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“your css is too long” this message return the Critical Path CSS Generator…
That css was created when i check the agregate css, if uncheck it this influence the web site?
I need to find some references for evalutions of each steps, that’s why i compair numbers ??
In fact, as practic, the pages are open faster without some misc. optimisation, and for Critical Path CSS i don’t find that css in the inspect page to could put in the generator frame to have a test…could find it for me, thanks.- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
Now i check the first 3 option in Misc option, but i see that at reopen the page is not refresh like it cames from cache…and the score in gtmetrix is higher, in pagespeed see that now the “Eliminate render-blocking resources” is better than whithout this three option.
As evaluation the cache is not function now like before, even the scores are most similars.- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
404 fallback is unchecked and that for loged visitors, in the Misc section i mean.
1. 404 fallback’-option in Autoptimize was not enable
2. I don’t understand “above the fold CSS” from AO faq and don’t want to mistake something on site, i generate from Critical Path CSS Generator but further need to study this issue ??
3. I have clear Hummingbird page cache- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
As i test till now that font error in the current status is gone and with AO settings described before + Inline and Defer CSS? activated and i write “above the fold CSS” in the text frame, i don’t know if that means the explanations.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
Hi, now i reactivate the AO and the settings are:
JS – Optimize JavaScript Code? and Aggregate JS-files? – activated
CSS – Optimize CSS Code? and Aggregate CSS-files? – activated
HTML – Optimize HTML Code? – activated
Misc – none
Extra – Remove emojis and Remove query strings from static resources – activatedPls do a try now, the score is better but is around 11 sec, the requests are 57 and the page size is only 911 KB now compairing with 2,5 M before. ??
ok, further settings can be done? ThanksViorel
p.s. – this CSS optimize “Also aggregate inline CSS?” give error at open page.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
I see, so you say that Hummingbird is a kind of substitute for WP-Optimize plugin on the cache part? And further what shall i test with AO, you mean to activated back and test what, as we know the part that mentioned was the CSS optimze of AO that when was deactivated the fonts are displayed well, so what you sugest to test further, thanks.
Viorelp.s.-one more remark, now as i see in the gtmetrix i have more request conted from aprox 70 to 100, is that any problem for the site speed?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
Hi, thanks for your respond, i test another plugin to see how it change
what i work till now. Now it seams that glyps are solved, i don’t know
from where can be solved with Autoptimize and with another cache plugin.
The Hummingbird is very sofisticated and thing that resolve others things
that we can’t see when we test before so what is your advice?Viorel
p.s.-even now with Hummingbird the site speed score is not so good around
18 sec. on gtmetrix, don’t know if this a reference in what we evaluate
now?Right now, what you have test is cache page set it from WP-Optimize plugin and others from Autoptimize with CSS optimize entirely off.
Regarding the speed test of site did you have any scores from me it looks very high as time almost 26 sec. for open?
Viorelp.s.-how can i check if cache page is working? i test on ftp to see if the folder with the content is created there in the wordpress cache folder, is any other method?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
Hi, right now i have test with no CSS optimize (“optimize CSS” is entirely off) and in Firefox now looks good at reopening posts.
Remains Chrome browser with malfunctioning with CSS entirely off, that browser still display with error from open/reopen, Chrome browser as i read, if has some plugin activated, could give such an erros, maybe…or a problem with his cache, because when i open first time a post, not those opened before with othe browser, it display coreclty.Viorel
p.s.- update, also i have seen when i inspect WP-Optimize that is a mentioned there about two Apaceh modules that looks to be inactive and here is the messahe from WP:
“Browser static file caching headers are currently disabled.
We successfully updated your .htaccess file. But it seems one of Apache modules – mod_expires or mod_headers is not active.”
Could this create some malfunctioning on the cache part?- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
Yes, but with different browser then Edge.
Edge work ok, but others no, strange…did you test with which browser?- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
No, only with that off will function corectly, now is only “aggregate inline CSS” OFF and this work after a one day cache…could you try you too some open/reopen posts to have an evaluation? Thanks.
Viorelp.s.- late edit, i also test this… if i reopen a post in Edge browser for example is displayed corectly, but if i try to open the same post in Firefox this will give me error on opening, i don’t know if the other browser open the post/page from cache directly, because that could be a reason for this malfunction.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.
Hi, both. I have try first deactivate the all “optimize CSS” and after that step by step the others in the CSS section and only when i deactivate only “aggregate CSS”. Both settings have the same better result, but are not stable, i have test also on mobile device too and of course remain the high value for the open time…
As i say, when goes wrong, only the first post open will work corectly and at a reopening will go with errors, when, i guess, the browser download from cache, because the reopening goes fast.
Viorelp.s.- i leave the same settings mentioned before, with Autoptimize and with WP-Optimize as page cache plugin, but the speed of site is very bad at first opening, after from cache is good. Could test you too the page opening and have an evaluation, thanks.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by userwp2020.