Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] I can’t send receiptsInvoices are automatically generated when the order is complete, using only the free version of your plugin. I assumed that I could do the same thing with receipts, couldn’t I? ?Do I need to buy the professional extension to use the receipt feature?
Thank you Tonmoy!
Just to understand and to decide how can I continue: when will this update come? In a few Days or weeks, months?
Regards.Hi everyone! Same problem for me: after the WP update from 6.1 to 6.1.2 or from 6.2 to 6.2.1, all my shortcodes I have used in Twenty-Twenty Two or Three templates page stopped to work. I had to downgrade to 6.1’s or 6.2’s WP versions of my four sites where I used these.
Waiting for a solution… pleeeease! ??
ValeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] How can I insert background video with Age Gate v.3?Great!
Thanks for your quick answer.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] SVG logo in mobile menu sectionThat’s the problem!
if file is jpg or png, mobile logo is saved, if the file is a svg doesn’t it!
I did a video and some snapshot that you can see here:
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by valesilve.
Hi Amit,
I’m using an own child theme and this is his heading in style.css:
Theme Name: tbp
Version: 1.0.0
Template: oceanwp
Text Domain: tbp
*/In function.php I tried :
function child_theme_slug_setup() {
load_child_theme_textdomain( ‘oceanwp‘, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );
add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘child_theme_slug_setup’ );and also:
function child_theme_slug_setup() {
load_child_theme_textdomain( ‘tbp‘, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );
add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘child_theme_slug_setup’ );I change file’s name from oceanwp-it_IT.po to it_IT.po and then I upload it_IT.po/.mo in a new folder called languages in tbp (my child theme folder: themes/tbp/languages/).
I would like to change the translation of “Next Product” and “Previous Product” in product navigation, in single product page on mobile view, because in Italian the strings are too long.
I found the strings, but I can’t translate theme if the .po isn’t /wp-content/languages/themes/oceanwp-it_IT.po.
ho quasi lo stesso problema e ho già provato a disattivare tutti i plugin:
Stesso messaggio di Francesco nella pagina delle impostazioni:
“ATTENZIONE – Il plugin Woocommerce Invoice & Packaging Slips non risulta attivo – Attivarlo per mostrare anche impostazioni avanzate per la generazione di ricevute non presenti altrimenti”Se provo a salvare in ogni caso ricevo:
Errore: pagina delle opzioni non trovata.In più nella pagina di checkout ho il seguente notice attivando il debug:
“Notice: Undefined index: receipt in /plugins/woo-piva-codice-fiscale-e-fattura-pdf-per-italia/dot4all-wc-cf-piva.php on line 303”Posso vedere i campi, ma se non sbaglio, una volta che scelgo privato, non dovrei vedere il campo partita iva, pec, codice identificativo, come se scelgo azienda non dovrei vedere il campo CF. O sbaglio?
Avete già trovato una soluzione?
Ho l’ultima versione di WordPress (V. 5.1.1) e il tema è OceanWP.
saluti.Hi Amit,
For the thumbnail slider I tried the plugin you suggest me, but it doesn’t work fine for me. I find, instead, this one and it sounds good!
For the translation problem: I tried an other time these steps (I had already done it), but nothing changes! ??
I don’t understand what I’m wrongingRegards.
yes I’d like to use child theme, but what I did didn’t work. So I’m asking you if there is a correct way to do this.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Booking Calendar] Page with booking form on multilingual websiteHi,
I have the same problem and waiting for a solution, I modified singlecalendar.php in frontend folder in this way at line 428:from:
<form action=”‘.get_permalink(getAbcSetting(“bookingpage”)).'” method=”post”>
<form action=”‘.get_permalink(pll_get_post(getAbcSetting(“bookingpage”))).'” method=”post”>It works for polylang, remember that you lose it when you update the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RVM - Responsive Vector Maps] Coordinate errateCiao Enrico,
hai ragione… non avevamo considerato le coordinate negative.
Scusa il disturbo e grazie per la pazienza!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailUp newsletter sign-up form] Sending requestBuonasera,
nessun suggerimento per risolvere il mio problema?
Grazie ancora,
Grazie per il chiarimento e ancora complimenti.
Anche io ho lo stesso problema da qualche giorno: vedo partita iva e codice fiscale ovunque, tranne nelle fatture o ricevute in pdf.
Qualche problema con gli aggiornamenti?
Grazie mille anticipatamente!
Hi Michael,
P. I. and C. F. are fiscal data in Italia, in particular P. I. (Partita Iva) is obligatory for business clients. I add these data with this plugin
Maybe this person has the same problem:
Thank you,