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This describes 100% axactly my problem, please help
Error Handling
PayPal’s system can be tricky when it comes to handling errors. Most PayPal plugins do not correctly process the PayPal response which can result in big problems. For example:Fraud Filters could throw a “warning” instead of a full “success” response even when the payment was completed successfully.
Many plugins treat these as failures and customers end up with duplicate payments if they continue to retry.
Our plugins always handle these warnings/errors correctly so that you do not have to worry about dealing with those types of situations.This is the error message:
DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call failed.
Error Code: 10410
Error Severity Code: Error
Short Error Message: Invalid token
Detailed Error Message: Invalid token.
Order ID: 6816
Customer Name: Philipp Packmor
Customer Email: [email protected]but transaction is successful anyway…
Here you can find the screen showed up after successful paypal payment:
How can i add a screenshot to my message?