tracker at Github. At the current time I can only guess, what this might be caused by.
But: What I do know is, that there was a new title handling introduced to WP lately (4.0? 4.1?), and its being further improved .. so any plugin that is hooking into the wp_title filter, which is not up-to-date with these changes, might cause issues.
Of corpse that counts especially for SEO plugins, as they try to rewrite the title tag. AFAIR, the Yoast SEO plugin did have some issues with this new WP feature in the near past as well.
So, best option is – check if all of your plugins are up-to-date, and if any of them might filter the title tag of your site. SEO plugins, as already mentioned, are prime candidates, others might be e-commerce / shop plugins (eg. WooCommerce), maybe BuddyPress or bbPress, any kind of message board / forum solutions .. you name it.
cu, w0lf.