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Hi @champsupertramp
It works!Thank you!
Hi @champsupertramp,
sorry for the delay.
I’m using UM 2.1.12 (because the 2.1.13 gives me a 500 error… but this is another story) and Firefox at the last version (i.e., 84.0 64-bit).I hope this information can help you to think about possible root causes.
I look forward to your reply.
I noticed that, if I proceed to register a new user with Google Chrome, the HTTP POST request receive a response with HTTP code equal to 301, the user is correctly redirected to the page I set in the UM settings and the user’s registration state become “Awaiting E-mail Confirmation”.
Instead, if I proceed to register a new user with Firefox (both Classic and Developer edition), the HTTP POST request receive a response with HTTP code equal to 200: in this scenario, the user erroneously remains in the registration form, all form’s fields are emptied, no messages are shown about the registration result and (very serious) the mail with the activation link was not sent. If I check in the Admin dashboard, I can see as, in this case, the user has an empty “registration status”! Do you know why it happens?Thanks
Hi @wpnomad,
I’m sure that 3D Secure is enabled on my card and it should be required according to PSD2 regulation since my card issuer is Italian; Nevertheless, in live mode the 3DS popup is never shown.How can identify the root cause? For example, is there a way to log the “3DS state” associated to the card (in order to see if it valued as “Required” or just “Supported”).
Thanks @ironikus, it works perfectly!
Thanks @champsupertramp, it works perfectly!
@ironikus I just trie to put some debug calls (such var_dump(…), echo, exit, etc…) at the beginning of the limit_user_update_webhook_trigger function and I realized in this way that it is never called.
I put the snippet inside my functions.php
Also (perhaps not relevant), my Profile page is at https://MYDOMAIN/wp-admin/profile.phpSomething is wrong then: the limit_user_update_webhook_trigger function is never called and also the trigger is never fired.
Hi @champsupertramp,
there was a space at the end of the last value and it caused the error shown on the last screenshot.Is there a way to rename the submit button of the Account page?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by vforte.
Hi @champsupertramp,
the last error shown should be an error related to the “My Custom Functions” plugin, in fact I put your code directly in my theme’s function.php file and it worked quite fine.There are two strange things:
- In a case, after I saved the profile, the option I selected (Radio) will be cleared: https://ibb.co/5FsXw8p
It happens just with the highlighted option; the other options work fine. Could be the ‘+’ character in the value that determines this unwanted behavior? - I registered a webhook on User Update, but When I press on the Save button, the webhook is not triggered, why? It is triggered just if I press on the button in the Account page and I would like to have the same behaviour on the User page.
Hi @champsupertramp,
I’m using the version 2.1.12: It should be the last one.Hi @champsupertramp,
below the error raised:
[19-Nov-2020 21:05:16 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function UM() in /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-custom-functions/inc/php/functional.php(103) : eval()'d code:233 Stack trace: #0 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-custom-functions/inc/php/functional.php(103) : eval()'d code(357): UM_Custom_Account_Tabs->__construct() #1 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-custom-functions/inc/php/functional.php(103): eval() #2 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-custom-functions/inc/php/functional.php(114): spacexchimp_p001_exec() #3 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-custom-functions/my-custom-functions.php(102): require_once('/home/k_dummy_account/...') #4 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-settings.php(377): include_once('/home/k_dummy_account/...') #5 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-config.php(96): require_once('/home/k_dummy_account/...') #6 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/k_dummy_account/...') #7 /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/k in /home/k_dummy_account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-custom-functions/inc/php/functional.php(103) : eval()'d code on line 233
The only thing that I changed in your code is the form_id.
Hi @champsupertramp,
I remembered that some months ago I have implemented a solution for adding custom fields in the Account page; I followed this thread https://gist.github.com/champsupertramp/c1f6d83406e9e0425e9e98aaa36fed7d.There are at least three problems about the proposed solution:
- If I’ll change the Profile form from UM > Forms I’ll have to change that code
- Some of the variables (i.e., first_name, last_name, birth_date and gender) defined in the Profile form does not match with that definition, in terms of label, required property and other constraints (e.g., validation pattern)
- The radio button shown in the Account page has different values respect the ones defined in the Profile form; in other words, when I try to update the user profile, the values saved into the user’s metadata are the index of the radio button and not the expected ones (defined in the Profile form)
I also tried to implement your code found here https://www.champ.ninja/2020/05/add-a-custom-account-tab-with-profile-form-fields/, but an error occurs when I initiates the class UM_Custom_Account_Tabs; I’m using PHP 7.2.
I hope this information can help to clarify the situation.
Thank you for your time.
Hi @champsupertramp ,
here you can find two screenshots (before and after the update action): https://ibb.co/TvKM46X
I’m going to explain you the use case.
I’m in the Account page: here there are shown all the user’s fields (this should be the Profile form that I built with UM).
In the first screenshot (on the left) I changed the highlighted option from “Aumentare Massa Muscolare” to “Perdere Massa Grassa” and I pressed on the “Update Account” button.
In the second screenshot (on the right), a successful popup is shown, but the option that I changed was not saved.The same operation works fine from the User page.
Was I clear enough?