Infigo Software
Forum Replies Created
Hi agruenke,
We’ll update this feature in the up coming versions.Thank’s
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Busiprof] Remove 'BusiProf' from top left of the websiteHi kraj_k2005,
That is the LOGO of the Company and you can easily change this with your logo. Follow the given steps.
1) Go to Option Panels > HOME PAGE
2) Find the setting named with Custom Logo .Using this you can change your logo for your website.Thank’s
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Busiprof] Can't find "Blog" logo on main pageHi MMaher72,
The images of the RECENT BLOG are the Featured Images of that realated blog-post. And the 80X80 is “Default Image” for that post.
To change the image, just add featured image for that post.Hello agruenke,
As I can see your website you have changed the “Call Us On” To “Book Now”
except on the Home Page.
So here are the simple steps->-> Find index-slider.php file. -> Replace the text of "Call Us on" on line no. 21
NOTE*- Hard Coding is not a good way to edit the theme. Its better to develop a child theme for this.
Thank’sForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Several Problemshello ,
Pink Header text -> Go to CSS BOXAdd this code
.pink_title dt {text-transform: none;}
Now you can add text like “ReFresHed” using option panel for HOME PAGE .And for other pages and posts you need to use the meta boxes in the admin panel.
Background-Color ->
Add this code in CSS box
body {background-color:'your color code';}
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] How to remove banner on certain pagesHello,
You can refer the following thread for your query .’s
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Several ProblemsHi,
Add this CSS box.`body {background-color:’color-code’;}
.navbar-inverse .navbar-inner {background-color:’color-code’ !important;}`Thank’s
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Several ProblemsHi,
Problem 7.1) Add This in CSS BOX
Enjoy. ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Several ProblemsHi,
Problem#6 ) Add this code in CSS BOX
.jumbotron {display:none;}.home_service {display:none;}.thumbnail {display:none;}#product_slide {display:none;}
Add this code for other problems in CSS BOX.
.slidesDescription { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F2E228;}.pink_title dt {color:#000;}.slidesDescription h1{color:#000;}.navbar-inverse .nav li.current_page_item a{color:red;}.navbar-inverse .nav li.current_page_item {background-color: #000;} .navbar-inverse .nav > li > a:hover { color:red;background-color: #000; }.slidesDescription p {color: #000;border-left: 1px solid #000;} .pink-container h1 {color: #000;}.pink-container { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #E2F228; }.pink-container p {color:#0F0F0F;border-left: 1px solid #000;}.spa_tag span,.spa_tag span p {color: #000;}
Problem 7.1) Make an image(size 170 X 100px) in black color as you want to apply.And just replace it with the older one in ‘/themes/images’ folder with name of ‘spa-tag.png’
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Several ProblemsHi Louis,
Go to Easy Custom CSS Box.
For Problem No 1 to 5.Add the below given line of code in the CSS box.
Problem #1) .pink_title dt {color:#000;}.slidesDescription h1{color:#000;}
Problem #2 n #3) .navbar-inverse .nav li.current_page_item a{color:red;}
.navbar-inverse .nav li.current_page_item {background-color: #000;}
.navbar-inverse .nav > li > a:hover { color:red;background-color: #000; }
Problem #4) .slidesDescription p {color: #000;}NOTE:As you will update the themes version below changes will overridden with the new codes. We’ll fix this bug in new version of theme.
Problem #5)For this you have to change Some Line of Code in the Themes two files.Locate the File pink.header.php Go to line no #26,#27 after the <span> and replace code with below given code <b><?php _e( “Your Text”, ‘sis_spa’ ); ?><p>Your Contact Number’s</p></b>
Perform the same changes in file index-slider.php and go to line no 21 and replace the given code “<?php _e( “Your Text Here”, ‘sis_spa’ ); ?><p>Your Contact Number</p>”Problem #6) I could not get Which Part you want to delete from the page.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Busiprof] typology – accentsHello SeleneSolveig,
We’ve already uploaded the new version (Busiprof-1.3.6) on the repository.You can download it. After Approval by the Reviewer .
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Busiprof] typology – accentsHi SeleneSolveig,
Mery Christmas to you too ??
Thank’s for the info. The issue is due to ‘Magic Quotes’ in PHP.
We’ll fix the bug with the next version update of the theme very soon.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Replace (part of) the header with an imageHi,
For that you have to edit some line of code.Just follow the given steps.
Step 1 ) Locate the file pink-header.php and insert the given code after the closing of <div class=”spa_tag”> OR in line number 30.
<div class="span9"><img src="ADD IMAGE HERE (With 850px X 135 px)"></div>
Step 2) Go to the Option Panel of the theme.Go to Genral Tab -> Custom CSS Add the below given code in it. Add ‘Save the Changes’.#banner_desc{display:none;}.spa_tag{display:none;} @media only screen and (max-device-width: 1136px) and (min-device-width: 640px) { /* iPhone only */ .pink-container{display:none;} } .pink-container {padding-top:0}
You are Done..
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] Replace (part of) the header with an imageHI hearther,
->To Add More Text in Pink Strip you can add text in meta boxes given in the Post and Pages.
->To insert a picture in the pink strip after the “ici il y aura la bannière”
—> Locate file style.css and find “.spa_tag” class .
—> Add your image here using “background: url” property. Adjust the width and the height of the class .spa_tag according your image size.Thank’s
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spasalon] size of sliderHi,
You can change the size of the images of the slider and thumbnail images.Follow the simple steps->
1) Go to Appearance -> option Panel -> General .
2) Add the given css rules in the Custom CSS Box .
3) ` .slide_content {height: ‘your value’;}
.slider-thumb{height:’your value;}
.slider-thumb-container{height:’your value;}`
4) Save the Changes.You are done!!
NOTE-> The above changes will effect the responsiveness of the theme.