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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Streaming audio on List of elementI’m sorry guys! My bad!
In the wrong place I’ve overwritten the file! It Works!
Thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Streaming audio on List of elementIf u want i can share my file and link of demo site
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Streaming audio on List of elementYes, the code that i posted is my template file: product_single.tpl.html.
<div class="sell-downloads-product"> <!-- PRODUCT COVER --> <tpl ifset="product.cover"> <div class="product-cover"> <a href="{}"> <img src="{product.cover}"> </a> </div> </tpl ifset="product.cover"> <div class="product-data"> <!-- PRODUCT TITLE --> <tpl ifset="product.title"> <div class="product-title"> <a href="{}"> {product.title} </a> </div> </tpl ifset="product.title"> <!-- PRODUCT TYPE --> <tpl ifset="product.has_types"> <div class="product-type"> <ul> <tpl loop="types"> <li><span class="arrow">?</span>{}</li> </tpl loop="types"> </ul> </div> </tpl ifset="product.has_types"> <!-- PRODUCT POPULARITY --> <tpl ifset="product.popularity"> <div class="product-popularity"> <span class="label">popularity: </span> {product.popularity} </div> </tpl ifset="product.popularity"> <!-- PRODUCT PRICE --> <tpl ifset="product.price"> <div class="product-price"> {product.price} </div> </tpl ifset="product.price"> <!-- PRODUCT DEMO --> <tpl ifset="product.demo"> <div class="single"> {product.demo} </div> </tpl ifset="product.demo"> <!-- SELL DOWNLOADS LINK --> <tpl ifset="product.store_page"> <div class="sell-downloads-link"> <a href="{product.store_page}"> Go to the store page </a> </div> </tpl ifset="product.store_page"> <!-- PRODUCT SALES BUTTONS --> <tpl ifset="product.salesbutton"> <div class="product-payment-buttons"> {product.salesbutton} </div> </tpl ifset="product.salesbutton"> </div> </div>
I have no idea why not show a demo streaming
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Streaming audio on List of elementDone but not working.
Now my function is:
function display_content($mode, $tpl_engine, $output='echo'){ $action = SD_H_URL.'?sd_action=buynow'; $product_data = array( 'title' => $this->post_title, 'cover' => $this->cover, 'link' => get_permalink($this->id), 'popularity' => $this->plays, 'social' => null, 'price' => null, 'has_types' => null ); if(get_option('sd_social_buttons')){ $product_data['social'] = get_permalink( $this->id ); } if($this->time) $product_data['time'] = $this->time; if($this->year) $product_data['year'] = $this->year; if($this->info) $product_data['info'] = $this->info; if(count($this->type)){ $product_data['has_types'] = true; $artists = array(); foreach($this->type as $type){ $types[] = array('data' => '<a href="'.get_term_link($type).'">'.$type->name.'</a>'); } $tpl_engine->set_loop('types', $types); } if(!empty($this->file)){ if(get_option('sd_paypal_enabled') && get_option('sd_paypal_email') && !empty($this->price)){ $currency_symbol = get_option('sd_paypal_currency_symbol', SD_PAYPAL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL); $product_data['price'] = ((!empty($currency_symbol)) ? $currency_symbol.sprintf("%.2f", $this->price) : sprintf("%.2f", $this->price).get_option('sd_paypal_currency', SD_PAYPAL_CURRENCY)); $paypal_button = SD_URL.'/paypal_buttons/'.get_option('sd_paypal_button', SD_PAYPAL_BUTTON); $product_data['salesbutton'] = '<form action="'.$action.'" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="sd_product_type" value="single" /><input type="hidden" name="sd_product_id" value="'.$this->id.'" /><input type="image" src="'.$paypal_button.'" style="padding-top:5px;" /></form>'; }else{ $product_data['salesbutton'] = '<a href="'.$this->file.'" target="_blank">'.__('Download Here', SD_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>'; } } $demo = $this->demo; if( !empty( $demo ) ){ $ext = pathinfo( $demo, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); $type = ''; $class = ''; if( !empty( $ext ) && get_option( 'sd_online_demo', SD_ONLINE_DEMO) ){ switch( strtolower( $ext ) ){ case 'pdf': $type = 'application/pdf'; break; case 'ps': $type = 'application/postscript'; break; case 'odt': $type = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'; break; case 'ods': $type = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'; break; case 'odp': $type = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation'; break; case 'sxw': $type = 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer'; break; case 'sxc': $type = 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc'; break; case 'sxi': $type = 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress'; break; case 'doc': case 'docx': $type = 'application/msword'; break; case 'xls': $type = 'application/'; break; case 'ppt': $type = 'application/'; break; case 'rtf': $type = 'text/rtf'; break; case 'txt': $type = 'text/plain'; break; case 'wav': case 'mp3': case 'ogg': case 'mid': $type = 'audio'; break; case 'mpg': case 'avi': case 'wmv': case 'mov': case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'flv': $type = 'video'; break; } } if( !empty( $type ) ){ switch( $type ){ case 'audio': $product_data['demo'] = '<br /><audio class="sd-demo-media" src="'.$demo.'"></audio><br />'; break; case 'video': $product_data['demo'] = '<br /><video class="sd-demo-media" src="'.$demo.'"></video><br />'; break; default: $type = 'mtype="'.$type.'"'; $class = 'class="sd-demo-link"'; $product_data['demo'] = '<a href="/?sd_action=demo&file='.urlencode($demo).'" target="_blank" '.$type.' '.$class.' >'.__('View File Demo', SD_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>'; } } else { $product_data['demo'] = '<a href="/?sd_action=demo&file='.urlencode($demo).'" target="_blank" '.$type.' '.$class.' >'.__('Download File Demo', SD_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>'; } } else { $product_data['demo'] = ''; } if($mode == 'store' || $mode == 'multiple'){ if($mode == 'store') $tpl_engine->set_file('product', 'product.tpl.html'); else $tpl_engine->set_file('product', 'product_multiple.tpl.html'); $tpl_engine->set_var('product', $product_data); }elseif($mode == 'single'){ $this->plays += 1; $tpl_engine->set_file('product', 'product_single.tpl.html'); $sd_main_page = get_option('sd_main_page', SD_MAIN_PAGE); if($sd_main_page){ $product_data['store_page'] = $sd_main_page; } if(strlen($this->post_content)){ $product_data['description'] = '<p>'.preg_replace('/[\n\r]+/', '</p><p>', $this->post_content).'</p>'; } $tpl_engine->set_var('product', $product_data); } return $tpl_engine->parse('product', $output); } // End display
And my template:
<div class="sell-downloads-product"> <div class="left-column"> <!-- PRODUCT COVER --> <tpl ifset="product.cover"> <div class="product-cover"> <a href="{}"> <img src="{product.cover}"> </a> </div> </tpl ifset="product.cover"> </div> <div class="right-column"> <!-- PRODUCT TITLE --> <tpl ifset="product.title"> <div class="product-title"> <a href="{}"> {product.title} </a> </div> </tpl ifset="product.title"> <!-- PRODUCT TYPE --> <tpl ifset="product.has_types"> <div class="product-type"> <ul> <tpl loop="types"> <li><span class="arrow">?</span>{}</li> </tpl loop="types"> </ul> </div> </tpl ifset="product.has_types"> <!-- PRODUCT POPULARITY --> <tpl ifset="product.popularity"> <div class="product-popularity"> <span class="label">popularity: </span> {product.popularity} </div> </tpl ifset="product.popularity"> <!-- PRODUCT PRICE --> <tpl ifset="product.price"> <div class="product-price"> {product.price} </div> </tpl ifset="product.price"> <!-- PRODUCT DEMO --> <tpl ifset="product.demo"> <div class="single"> {product.demo} </div> </tpl ifset="product.demo"> <!-- SELL DOWNLOADS LINK --> <tpl ifset="product.store_page"> <div class="sell-downloads-link"> <a href="{product.store_page}"> Go to the store page </a> </div> </tpl ifset="product.store_page"> <!-- PRODUCT SALES BUTTONS --> <tpl ifset="product.salesbutton"> <div class="product-payment-buttons"> {product.salesbutton} </div> </tpl ifset="product.salesbutton"> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Shortcode – JavascriptFind and work!
The name exactly:function load_store($atts, $content, $tag){
Can you help me with:
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Shortcode – JavascriptEmh… i’m sorry but in latest new versione of sell download i not found this row:
function load_store_product_list($atts){
Are u sure i can find too in free versione of sell download?
Thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Streaming audio on List of elementI try add in file product.tpl this:
<!-- PRODUCT DEMO --> <tpl ifset="product.demo"> <div class="single"> {product.demo} </div> </tpl ifset="product.demo">
but in my post not show a player audio and crash all display align.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sell Downloads] Shortcode – JavascriptThank you so much!
An efficient support service should help you to 360 degrees.
For all future users who will have the same problem as the decoding function is the following:$string = base64_decode($string);
Thanks anyway for the support offered.
have a nice evening
Thank you so much, yeah i can convert so good with
How i can emulate this translation with php code?
Thank you again!