Jack Arturo
Forum Replies Created
Ah, I see what you mean.
I’m afraid we won’t be able to do that. Our textdomain is “wp-fusion”, and our primary focus is on the paid version of the plugin, which has many more users than the free version. The “wp-fusion” textdomain is already in use in 811 places across 112 PHP files, so it would be hard to change.
As well, the paid version already has translations with Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese. If we changed the textdomain we would lose those translations, and those translators have already graciously donated their time.
In retrospect we probably should have made the free version of the plugin have the slug “wp-fusion” as well so it would work with translate.www.ads-software.com, but it’s too late to change it now.
We do have a .pot file in the plugin files and you can easily create your own translations via Poedit, or update the existing es_MX translation ??. If you do come up with a translation file we’d be happy to incorporate it into the plugin. Sorry I don’t have a better answer than that.
Hey @davidperez ,
WP Fusion is already translated into es_MX (Spanish / Mexico). You’ll find the .pot file in /wp-fusion-lite/languages/wp-fusion.pot
It hasn’t been updated in a couple of years so it may need a refresh ??
If you make any progress let us know and we’ll get your translation included in the next update.
Hey @sbouma ,
Your logs are showing that an existing subscriber was updated based on the registration. There wasn’t a new subscriber created. So there must have already been someone on your list with the same email address.
If you go to the admin user profile for that user you’ll be able to see their Mailchimp contact ID.
If you can’t find the subscriber in Mailchimp you could always try visiting the URL directly. In my case that’s https://us10.admin.mailchimp.com/lists/members/view?id={id}
Where {id} is the ID you see in the admin profile for that user.
Hey @shimoo ,
The free version of WP Fusion syncs user *registrations* with your CRM. But it doesn’t include support for any other plugins, like Caldera Forms. To sync form entries with your CRM you’ll need the full version of the plugin.
Hey @lijitimit ,
You’ll first have to create a custom property in MailJet to store the role. Then go to Settings >> WP Fusion >> Setup and click the Resynchronize Lists and Fields button to load the new fields.
Then you should be able to select your custom property in the fields dropdown and associate it with the Role field, like this: https://imgur.com/TaQlRwS
Hey @dciphered ,
That error could happen under two scenarios.
1.) Is that user@email-address is no longer in Sendinblue. Either they were deleted or their email address changed. That’s less common, and I assume you’ve confirmed the contact is still there, right?
2.) In some cases WP Fusion will end up trying to assign a list that someone was already in. We try not to but it happens occasionally. Sendinblue throws a hard error when this happens, and it was preventing all other lists from getting assigned.
We did fix that back in January for the full version of the plugin, but that change hasn’t made it into WP Fusion Lite yet. We’re planning an update to the Lite version sometime in the next two weeks to update it for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, so that should be fixed once we get the next update out.
Hey @dv30112 ,
Yeah that’s the filter you’d want to use. What’s the name of your field key? You’ll need to replace “my_field_name” in that code example with the database key of your custom field.
Hey @nerdforge ,
You could try enabling “Push All” from the General tab in the WP Fusion settings. That might help it sync.
But with the Lite version we only guarantee support with WordPress “core”. I.e. if you add a user via Users >> Add New in the admin, you will see the name synced over correctly.
The full version of WP Fusion supports 70+ plugins including BuddyBoss, and the sync of the name fields as well as any custom fields is automatic.
Hey @mjb502 ,
Yes, that’s normal. WP Fusion won’t ever delete Sendinblue subscribers, or WordPress users. Since deleting things is permanent, we don’t want to be responsible for any accidental data loss.
You can go to the Advanced tab in the WP Fusion settings and specify a Sendinblue list for deleted users. When a user is deleted they’ll be added to that list and then you can manually delete everyone on that list every so often, once you’ve double checked that they should definitely be deleted.
JackHey @dciphered ,
No, it’s not a limitation of the free version… it should be able to export all of them. The exporter can get stalled out sometimes, and it can also crash if there’s an irrecoverable error with sending data to Sendinblue (you could check the WP Fusion logs to see if any error were recorded).
If you start the exporter again it should pick up where it left off, since it will only export users to Sendinblue that don’t already have a subscriber record.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fatal Error Notify] Crashes don’t rise alertsHey @yannickburky ,
The free version of FEN uses wp_mail() to send the notifications, so depending on when the crash happens it’s possible it’s not able to access WordPress’ mail functions. For example if they haven’t loaded yet.
What is the error being recorded in your error log? I might be able to provide some more info if I knew the error message.
You could try installing WP Mail Logging (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-mail-logging/) to see if it’s at least trying to send the message. It’s possible adding an SMTP mail plugin might help with deliverability.
We use FEN Pro on all our sites connected to a Slack channel, and since sending a webhook out to Slack doesn’t require any other dependencies it’s a lot more reliable.
Hey @andrevanberlo2015 ,
Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense. Once you designate the page as a page to be used for a BuddyPress component, BuddyPress takes over the generation of that page from WordPress, and WP Fusion’s access rules no longer apply.
The full version of WP Fusion does have additional code in place to allow your access protection rules to work with any of those BuddyPress component pages.
We have a quite extensive BuddyPress integration module which supports XProfile fields, Groups, and access control on items in the activity stream. More details here: https://wpfusion.com/documentation/membership/buddypress/
We only certify the Lite version of WP Fusion to work with WordPress “core”, it doesn’t include any code specific to other plugins. But if you’d like to properly protect those pages, and to take advantage of our other BuddyPress features, I’d suggest checking out one of our paid licenses ??
JackHey @andrevanberlo2015 ,
Which plugin creates that page? Looks like BuddyPress?
WP Fusion can protect any page, post or other “singular” piece of content on your site, but some plugins create dynamic content that is treated differently for content protection.
For example with WooCommerce, the /shop/ page is dynamically generated and can’t be protected by WP Fusion Lite. However because the full version of WP Fusion has a WooCommerce integration, we’ve added additional code to allow it to protect that page.
If you let me know which plugin generates that page I can let you know if we already support it in the full version of WPF. If we don’t it’s probably something we could add easily.
Ok great. That means they were added. Maybe you’re looking at the wrong MailerLite account?
If you contact MailerLite support and give them that contact ID they should be able to find it for you.
When you go to the admin user profile do you see a Contact ID for the user? If there’s a contact ID then they were added to MailerLite. If not then there must have been some sort of error.