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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sony Payment Services pro for WooCommerce] プラグイン有効化時のエラーwpuser1319 様
説明が足りず申し訳ありませんでした。7.7.2 までで正常に動作することを確認しております。Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sony Payment Services pro for WooCommerce] プラグイン有効化時のエラーwpuser1319 様
Sony Payment Services pro for WooCommerce 1.2.3 につきましては、WooCommerce 8.5.2 には対応いたしておりません。本プラグインの正常動作が確認できておりますのは、WooCommerce 7.7 までとなっております。
エラーメッセージを解消するには、管理画面>WooCommerce>設定>高度な設定>機能>「WordPress 投稿ストレージ (旧)」にチェックして「変更を保存」してください。
ですが根本的に、本プラグインが WooCommerce の High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) および Checkout Block に対応する必要があるため、現在プラグインの修正作業中です。
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] Dual languageHello,
Welcart has no feature of dual language. This is by design.
And Multilingual Plugin like WPML doesn’t work well on welcart.
So unfortunately we cannot help you about this matter.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] PayPal on welcart after the PayPal security updateWe apologize for the inconvenience.
The payment module problem is not easy to investigate the root cause because it is related the settings of cart, server, paypal account, SSL, etc.
The all thing we can do is telling you the following information.1. We don’t have the problem information of PAYPAL(WPP and EC) on welcart from other users currently.
2. -error code 10002 -security error -security header is not valid
The error code is generated by PAYPAL not welcart.
10002 means API Username or API Password or API Signature is not correct.
If you want to get more informattion, please contact to PAYPAL support.
3. Welcart update should not have affected the language settings.
On our test site, we can check out though the wordpress language sets to English.We are sorry but we will not be able to any further research at this forum.
If you required any more researh, we can provide the support for a fee.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] PayPal on welcart after the PayPal security updateHello,
Thank you for the information.
Unfortunately Skype is unavailable.We can answer on this forum only.Paypal:
Since you can’t see the paypal form, it might be the problem of your personal settings of paypal account.
Would you please check the settings with reference to the below link? delivery error:
Let me confirm.
Has it already resolved except your WordPress now?Please let me know the setting place you set to English.
1. Settings > General > Site language
2. Welcart Shop > System Setting > Language Currency Country tab > The language of the frong-end
3. Both 1 and 2Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] PayPal on welcart after the PayPal security updateHello,
1. Which Paypal module has the problem, “Paypal web payment plus” or “Paypal express checkout”?
2. Can you see Paypal screen when you press purchase button? If there are any error messages, please let me know the details.
3. You wrote having problems since Paypal upgrade. Had you been able to use it without any issues until upgrade? If so, please let me know the details of the upgrade.
Regarding the error of “delivery method incorrect. Specify international flights.”, it occurs when you don’t set up the delivery area for overseas shipments on welcart delivery settings or customers choose domestic shipments even though their shipping address is overseas.Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] PayPal on welcart after the PayPal security updateHello,
If your customize is only a theme, it is not affected.
Welcart update affects only the files of welcart plugin(usc-e-shop folder).
Thank you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] PayPal on welcart after the PayPal security updateHello depaiso,
Please let me check the below things.
1. Do you use the latest version of welcart? If not, will you upgrade it to the latest version and confirm the problem still exist or not?
2. Regarding PayPal upgrade, what upgrade did you execute? Please let me know the details.( The type of upgrade, the version,when, how, etc)
Thank you.Hi, markbyrnes
What is the version of Welcart that your client uses now?
When you upgrade it, depending on a version using, configured data may break. However, there cannot be the thing that product data disappear.Furthermore, Welcart may not work normally when the theme that you use is too old even if you upgrade Welcart.
To operate it definitely, Upgrade Welcart to latest version and install ‘wc_templates’ folder in the theme folder that you are using. There is ‘wc_templates’ in /usc-e-shop/theme/welcart_default/.
When you use ‘wc_templates’, a layout may collapse. In that case, please coordinate style.css.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] [Plugin: Welcart e-Commerce] Unable to add categoriesこんにちは。
商品のカテゴリーとして新規カテゴリーを登録する場合は、親カテゴリーをItems として登録してください。そうすれば商品登録ページのカテゴリーリストに表示されます。
今後少しずつ翻訳して行こうと思っております。Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] [Plugin: Welcart e-Commerce] Donation Link?Oh, I was able to understand it.
Tthanks, ipstenu.I do not demand contribution. Please do not mind it.
I intend to do my best to evolve this plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] [Plugin: Welcart e-Commerce] Donation Link?Hello,
I comment with translation software. If there is a mistake in a sentence, please forgive me. In our staff, there is not the person who can guide you in English. If you endure it, we do not demand contribution.
What is your trouble?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Welcart e-Commerce] [Plugin: Welcart e-Commerce] Registration pageHi,
You must use the custom permanent link to use the language plugin. (I think that you have already used Permanent Link.)
And please try to upgrade Welcart with current Development Version(next v0.7.3).Thanks
Welcart does not work in a network of WordPress for the moment.