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  • vegastriguy


    I just wanted to join this thread…I am using a theme called Impreza that uses VC….it works mostly….but, on one of my page the analysis is not updated….it keeps saying I have only 164 words and I have over 300…along with the key word I have implemented about 30 times and it only sees it 3 times. This theme has partnered it’s VC with Brainsorm Force for Ultimate Addons….so, not sure whom the culprit is….but, since other folks are having problems with VC and Yoast I wanted to add my .02cents.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    Thank you very much….I apologize…I thought I read the FAQ thoroughly and did not see that…..but, that works….thanks for the quick reply and great app!

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    I am still having problems….I am thinking the database table are still referring to an old server path? I cannot easily determine how to completely purge any old references on the new server. Can you provide a list of tables I should be looking at? This plugin has never given me problems but I have never migrated databases and servers before.

    <img src=””/&gt;

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    ok, I did a reset and I am good to go.

    I am also having problems. The background repeat will that stay to no-repeat, it reverts back to default. Also, I cannot get the background image to “cover” or fill the screen.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    I looked at the various api’s for StreetEasy and I think most importantly to be able to render a search screen like the home page for Street Easy… The mortgage calculators and such are not really helpful. It seems streeteasy is slightly different than zillow as it filters strictly listings…..not the typically zillow features of home value, etc.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    Thanks merv…..actually I have since discovered that I need to integrate the Zillow api and pull data from their property listings…..but, I have no real idea what that means.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    Still broken on some of my sites…
    Warning: Missing argument 1 for Custom_Login_Widget::__construct(), called in /domains/ on line 411 and defined in /domains/ on line 18

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    Ok, I updated to 3.13….and, this other site got killed again….I had to re-upload all images…..I am using BruteProtect. Just an FYI…I had hoped this last update would have fixed everything….so, I ams till reluctant to implement on other sites….funny though…On one site I repopulated all my images and left the plugin in tact, I have so security plugin and I have not have a problem.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    Oh, the one site I had a 30% fallout was using BruteProtect.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    ah HAH…..I was using WordFence…..that could be the culprit…

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    I just did a re-test on my site….I had deleted the plugin (which is supposed to remove everything from the DB) and reinstalled 3.01. As soon as I hit GET POSTS, it “deleted” all my theme linked images and even some hand-coded img reference links. It seems when I looked at the hand coded pages, the links had an added numbered to the file name which basically referenced nothing. I.e. /wp-content/uploads/07/samplephoto.jpg immediately became /wp-content/uploads/07/samplephoto1.jpg . Envision uses a custom content visualizer and so any images that were linked through that portal had to manually uploaded with new file links. Another weird happenstance…..I kept deleting the theme logo and uploading and new one and nothing would appear….so, when I right-clicked on the area, it kept referencing an /uploads/07 path versus /08 but kept adding image 1-1 or 1-2, etc. So, I just renamed the actual file in the uploads/07 folder to match what the theme was looking for and it is good.

    I know Allan is on vacation for a couple of weeks….so, I am not going to experiment any more. I do have two sites that were completely unaffected though so I think it must be also theme related meaning various themes must use some sort of PHP that this plugin does something funky.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    for ME, that seems to be what is going on…..not sure about the other gents that posted up… hurry on my end as I fixed what I needed to fix for now….I am going to do a fresh install of 3.01+ on my site and see if thing work ok….

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    I agree with you Allen…..As I mentioned, it only happened to me with sites that use the same theme……I posted my issues on the theme forum as well. I have several other sites that I upgraded to the 3.0+ with different themes and there was not an issue. Chicken and the egg for me. I delete your plugin and the problem goes away. I do believe there is a conflict with this theme which means if other people have had an issue, it must be a way the theme .php files are constructed.

    Thread Starter vegastriguy


    Mediatemple is my hosting platform….I cross referenced the three sites I had this issues and this plugin was the only one I had issues….I am thinking the issue was in the update transition versus a brand new install….yesterday it happened to my main site but as soon as I deleted your plugin (which was an old version updated with about 20 feeds), all my images appeared. I cannot give admin access at the moment but when I have some time I am going to install a fresh version of the plugin on my main website and see what happens. What is weird on the first site it actually deleted the home page first and then a few hours deleted another page called services…..which led me to believe it was getting hacked.

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