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  • I had a related problem and wanted to post my solution in case anyone searched for it. I didn’t get “disabled for security reasons” but I did get a line 58 error and a mention of “Warning: gzopen” as well. For me, it was due to the file permissions.

    This is how to solve it. Import the file and get to the next step, where you select the author to associate with the author of the imported posts and whether to download the attachments. BEFORE hitting the submit button and proceeding to the next step, navigate to the wp-content/uploads folder on your web server, go to the subfolder corresponding to the current month, and find the “filename.xml.import” file which is magically there (if your blog is set up to organize by month/day — if not, you may have to SEARCH to find where the “filename.xml.import” upload file is). Then change the UNIX file permissions so it is 0777 on a typical PHP setup, or 0766 if your PHP setup is suPHP like mine is.

    Then proceed to the next step, and if you were having the same problem I was, everything should import correctly.

    Dmitrek, what do you mean Adhesive is “in charge for that”? Exactly what did you do to fix this problem? I have the same problem.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Adding attachments

    I’ve been looking into this and wrote a documentation page:

    Hope it helps!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Adding attachments

    I’m trying to figure this out myself, but one thing I found is that in the admin backend, when writing/editing a post, if you click on an image in the little uploads library beneath the rich-text editor, a popup menu should appear. (To close this popup menu, btw, you have to hit the strangely-titled “Close Options” option.) Here you can toggle among various options by clicking on them, and then you click “Send to Editor” to actually add the attachment to the post! It’s odd the way it works–each option on the menu cycles through available options, so if you click on “Link to Image” it will toggle to “Link to Page” then to “Not Linked.” So you click until the one you want is displayed and then you click “Send to Editor” and the image will appear there.

    If you selected “Link to Page” before clicking “Send to Editor,” then when a visitor clicks on the image in the blog posting, it will take them to the attachment.php template page, featuring the attachment and its description. See, THAT’s when the attachment.php is called. If you selected “Link to Image” from that little popup, then it will simply link to the file itself when a visitor clicks on it.

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