Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VikBooking Hotel Booking Engine & PMS] Combined booking of roomsAmazing! Thank you very much!! There are so many functions, I missed this one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Docs] ImagesI would like to add here that if you use a TinyMCE editor plugin, like “Advanced Editor Tools”, you can insert images and get a lot more editing tools.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Ustramator.
It works great!!!
Now all fields are translatable.
Thank you!!!I don’t believe I didn’t see it! Thank you so much!
Is there any possibility to resolve the second issue, the translation of the entries in drop down lists? Or am I doing something wrong again? ??I want to say a very big Thank You to Peter for his support.
My problem with no tables appearing in the list when creating a new Publisher can be resolved by turning temporarily “Mod_Security” to “detection only”. Then, after creating the Publishers, you can revert it to normal. The created Publishers are there and work like a charm.Hello again Peter. I answered with a message through the form 2 days ago. Did you receive it?
Hello again and thank you for trying to figure out what is happening. It seems that there is an auth problem.
I want to inform you that when I hover over a table name in Explorer, there are 2 options that appear: Manage and Explore. Manage doesn’t work (it only shows “Loading…”), but Explore works, opens the table entries and I can edit and save them.The response you asked is:
HTTP/2 403 Forbidden
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date: Mon, 07 Dec 2020 16:34:40 GMT
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X-Firefox-Spdy: h2Here is the full Request and Response:
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}This is the system info from the plugin:
Operating System
Version=#1 SMP Thu Jun 18 05:28:41 EDT 2020
Machine Type=x86_64
Host Name=*****
Database Management System
Pivileges=Alter, Alter routine, Create, Create routine, Create temporary tables, Create view, Create user, Delete, Drop, Event, Execute, File, Grant option, Index, Insert, Lock tables, Process, Proxy, References, Reload, Replication client, Replication slave, Select, Show databases, Show view, Shutdown, Super, Trigger, Create tablespace, Update, Usage
.* TO ‘***’@’%’
Web Server
PHP Version=7.2.34
Root DIR=/var/www/vhosts/***.com/***.gr
Temp DIR=/tmp
HTTP Upload=Enabled
Max Upload File Size=64M
Post Max Size=64M
Max Execution Time=180
Max Input Time=180
Memory Limit=384M
Output Buffering=4096
Home DIR=/var/www/vhosts/***.com/****.gr/???>???750
Uploads DIR=/var/www/vhosts/***.com/***.gr/wp-content/uploads???>???755
Home URL=https://***.gr
Site URL=https://***.gr
Upload URL=https://***.gr/wp-content/uploads
Use MySQLi=true
Database Host=localhost:3306
Database Name=***
Database User=***
Database Character Set=utf8
Database Collate=
WP Debugging Mode=false
WP Data Access
Repository=+Y8lbq_wpda_menus (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_table_design (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_logging (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_project (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_project_page (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_project_table (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_media (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_publisher (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci) +Y8lbq_wpda_table_settings (InnoDB | utf8_general_ci)
Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1 Safari/605.1.15Yes, I see all tables in Data Explorer. Also, I can create test tables in Designer and added in Repository. I added a photo of Explorer in the above shared album.
I want to add that I installed the plugin on 2 more WP sites I have, with different content (themes, plugins, etc) and it also doesn’t work.- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Ustramator.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Ustramator.