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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog whatApparently, yes. If you have access to phpMyAdmin, as Chris suggested, use it to log into your database server. See if your database is still there. If you find it, try repairing and then optimizing it. See if it works.
If not, you can restore a back-up if you have any. Otherwise, you should reinstall your blog.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog whatYou need to log into your server (using an FTP client, for example). There you’ll see all you have stored on the server. Once you’ve got a website besides the blog, I suppose your blog is inside a folder (possibly named “blog”). So, either in your website root, or inside that folder you’ve got to have a file named “wp-config.php”. If you find it, download it and check if all the settings are correct (basically: database user, name, host and password). If you dont find that file, download wordpress, extract it into your pc, open the file named “wp-config-sample.php” and edit those informations (database user, name, host and password). Save it. Rename it to “wp-config.php” and upload it either into your website root or into your blog folder. See if it works.
P.s.: the information about your database, if you dont have it, you need to check with your Host, as well as login and password for FTP, if you don’t know it too.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileForget the “wp-” part
Use this:
Disallow: /blog/
That’ll disallow the whole blog, yes: forbids access to any subfolder and any file inside of it and, this way, forbids indexing as well (at least for robots which respect robots.txt, remember that there are many around which are bad bots, for those the only way is to block on you .htaccess).
Cheers and cya
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileThe rule you wrote above reads like this:
wp-config is in your root, and it’s forbidden (anyways, that file should be protected with .htaccess, adding it to robots is meaningless)
folders also forbidden:
root/gurblog/wp-contentAll the rest is allowed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileIf you want to understand better how to set rules, read this:
And just remember that when you set rule for a specific bot (user agent), that’s the ruleset it’ll follow. It means it’ll respect the rules you established for it, and will forget about general rules (the ones when you write: “User-agent: * “).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileI mean: I dont think robots will completely follow the rules set in a file inside a folder, once they’ll follow what’s in the file in root. But it’s better to avoid conflict, if you are gonna have both files. So, whatever rule you choose, use the same in root and in the directory (just, of course, adapt the path; in root, use /blog/ before anyhting; inside the blog folder evidently it’s not needed).
Yes, “Disallow: / ” will disallow the whole thing. Leaving it blank (“Disallow: “) will allow the whole thing. That’s your choice, you can set which ever rule you prefer, just like you did in your robots.txt placed in your domain root.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog whatYour blog can’t access your database. Get sure your wp-config.php file (cant be “wp-config-sample.php”, that has got to be renamed for “wp-config.php”) is still there (either in your blog directory or one level above — not more than one level above). If it is, check if its settings are correct (database user, name, host, password).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileIf you want to forbid robots completely, in your root robots.txt add this:
User-agent: * Disallow: /blog/
And, as it wont hurt if it doesnt work, set WP to disallow it (on “privacy” settings).
It’ll create this for its folder:
User-agent: * Disallow: /
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileP.s.: after making whatever you decide to choose, observe if robots (specially google, msn and slurp, which do respect rules) will follow those rules. Because I’m not sure they will, considering it’s placed inside a folder and not in root. If they disregard the rules, set your WP rules on your main robots.txt (the one in your domain root).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileBut if you prefer to keep the virtual one, you can hack the file functions.php, inside your includes folder.
Find this code (around line 1720)
function do_robots() {
And edit it:
do_action( 'do_robotstxt' ); if ( '0' == get_option( 'blog_public' ) ) { echo "User-agent: *\n"; echo "Disallow: /\n"; } else { echo "User-agent: Googlebot-Image\n"; echo "Disallow: /\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "User-agent: *\n"; echo "Disallow: /*.js$\n"; echo "Disallow: /*.css$\n"; echo "Disallow: /cgi-local/\n"; echo "Disallow: /wp-admin/\n"; echo "Disallow: /wp-includes/\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Sitemap:\n"; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileYes, those are the 2 lines WP creates. I prefer to use manually made robots.txt, they load faster, and are easier to edit.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileThat’s the point. As I said, I’m not sure what WP tries to do when you have it installed inside a folder. As a rule, a virtual robots.txt would be useless in its folder, once search engines ignore those files in directories (unless, as I wrote above, you use a subdomain).
Maybe WP tries to add it in your root the same way, even if it is installed on a folder. But, as I commented above too, virtual robots.txt will not work if there is already a real robots.txt placed.
If that was with me, I’d create rules for WP using the robots.txt that already exists inside the domain root. It’s supposed to work like that.
What’s the error you get? Does it happen when you try to get or ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileSounds like to me. You can set rules for your WP using the robots.txt you’ve got on your root. Such as (supposing your WP is in
User-agent: Googlebot-Image Disallow: /blog/ User-agent: * Disallow: /blog/*.js$ Disallow: /blog/*.css$ Disallow: /blog/wp-admin/ Disallow: /blog/wp-includes/
And remember that subdomains are treated pretty much like independent sites for search engines. So, if you have a subdomain for your blog such as, the folder would be the place for robots.txt.
If you still get errors, try adding a real robots.txt into your blog folder. If a robots.txt exists there, it’ll prevail over the virtual one (in other words: will disable it)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No robots.txt fileIn the root, robots.txt placed in directories are ignored.
I’m not sure how it works with a WP installed in a folder. I have never tried. But as rule it’s got to be on the root of your domain. Maybe someone with more expertise can clarify how this goes for WP installed in a folder.
P.s.: bur realize I said before for you not to add it, once WP creates it virtually. But considering your blog seems to be in a folder, I dunno how it’d work. You can try to create a robots.txt and add it into your domain root, and see what happens then.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do I create a link using the logo in my header?You can also place a transparent image over it, and use it to set a link.