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  • Thread Starter VeronicaRose


    There’s something wrong with that image in example number one besides the ‘more’ button and not enough text, because I moved it to the very bottom of the post instead and now it’s spilling over into the comments.

    I also clicked your link and it took about three seconds to load. And I have a crappy internet connection, by the way. I was confused – kept clicking over and over (the refresh button, so it wasn’t a cache), but no problems.

    Has someone else noticed this besides you yet? Maybe it’s not a problem with your site but your computer/connection/etc…

    If I’m not very mistaken the order that things lay out on a site has something to do with the order that you have them in your files. A lot of people purposely put sidebars and headers last in their html files so that the content will be immediately available to the viewer if the page is taking a while to load.

    Thread Starter VeronicaRose


    Thank you so much. I did what you said and it works now.

    Thread Starter VeronicaRose


    Actually, I did use relative links but I thought about that and so I tried specifying the path like this on one of my posts as a test:

    <img src=”; alt=”kick the baby” />

    But it didn’t work. I just got a no image gif. Is that not how you do it?

    By the way, thanks for the tip about specifying where the folder is.

    You ask if wordpress is good enough for proffesional purposes. You’ve already determined that there’s something wrong with your server or another cause that’s been causing your slow downloading time. But what about SEO? I don’t think it’s a problem.

    Have you heard of The author of that site recommends wordpress. You know the famous blogger “The Manolo” – he recommends wordpress. Both of these people claim to make six figure incomes from their blogging activities (spread over more than one blog).

    Plenty of people are using this blogging platform successfully for large scale ventures.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:

    The color scheme is okay but you could try desaturating your blue and cooling it down a bit so that it’s not so loud. It sort of competes for attention for the content, which is not so good.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Let’s hear it.

    That stuff is hilarious. I am totally going to come back and read some more later. (edit)

    You don’t necessarily have to change the color of your text and background. Just increase the font size at least. I think that when we make aesthetic choices that slightly lack in functionality (is that a world?) we have to make some other compromises. And besides I think big font conveys an extroverted friendly tone as opposed to those gazillions of political blogs with micro print.

    If you make the font bigger, maybe you could make it a dull gray like ccc or something instead of fff because the white glare is bad for your eyes and the contrast is a bit high.

    I really like the aesthetics of this blog. I think it looks great and it suits the writing style.

    I chose bluehost because they had very good reviews when I was looking around and so far I haven’t had any problems.

    There are some advantages to bluehost, such as the fact that you can host six domain names on one account free of any extra charge (in case you want multiple blogs), the first domain name is included for free, and they don’t charge extra for the domain privacy service either. About a month after I signed up they even upgraded everyone’s account to include more storage and bandwidth.

    And it was extremely easy to autoinstall wordpress in their control panel. Basically, you just click a couple buttons and wait a minute.

    Yeah, I agree about making the links consistent, and preferably the same color as in the sidebar because I didn’t even know you had links in the body until I accidentally moved a cursor over one of them. They just don’t show up too well.

    You could leave the “paintings and drawings…” sentence where it is if you integrate it better. Make it bigger and move it down (possibly slightly to the left also) so that it’s more a part of the content. I’d give it a more catchy title though. That sounds a bit more like a tagline for the sidebar than a title.

    Thread Starter VeronicaRose


    Okay, if I ignore the warnings then it’s not so bad. Most of them looked exactly like what you just said.

    Thread Starter VeronicaRose


    Wow. I got so many errors and warnings that my head started spinning. I don’t even understand what most of that stuff is.

    Oh, oh. I better go get unticking on some of my posts then. Good thing I hang around here.

    Yes – you should try the Akismet thing, but in the meantime can’t you go to ‘Options,’ then ‘Discussion,’ and just untick the box that allows commenting on your blog? That should apply the rule across all posts, right?

    Thread Starter VeronicaRose


    Okay so there’s something to this then.
    Thank you all for being so helpful.

    In my case the categories didn’t show up on my sidebar until I actually put something in them. As soon as I put in one post – poof there it was!

    Also I didn’t want a blogroll so I was planning to delete it, but I discovered that just deleting all the links hid it in the sidebar, so it’s really pretty handy when you think about it.

    oops, Handysolo beat me to it.

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