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  • Theme Author uxl


    It is not necessary to install plugins to translate the theme. This was never said by me. I was merely pointing out one of the ways that theme strings can be translated quickly and easily. There are other ways also.

    You do not need to copy a whole file (customizer.php in your case) from the theme just to translate one text string. That is not the correct way to go about it. If you had asked in the support forum, how to translate ‘Read More’ into Spanish I would have been more than happy to help. You instead decided that it cannot be done and proceeded to write a review containing inaccurate information

    Negative reviews I am prepared to accept and I welcome them too, as it is very helpful to receive less than positive reviews.

    But when a review is inaccurate, that is unfair I feel. I am even prepared to accept unfair reviews if there seems to be point to the unfairness, but I see no obvious point. You haven’t educated or informed anyone with any valid or accurate points.

    You have been misleading in leading users to feel that the theme cannot be translated nor be used with a child theme, when this is very untrue.

    My response was meant to be ironic and light hearted and yes sarcastic too, which can be funny or amusing sometimes. Sometimes not also… anyway no harm done.

    Theme Author uxl


    Hi, thank you for the mediocre review. This theme, it really is a joke isn’t it. Garbage, trash, rubbish, nonsense, hokum, hogwash, mediocre even.

    I mean, it’s not like it is really easy to translate the theme strings such as “Read More” in seconds with Loco Translate for example, or the fact that if it wasn’t translateable it wouldn’t even have passed the theme review process:

    It’s not even like one can help contribute to translating it into erm… say Spanish for instance, not only for ones own benefit but for the benefit of others too.

    Child themes! Bah who needs those eh?? Oh wait, this theme is child theme friendly as again it wouldn’t pass the theme review process if it wasn’t:

    Of course, you do not have to use it again as there are plenty of other themes available to use free of charge too. See here:

    Just be very careful not to use another mediocre theme for your client(s) again, as they are very important and should be treated better than gold. I certainly would never use (nor continue to use) a mediocre theme for a client’s site simply because “it’s already gone far”.

    Thanks again for the wise words.

    Theme Author uxl


    Not sure if you are aware that the footer menu has support for social media links and standard text menu items, so you can mix them together in the same menu if you wish.

    e.g. menu item | social icon | menu item | social icon

    or: menu item | menu item | menu item | social icon | social icon

    etc etc…

    Theme Author uxl


    Hi, the Trusted theme is not removing the sidebar for mobile devices. It is the WP Touch plugin which is causing the issue. You would need to ask the authors of that plugin as we are not the authors of that plugin and do not have knowledge of that plugin.

    I am not sure why you are using WP Touch plugin as the Trusted theme is responsive and mobile-friendly so does not need any other plugins to make it mobile-friendly.

    Hope this helps.

    Theme Author uxl


    Hi, the three boxes below the header image is not a page template selectable in page attributes, although they do only display on a static front page using the ‘Default Template’.

    The settings for the this is ‘Featured Services’ located in Appearance > Customize > Home Page Settings > Featured Services.

    From there you can change the icons and select three pages to display the title and excerpt of the pages you select.

    Theme Author uxl


    Hi, to hide the page title on the home page only, add this CSS:

    .home .main-title{
    display: none;
    Theme Author uxl


    Hi, yes the green is the default ‘primary color’.

    In your site dashboard go to Appearance > Customize, select the Colors panel and you will see the primary color setting which you can change to any color you wish.

    Thread Starter uxl


    Got the log entries working by disabling the 404 log and setting the redirect logs to two months to keep. Won’t save with the other time to keep settings though.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply so quickly.

    Thread Starter uxl


    Yes, I have the settings enabled for logs, and have tried all the various time to keep settings.

    I suspect it may be a problem with bbpress which I updated at the same time.

    Looking again at the 404 log, all the ‘not real’ 404s are /forums/user/… or /forums/search/…
    These do however resolve to non-404 ‘pages’ so not sure why they are ending up in the 404 log, nor why my actual redirects are not being logged.

    Theme Author uxl


    Hi our theme demo does not have a gray box behind the slide button, so would you mind sharing your site URL so I can take a look at the gray box on your site please?

    Theme Author uxl


    The text below “Home” in the slider is taken from the page ‘Excerpt‘ as I previously explained.
    You can leave the ‘Excerpt‘ empty if you wish, or write a shorter brief of the main content in the ‘Excerpt‘ area of the page editor.

    The slider is designed to be full screen. If you want the home page to be similar the other pages (with small ribbon at the top) simply disable the slider in the customizer: Appearance > Customize > Home Page Settings > Full Screen Slider and check the box next to ‘Disable Slider’.

    However one thing to note is that it won’t display “Home” in the header (the small ribbon at the top) as the home page is designed to NOT show the page title.

    If you really need the home page to display the page title, let me know and I’ll explain how to override the template using a child theme.

    Theme Author uxl


    Can you confirm whether not you are able to see the main content area where you would write your page content? as shown in this image:

    This is where you would write the text for all your pages.

    On all your other pages, for example your ‘About Me’ page you have written the main body of page content, so the area where you write page content must be visible to you in the page editor??

    Also, in the customizer (Appearance > Customize) navigate to Static Front Page and be sure to check the box next to ‘Show Page Content On Front Page’.

    While in the customizer you can also go into ‘Front Page Settings’ and then in ‘Featured Services’, ‘About Us Section’ and ‘Call-to-action Panel’ you can check the boxes next to ‘Disable Featured Section’, ‘Disable About Section’ and ‘Disable Call-to-action Panel’ if you are not using these sections.

    Theme Author uxl


    Is your site

    If so, it looks like you are trying to display the whole of your home page content within the slider. The slider is not designed for this.

    In the customizer, when you set up a slide or slides, you select which page to use for that slide. The slide then displays the ‘Title’ and the ‘Excerpt’ of the selected page (the excerpt can be left empty if you wish).
    The excerpt is designed to cut off at 110 words, as otherwise it could be too long for the slider area.

    It looks like you have written your home page content into the ‘Excerpt’ area.
    You should use the excerpt for a brief intro of your page content.
    The main content of your page should be written in the main page content area.

    Theme Author uxl


    If you cannot see anywhere to write an excerpt, in the page editor, click on ‘Screen Options’ in the upper right, and make sure that []Excerpt is checked.

    Theme Author uxl


    Hi, the home page slider displays the ‘excerpt’ of your chosen page which is limited to a maximum of 110 words.

    The excerpt in the slider is only intended as a brief intro to the page’s main content.

    You should write the full text into the main page editing area.

    Hope this helps.

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