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  • Thread Starter vallered


    Many thanks for sorting that out. Since Yoast with their plugin seems to be the only alternative (not for me, Yoast is a spammer from my perspective) to this copy post plugin, it’s great you opened that request. And, sure, you can resolve this issue for now

    Thread Starter vallered


    Hi, the error occurs when burst is activated together with the plugin “Copy & Delete Posts”. If burst is deactivated and “copy & delete posts” is activated, there is no error

    Thread Starter vallered


    Maybe you can save me some hours in sorting out how to implement that…I am currently using the following snippet to unload a bunch of assets from non WooCommerce pages, maybe you can tell me what to add, or, how a separate snippet should look like, that would be great:


    • Callback function that returns true if the current page is a WooCommerce page or false if otherwise.
    • @return boolean true for WC pages and false for non WC pages
      function is_wc_page() {
      return class_exists( ‘WooCommerce’ ) && ( is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout() || is_account_page() );

    add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘conditionally_remove_wc_assets’ );

    • Remove WC stuff on non WC pages.
      function conditionally_remove_wc_assets() {
      // if this is a WC page, abort.
      if ( is_wc_page() ) {
      } // remove WC generator tag
      remove_filter( ‘get_the_generator_html’, ‘wc_generator_tag’, 10, 2 );
      remove_filter( ‘get_the_generator_xhtml’, ‘wc_generator_tag’, 10, 2 ); // unload WC scripts
      remove_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, [ WC_Frontend_Scripts::class, ‘load_scripts’ ] );
      remove_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, [ WC_Frontend_Scripts::class, ‘localize_printed_scripts’ ], 5 );
      remove_action( ‘wp_print_footer_scripts’, [ WC_Frontend_Scripts::class, ‘localize_printed_scripts’ ], 5 ); // remove “Show the gallery if JS is disabled”
      remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘wc_gallery_noscript’ ); // remove WC body class
      remove_filter( ‘body_class’, ‘wc_body_class’ );
    • only load German Market Assets on WC pages
    • */
      add_filter( ‘gm_include_frotend_js_and_css_only_for_wc_content’, ‘__return_true’ );

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_enqueue_styles’, ‘conditionally_woocommerce_enqueue_styles’ );

    • Unload WC stylesheets on non WC pages
    • @param array $enqueue_styles
      function conditionally_woocommerce_enqueue_styles( $enqueue_styles ) {
      return is_wc_page() ? $enqueue_styles : array();

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘conditionally_wp_enqueue_scripts’ );

    • Remove inline style on non WC pages
      function conditionally_wp_enqueue_scripts() {
      if ( ! is_wc_page() ) {
      wp_dequeue_style( ‘woocommerce-inline’ );

    // add_action( ‘init’, ‘remove_wc_custom_action’ );
    function remove_wc_custom_action(){
    remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘wc_gallery_noscript’ );

    Thread Starter vallered


    Sorry, you were right. But it has not been a popup that preloads the asset (as on my testing environment I already replaced the popup by a page and a link to it), but by a content block of my theme, that includes the code. Even if not used, they are loading their assets globally, that’s something I had not expected

    Thread Starter vallered



    solved that way. My Theme Authors also provided a solution, that might be more specific, as it only runs your JS on Post ID with your Block, it is that way:

    add_action(‘blocksy:pro:content-blocks:pre-output’, function ($post_id) { if (has_block(‘esab/accordion’, $post_id)) { wp_enqueue_script( ‘esab-accordion-js’, ESAB_LIB_URL . ‘js/accordion.js’, array( ‘jquery’ ), ESAB_VERSION, true ); } });

    To avoid the heavy Jquery is loaded everywhere, it might be good to test it with your previous version, or the another way would be if you can name me a filter I can use to load your assets specificly

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by vallered.
    Thread Starter vallered


    Mail sent, great if that is solved by that update

    Thread Starter vallered


    Aert, many thanks,

    that would it be, having statistics pre-selected (not working with my settings right now, I guess my GTM settings are not fully correct).

    If the user pushes the deny cookies button, functional cookie is set to deny too (I checked that via right clicking the site, and looking it up thru the tab “applications”).

    I will ask for access to your demo, I guess that will clear things up for me

    Thread Starter vallered


    yes, it is unchecked on my CPTs, and it has always been. The issue must be generated when disabling indexing of that CPT and its archive within TSF (that’s what I did earlier), and then enabling that again. But I can’t remember, what steps in what sequence I made within TSF exactly

    Thread Starter vallered


    No, caching issue could be excluded, I deactivated the litespeed caching before doing a couple of changing and saving attempts. And no, archive is enabled for that cpt in the seo settings.

    Thread Starter vallered


    solved, as I previously had excluded these cpts in TSF settings, switching that back did not work (maybe a little bug of TSF). I had to switch TSF’s performance settings from storing in database to managing in websites to make that re-change work, now my cpts are generated with the sitemap by TSF.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by vallered.
    Thread Starter vallered


    Many thanks, your answer has put me on the right track. I used the mentioned plugin in an earlier version on a subdomain site which is not existing anymore

    Thread Starter vallered


    yes, now text has a line break, and everything is ok

    Thread Starter vallered


    I don’t want post my development url here in public, but a further test now delivers the reason:

    If the heading of a content timeline item is too long to be shown on mobile (just put a very long word as a heading of a timeline item), the item just gets out of the frame on the left.

    Thread Starter vallered


    It only occurs on a real mobile, not on desktop emulation. And only if you follow the following steps one to one:
    1. Create a heading (lets call it #1) and add a custom font-family thru the extra css field
    2. Duplicate heading #1 (lets call it #2)
    3. set heading #1 thru extras to display “none” on mobile (the others entries for desktop and tablet remain “select” in the display field)
    4. set heading #2 thru extras to display “none” for desktop and tablet, and “inline” for mobile
    5. view the heading #2 on mobile (does not show the font-family set in the extra css field, which has been automatically copied from heading #1)

    The issue disappears, when I do the following:
    1. delete the font-family settings form the extra css field of heading #2
    2. Save the page
    3. edit the heading #2 again and put back the font-family settings to the extra css field
    4. Save the page

    The only issue remaining is a different one: Displaying on desktop (where it only shows heading #1) still considers some padding from heading #2, despite it is not displayed (I have some additional space below heading #2 now).

    Correction: change display settings of heading #1 to “inline” for desktop and tablets makes the extra space disappear, so the spacing issue mentioned is no issue!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by vallered.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by vallered.
    Thread Starter vallered



    the issue occurs when I duplicate a heading element with a added font style (like you did), putting the duplicated block to mobile only (like you did), and the first block to desktop and tablet only (reason why I did that was to add line break to the heading for mobile). In that case the mobile block looses it’s font family set in the extra css field when displaying on mobile (the block I duplicated from is displaying the css font family correctly on desktop where it is displayed.

    Font is added locally (it is a Blocksy Theme pro feature), but the issue is also there if I do it without local fonts.

    Font family added is: big shoulders inline display

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