Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: darn IE. anyone wanna give me a hint?Look on sites discussing the css box model, that is what’s happening to you, I think. It’s how IE handles margins/padding differently than a standards compliant browser.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Problems with “Son of Suckerfish” menus and IE, Opera, SafariTo muddle the water a bit, I’d like to offer “grandson of suckerfish, modified again!”
Basically allows you to actually use the menu using only keyboard navigation (use the tab key to go from one link to the other). Increases accessibility tremendously ?? If you care for such things, of course.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: A normal, working forumStigRoar, I certainly understand why WP doesn’t have integration with other forums “out of the box”. I actually agree with that decision, if it was a conscious decision on WP’s part.
When I was on the Core Development Team of Joomla, one of the things we had to repeat over and over is the fact that Joomla is a CMS, *not* a forum. Worpress is a Blog, not a forum. It may be used as a CMS, but still, not a forum. Do you want the Core Team working on improving the WP code, or do you want them to scatter their energies and try to integrate a “decent forum”?
And even if they wanted to integrate a “decent forum”, which one? Do they pick SMF? phpBB? vBulletin? Which one? How about upgrade paths? No my friend, that avenue is fraught with danger for the core team of any system.
It is much better to use the 3rd Party Developer approach and have someone take on the project, as a plugin. It’s just too bad I can’t write php at that level, else I’d probably take it on (oh yes, that and many other ideas I have ?? ).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: A normal, working forumSorry, can’t use your site on Firefox, the layout’s all buggered up ??
SMF is really the best OS, free forum software at the moment, except for one MAJOR problem that is their search function, which is definitely not working well at all.
Yet, a plugin to at least bridge users would be brilliant.
I wonder if anyone knows php well enough to “translate” the Mambo/Joomla bridge to SMF into WordPress to SMF, it can’t be that difficult, can it? (If only I was a code jock!) ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: A normal, working forumErr, klifix, he did say he wasn’t looking for xdforum ??
A way to bridge userbase between SMF and WP would be nice. There’s bridges like that between SMF and Mambo/Joomla, and between Mambo/Joomla and WP, but nothing direct between SMF and WP that I could find. WOuld be a nice plugin ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: The Wheeling GourmetFair enough comment. On thinking about it, it makes sense ?? I originally wanted to make sure people had immediate access to links such as sitemap, accessibility, etc, but whether its’ right below the main content or at the very bottom of the page, doesn’t really matter, actually. Off to the bottom it’ll go ?? Thanks for the feedback
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Author info in sidebar, ASAPThis is one thing I am planning to do, I haven’t started looking at solutions yet, but there does seem to be a fair amount of info out there for this.
I’ll see if I can figure it out, post response back here, but it’ll take me a few days.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding a “read more” link to the category/archive excerptsYou’d have to use some CSS in your /theme/themename/style.css file. A quick look at your site shows me that your titles are called in a h3, within a div classed “post”.
You could use the following css:
.post h3 a {
}note the colour was just random off the top of my head, you have to pick the right one.
You could make the font bolder, bigger, smaller, have a background colour, whatever you want.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: The Wheeling Gourmetthanks mjwood. I actually liked the footer to appear at the bottom of the main content area, but you’re saying it’s distracting? how so? I’m willing to listen to reasons to change it, just need to understand “the user’s frame of mind” ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple Installations Or NOTcouldn’t you do some “fancy” work with categories? have your site run in some categories, your blog in others, then assign a different set of template to one set of categories, and another on the rest? Seems to me that might be the best way to approach it?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Design feedback desiredSeems busy. The harsh red/black/white colours give a gritty feeling to it, but there’s not enough white space around the content to make it stand out.
I do like the two columns you’re using though.
It appears that your google ads column is a bit too narrow, or that the “main content” column a bit too wide, it would fit better if it wasn’t overlapping the black part of the background image. My 2 cents.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving Hosts – best practice procedure pleaseI’m fairly new to WP myself, but encountered a similar issue when I uploaded my WP site from my local development environment to the live server.
The one thing I discovered is that a lot of the settings are kept in the database itself. So once you have restored your backup database into the new location, you have to make a few modifications. If you have access to phpmyadmin, that’s probably the easiest way. I’m at work now so can’t check the exact table name, but I think it’s wp_options. If you browse through that table, you’ll see a few of the places where you have to change things.
I think you’ll find it relatively obvious which lines to change (url, etc).
You may also want to look at your root’s .htaccess file and make sure it reflects the right url.
And then, as you’ve pointed out already, make sure that your config file shows the right database, username, and password. Be aware that a lot of hosts append your webhosting account name in front of database name and username, so if your hosting account name is “bozo”, and your database name is “clown”, the database name is “bozo_clown”. Same for username. It’s a wee thing often overlooked when going from one host to another.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Make Categories function like Tags tags TAGSI think you might want to do a search for “Tag cloud plugin”…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change the “More” to say something elseThat’s actually pretty clear and straightforward. Other than holding your hand or doing it for you, not sure how else it can be explained.
It’s really *not* complicated. Take your time, read it, try different things. YOu’ll get there, and feel much happier for having it done yourself ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Creating a list of navigation links to other areas of my Web siteYou may also want to do a quick search for the Stickymenus plugin, it’s brilliant.