Forum Replies Created
6. Relative URLs in many place are broken i.e. plugin not considering the case where admin is giving relative url in backend instead of full url.
5. Poor English across the plugin, you should have hired someone to fix that.
Sorry for being dumb. I forgot i have posted in the reviews instead of support.
4. Accent Color (globally) not customizable accross the Plugin except for link color (general settings) & form colors
3. Add Support for input of CSS Variable, RGBA & Hex with alpha for color inputs. Right now only hex color can be given as input to color input (form colors, settings colors, etc). I don’t want to hard code colors rather link them to my global colors (defined in CSS variables).
2. “View Profile” link in “Edit Profile” page takes again to “Edt Profile” page though it should take to some page where Profile Data is read only.
Thanks for the update it is working great.
OK perfect. Will do that for the time being and will wait for next release. Thanks for the great work.
Related Issue – I don’t found “Taxonomies” Field with “Select” set to render (ui) as expected as i cannot search terms + “Parent: Childs” as a option in “Select” UI comes after every child term like –
-Format: Childs
–Format: Childs
…Working search & below structure could be better i believe –
-Format: All Childs
-Format: Direct Childs
…- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by utsavmadaan823. Reason: Another related issue added related to UI
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Central Color Palette] True Global CSS Variable Linking SupportIt was fairly easy than Elementor integration, for Elementor i took a longer route –
1. Create ACF Options with Fields same as CCP color keys
2. Link ACF Option Fields with CCP color keys
3. Link Elementor Block value with ACF Option Field valueWish that these features could be baked in the plugin. My shared code may not be ideal as written with many time constraints but certainly working fine. If anyone needs any help with the shared code let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Central Color Palette] True Global CSS Variable Linking SupportOk i was able to achieve it myself by using Gutenberg’s API method add_theme_support.
Code for reference –
//gutenberg + ccp integration - will add ccp colors as palette in Gutenberg + when used in Gutenberg blocks - will be linked to css variable instead of setting hardcoded hex color add_action('plugins_loaded',function(){ //mention ccp keys which you want to integrate with acf $builder_replacement_array=[ 'color_widget_primary', 'color_widget_primary_plus', 'color_widget_secondary', 'color_widget_secondary_plus', 'color_body_background', 'color_widget_background_primary', 'color_widget_background_secondary', 'color_border_main', 'color_border_alternate', 'color_success', 'color_error', 'color_warning', 'color_text_heading', 'color_text_primary', 'color_text_primary_plus', 'color_text_secondary', 'color_one', 'color_two', 'color_three', 'color_four', 'color_five', 'color_light', 'color_dark', 'color_theme_type', ]; $gutenburg_global_styles_array = array(); $gutenburg_compatibility_css=''; foreach ($builder_replacement_array as $color_variable) { $prepared_color_variable = "var(--{$color_variable})"; array_push($gutenburg_global_styles_array,array( 'name' => custom_make_it_human_readable($color_variable), 'slug' => $color_variable, 'color' => $prepared_color_variable, ) ); $color_variable = str_replace('_','-',$color_variable); $gutenburg_compatibility_css .= ".has-{$color_variable}-background-color{background-color:{$prepared_color_variable};}.has-{$color_variable}-color{color:{$prepared_color_variable};}"; } add_theme_support('editor-color-palette',$gutenburg_global_styles_array); custom_inline_enqueue('wp_enqueue_scripts',true,$gutenburg_compatibility_css,'custom-gutenberg-ccp-integration-css'); custom_inline_enqueue('admin_enqueue_scripts',true,$gutenburg_compatibility_css,'custom-gutenberg-ccp-integration-css'); }); // custom - wp - inline enqueue css or javascript function custom_inline_enqueue($enqueue_action,$is_css,$css_or_script,$css_or_script_name,$footer = false){ add_action($enqueue_action,function()use($enqueue_action,$is_css,$css_or_script,$css_or_script_name,$footer){ if($is_css){ wp_register_style($css_or_script_name,false); wp_enqueue_style($css_or_script_name); wp_add_inline_style($css_or_script_name,$css_or_script); }else{ if($footer){ wp_register_script($css_or_script_name,false,array(),false,true); wp_enqueue_script($css_or_script_name,false,array(),false,true); }else{ wp_register_script($css_or_script_name,false); wp_enqueue_script($css_or_script_name); } wp_add_inline_script($css_or_script_name,$css_or_script); } }); }
- This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by utsavmadaan823.
Ok on cart is correctly displaying individual prices i.e. sale price of individual products – bundle discount = bundle discounted price but on bundle product page it is displaying regular price of individual product – regular discount = sale price of individual product
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Faview - Virtual Reviews for WooCommerce] Didn’t worked for meVery sorry forgot to reply.
Sorry cannot provide link as it is not yet live but locally hosted.
But can you confirm how many of above mentioned things you are aware of ?
I want to know whether such problem only happening to me(or with flatsome theme) or those bugs exist in plugin ?Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Discussions Tab for WooCommerce Products] Missing Source FilesSo it was some code in PipDiscus plugin which was resulting in no template for your plugin Discussions tab. After making some adjustments now it worked. No need to make any changes in your plugin. All ok now.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Discussions Tab for WooCommerce Products] Missing Source FilesSo i checked it. Here are my observations:
1. PipDiscus plugin use filter ‘comments_template’ to replace existing comment template with its template (disqus embedded into it).
2. PipDiscus is not able to replace existing comment template of Woocommerce whether default “Reviews” or your plugin “Discussion” because of no priority set by PipDiscus filter hook.
3. After setting priority higher as needed to make PipDiscus replace Woocommerce comment template it works with “Reviews” (though i needed to replace Discussions only) but not with your plugin “Discussions”. Your plugin than show nothing in discussions tab.
Please let me know if you are correcting this behaviour otherwise i would do it.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by utsavmadaan823.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Discussions Tab for WooCommerce Products] Missing Source FilesSorry forgot about it.
So i tested it now, yes everything is as you said except for those mentioned ids being duplicate and i am able to stylize it as needed with Custom CSS.
Though one issue i am having don’t know whether it should be fixed at your end or i should myself adjust it (will do after 2-3 days).
Issue is i have added this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/pipdisqus/ to replace wordpress native comments with Disqus..it replaces comment system in regular post but not discussion system (your plugin) in post type product.
It could be your plugin or pipdiscus plugin or even theme. So will look into it, will update you here.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by utsavmadaan823.