Forum Replies Created
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Trouble running local WordPress in Google App Engine@catalyx: So what you are saying is I have to do any changes that affect .htaccess LOCALLY and then Deploy? Seems VERY unreasonable to me, not to mention fraught with danger (possibility of post deploy (production) not liking changes I made locally)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google App Engine for WordPress] FTP Credentialsthe instructions are backwards in a way. VERY CONFUSING. They dont talk about creating a cloud bucket until AFTER the plugins are installed (but not activated). The instructions assume (Wrongly) that wordpress folks instal plugins without activatin gthem immediately and do other steps in between installing and activating. Thats NOT how it works in the real world. In the real world people install and activate almost in the same motion. Its a habit that is hard to break for the instructions.
Anyway, if you install the Google App Engine for WordPress AFTER deployment and BEFORE you created a cloud instance the login with FTP credentials appear when you try to activate the plugin. Again I did it wrong but its a lesson learned and I thought I woul documnet it here in case it happened to someone else.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Trouble running local WordPress in Google App EngineI guess my answer for the above question is how do we obtain ftp access to our site?
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Trouble running local WordPress in Google App EngineOkay, I “think” I am up and running. But just went to change my permlinks structure and it says I can’t write to my .htaccess file. How do I access that?
On a sidee note: do they (google expect us to do all of our configurations locally and then upload? If so how would the database stuff get transferred? Anyway, that would be ridiculous if i\we have to do everything locally and then upload.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Batcache] How to set advancedcache options in WP Config@andrés Villarreal Why do you have debug set to TRUE?
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Trouble running local WordPress in Google App EngineOoops..I see I was supposed to install the plugins LOCALLY first. I didnt do that. Will do that later today and re-deploy.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Trouble running local WordPress in Google App EngineI fixed my database problem. I had my hostname as the instead of localhost. When I changed it to localhost it worked.
Now facing another issue. Can’t activate plugins even though I just creatd a bucket (the instructions are backwords. We should create Cloud buckets FIRST to be less confusing) and set up a new user with the app email name with permission (OWNER). Still can’t activate plugins because it still asks for FTP user info!!!
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Trouble running local WordPress in Google App EngineI am tearing my hair out. It works fine for me locally and no errors on deploy. I am using WP 3.5.1 but getting the dreaded “Error establishing a database connection” and I have no idea why. I even used my desktop MySQL workbench to attach to the Google SQL Cloud database and created my user and GRANT ALL renotel, but STILL get the “Error establishing a database connection”. ??
What do I do next?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Sitemaps not showingNot quite sure I did it right. Now getting a php error. Just friended you on FB so I can send you my php file via FB.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Sitemaps not showingI use Yoast SEO and Yoast Video plugins to create my sitemaps. The video one is fine. The main one appears as HTML if at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] Broken even on fresh 3.7.1 installDowngraded 1 site to 3.6.1 and diasabled all plugins and then installed wp-supercache. Still doesnt work. Blank screen once activated. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Expires/Max Age compatibility with SuperCachefutta. you say “ah, that’s normal; the default setting (I think) is that pages are not cached for logged in users (to allow them to see any update immediately).”
Lots of other plugins are the same. Not really sure why. What EXACTLY do they\you mean by “Logged in”? Does it mean logged into the admin panel or does it mean a registered user logged into the site?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Iconic One] Change Menu ColorWhy not just add a color picker for first level, second level, third level, and by category (seperate scheme for each category? I am so tired of paying for custom work for this. Should be a no brainer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] Future plan for CDN configurationPlease add MAXCDN support
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize With W3 Total CacheHey gooma2, Did that work?