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  • Valdenir Flauzino


    To do that you’ll need to edit some source code and add a custom css.
    If you have basic html / css skills, you can make the changes easily:

    In your WordPress admin:

    1. Go to Appearance > Editor > Header (header.php) and add a html code bellow this:

    <?php $evolve_pos_logo = evolve_get_option('evl_pos_logo','left'); if ($evolve_pos_logo == "disable") { ?> 
      <?php } else { ?>
       <?php $evolve_header_logo = evolve_get_option('evl_header_logo', '');
        if ($evolve_header_logo) {
            echo "<a href=".home_url()."><img id='logo-image' class='img-responsive' src=".$evolve_header_logo." /></a>";

    <div class="TopAd">[Paste your AdSense code here]</div>

    2. Go to Appearance < Theme Options > Custom CSS and add a CSS to positioning the ad (something like this):

    .TopAd{width: 728px; height: 90px; float: left; margin:10px 0;}

    NOTES: How is a change of source code, maybe you can lost in the next update. If this happens, you’ll need to do this proccesss again.

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Firstly we’ll need your website URL to take a look.
    Perhaps we’ll need to access your project to see the wordpress and theme settings.

    Waiting your response.


    Valdenir Flauzino


    Hi Gustavo.
    The problem of gray bar occurred because was selected the option to place widgets in Header. As there was no widget, located an empty space.
    The problem has been resolved in Appearance> Theme Options> Header> Number of cols in header widget
    I selected 0 (first option).

    If you have any other problem, I am available!

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Just add a simple custom CSS in Appearance > Theme Options > Custom CSS:


    I hope that helps!

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Olá, terei de acessar seu projeto para ver como está configurado.
    Em breve você receberá um email com as solicita??es para resolu??o do seu problema.


    Valdenir Flauzino


    I think you are using a plugin (Cactus Masonry) to manage the home contents / gallery. Any way, maybe you can solve this issue in 2 ways:

    1. In your wordpress admin, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Custom CSS and add a simple class:
    .CM_area{margin-top: -55px !important}

    2. if you have knowledge in HTML / CSS, you can edit the plugin CSS directly.

    I Hope that helps!

    Valdenir Flauzino


    If you set your layout width to 1200 or more, the sidebar will resize automacally. In your wordpress admin, go to Appearance > Theme Options > General and change the Layout Style to wide.

    But, if you need a custom solution, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Custom CSS and add some classes, like this:

    #primary{width:50% !important}
    #secondary{width:50% !important}

    Note: You’ll need to set the percentual to the content column (#primary) and the sidebar column (#second).

    I hope that helps

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Olá, acho que você ativou o “Post Slider” mas n?o existe nenhum post a apresentar.
    Tente acessar o menu Aparência > Theme Options > Posts Slider e mude a op??o Posts Slider placement para Manually select in a Page / Post edit mode. Teste!

    Se o problema persistir, tente escolher, na op??o Slideshow contentPost in Category” e em category Ids coloque “9999999“. Teste!

    Para remover a borda e sombra das imagens, adicone um código CSS personalizado: Aparência > Theme Options > Custom CSS:
    .entry-content .thumbnail-post {border:none !important; box-shadow:none !important}

    Espero ter ajudado!


    Hello, I think you have activated the “ Post Slider ” but there is no post to display.
    Try to access the menu Appearance> Theme Options> Slider Posts and change the Posts Slider placement to Manually select in the Page / Post edit mode . Test!

    If the problem persists, try to choose the option Slideshow content Post in Category ” and category IDs put “9999999 “. Test!

    To remove the border and images’ shadow, Add a custom CSS code: Appearance> Theme Options> Custom CSS :
    .thumbnail post .entry-content {border: none! important; box-shadow: none important}

    Hope that helps!

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Hi, aathrift6!
    Have you resolved your issue?
    If not, could you send more details about what you want.
    I’ve navigated in your website and everything looks like well.

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Hi, shaneonabike!
    Can We help you with this issue?
    Have you already resolved the banner excerpt?


    Valdenir Flauzino


    Hi, ronsmithaia!
    Have resolved your issues?
    If you need, I can help you.


    Valdenir Flauzino


    In your WordPress admin go to appearance > theme options > Custom Css.


    Valdenir Flauzino


    Only premium version have tabs support, but you can use a Plugin to solve this issue.
    Install and activate a plugin called “Tabby Responsive Tabs”.
    See the plugin info.

    Valdenir Flauzino


    Olá, tente o seguinte:
    1. No admin do WordPress, clique em Aparência > Theme Options > General e escolha a op??o de layout “Layout Style” como Wide
    Notas: Essa altera??o afetara o site como um todo.

    2. Se a barra cinza na qual você se refere for o Breadcrumbs, vá em Aparência > Theme Options > Extra e desmarque a op??o “Enable Breadcrumbs Navigation”.

    3. Você pode utilizar um plugin chamado “Contact Form 7” para criar quantos formulários quanto quiser.

    Veja se essas solu??es atendem e qualquer dúvida, entre em contato.


    Hello, try the following:
    1. In the admin of WordPress, click Appearance> Theme Options> General and select the layout option “Layout Style” as Wide
    Notes: This change will affect the site as a whole.

    2. If the gray bar at which you refer is the Breadcrumbs, go to Appearance> Theme Options> Extra and uncheck the “Enable Breadcrumbs Navigation” option.

    3. You can use a plugin called “Contact Form 7” to create as many forms as you want.

    See if these solutions are good and any questions, please contact.

    Valdenir Flauzino


    In your wordpress admin go to appearance > theme options > blog and disable ‘Share This’ buttons placement.

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