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  • Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: font colour?

    ‘lo Em,

    I think you want to change the “color” statement in the body:

    body {
    color: #003300;

    Remember that some colours are hard to see the difference. Try putting in something radical, like Red, to see if you got the right thing, then change it back to something more along the lines of what you’re after.

    FWIW, nice blog ?? Love your “medical stuff” ??

    to be fair, ladydelaluna, that bit of text is a bit of misrepresentation, as you can do a LOT with Joomla, if only you bother stretching your horizons (ok, I’ll readily admit to be biased towards mambo/joomla as I was on the Core Team at Joomla for a while). Joomla has many problems, but the ones listed there aren’t it.

    But back to the point at hand, even as a newcomer to WP, I can envision how I’d easily make a WP driven e-zine. Definitely no need for plugins.

    hehehehe, well, changing from px to % is not a “small” change, particularly when you start mixing % and px in the end result.

    Changing padding and spacing to percentage might work, but that also gets tricky.

    If you’re thinking about mixing px and %, you have to determine the monitor size the majority of your user have, and add up your padding, borders, margins, etc. Then figure out how much of that is in terms of percentage in relation to the monitor resolution, then you know how much percentage you have to spread over your three columns.

    For example, say 85% of your visitors are on 1024×768. Remove a few px for scrollbars, etc. So you’re playing with 1000 px. you have 18px, which is a hair under 2%. So, you have 98% of width available to play with.

    But then, that means your site would still break on monitors using 800×600. Or people resizing their windows.

    As to make it work across browsers… read up on box model and box model hacks, and how IE handles padding/margins differently.

    Hve fun

    3×33%=99%, add 18px (2px padding on each side of each div, plus 1px border on each side of each div), then add margins on one div… you reach over 100% width, which means your boxes will flow down.

    18px, you’d need a page width of 1800px for the layout to work.

    I’m right with Otto42 on this one, couldn’t have said it better.

    css is your friend, no need for plugins nor addons to do *that*

    might have to fiddle with paths for css. I’ve not had a problem with doing it before, out of the box, worked straight out.

    If you have the IP of your machine, your cow-orkers can access your xampp installation by typing the ip and folder of your install. Sooo, something like and off they go. uploading of images would work just as you upload your images via WP.

    WIll they be able to view back issues? well, depends if you setup your site to do that. Pretty much anything is possible. Download WP, install it, have a play, try different things.

    This is what I told Walter in an email a short while ago ??

    Regarding your first question. What you need is to assign a class to the header, depending on the criteria you assign. You say red, green and orange, I’m not sure what you mean by “side of the game”.

    If you are going to use a wordpress loop to generate the post that appear in the left column, then probably the best way to go in wordpress would be to assign them to a particular category. Run a routine to find if the post is within one of the three categories, and if it is, assign the actual class based on that category. So if your wp loop is set to generate the post’s title in a <h2>, you would assign <h2 class=”red”> if the post is in the “red” category, etc. Then using CSS, you would assign the background colour of to being red, to green, etc.

    Regarding the second question, I’m not sure how you can best achieve this, sorry.

    Please don’t double-post, it is unecessary and aggravating.

    How about creating each “issue” as being a category, with sub-categories under each? Then you could create a different category.php for each issue, allowing you to customise the look of each category.

    Probably would be my approach to it.

    Otto, thank you, this looks wonderful ?? I have to cook (then eat) dinner, but I’ll mess with it later tonight or early in the morning, thanks a bunch ??

    FWIW, I’m also aggreived by what appears to be an “autop problem”. i’ve turned off rich editor in my user profile, etc, and I generally don’t have a problem, except when I add the
    Tag in a post, it then automatically wraps it in a , which is behaviour I really do NOT want to see, as it throws an extra empty paragraph in my post. If I include the more link within the tag immediately before where I want to break, then, it really messes up validation as my paragraphs are unfinished when viewing pages that are NOT single.php.

    Any solution to this would be greatly appreciated.

    I’m looking for a calendar myself, thanks for showing it in action moshmonkey.

    Now, I’ve looked at the source of mosh’s calendar and looked at the tables generated for the calendar itself, and they are to my great surprise, properly formed!

    Happyworker, do you know what the javascript does? Could it be turned off? Is there a <noscript> alternative?

    well, depends on how your theme is built, it just might be that it requires style.php, but in general, it’s style.css that you want to edit.

    What you are looking for is the margin/padding of the three divs that make your three columns. IE adds extra space, so you have to “hack” your css for it. in short, give one declaration for firefox, then negate it and another one only understood by ie. There are several ways to do this, but one could be:

    mystyle {
    * html mystyle {

    Note that I plucked numbers out of my head. I won’t feed it to you, it’s a bit daunting at first, but you’ll quickly see it makes sense. Once you understand what “box model is” (and it’s a straightforward concept), you’ll see what happens and how, and where to fix it.

    Have fun, me, I have to get my nose back to work at the office ??

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