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  • Plugin Author vicchi


    Sure. Only too happy to. The day’s drawing on here so I’ll probably not get a change to look at this until tomorrow, once you’ve got everything in place.

    Ping me by email with details, off of the forums (for obvious reasons!) … contact details are over at

    One other thing, are you OK with me uploading a couple of development plugins so I can get some debugging/logging messages going to see what’s going on?


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Post exclusions are working for me on “raw” TwentyTen …

    … and on TwentyEleven too …

    … not too sure what’s going on here for you?


    Plugin Author vicchi


    That’s odd … I specifically test for post exclusions prior to releasing and I’ve just tested this out on my local live mirror and on my live site and excluding the Biography Box via Post ID works for me …

    Using as an example, this is Post ID 2284 …

    Without any post exclusions, the Biography Box displays as configured …

    With Post ID 2284 entered into the Exclude Posts setting, the Biography Box is suppressed …

    I’m using a child theme based on TwentyTen (not “raw”) TwentyTen … I’ll go back and check this with both TwentyTen and with TwentyEleven to see if I can duplicate it.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Hi Travis,

    Nice to hear from you again; let’s try and get this into the next version of the plugin. Ping me on email and we can work out the best approach?

    In other news, v2.2 of WP Biographia is ready to roll and I’ll be pushing it to the WordPress SVN repository this morning London time.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Oooh. That’s nice and really helpful. I’ll add this information into the readme. Thanks!


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Most definitely I would beta test. Also – Travis Smith is a developer and die hard Genesis guy. He might be able to tip you to the problem.

    Thanks for the beta test offer; I really appreciate that.

    Travis contributed a whole slew of code into v2.0 of WP Biographia so I’ll definitely get in touch with him if I run into a roadblock on the Genesis plugin. I’ll look at this as soon as I get v2.2 out of the door and into the WordPress SVN repository.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Line breaks in the user’s biography are, by default, stripped out by the WordPress wp_filter_kses filter. This is in item 7 in the FAQ. Adding the following to your theme’s functions.php

    remove_filter('pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_kses');

    … should allow line breaks to be honoured. This might be a configurable feature in the plugin at some point in the future.

    The issue you’ve seen where the CSS doesn’t resize in line with the avatar image has been fixed and will be in v2.2 of the plugin which should be released this week.

    As GMail is a web-app running inside a browser, most operating systems don’t support URL schemes such as mailto for handlers inside web-apps, which is why you’re seeing this not work as you might expect. But there’s a work-around to allow this; see

    I’ve never come across the Genesis Featured Widget plugin and as Genesis is a premium theme (in other words, I’d have to pay to be able to test this), plugin clashes or unexpected behaviour are really difficult to test out. But I’ll have a look at the plugin’s code and see if there’s anything immediately apparent. Would you be willing to try testing some beta code if I am able to work out what’s going on?


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Hi Michele,

    Not a dumb question at all, but there’s currently no support for social media icons instead of text links within the Biography Box.

    However, there’s no reason why this couldn’t be done. I’ll look into this for the next version of the plugin.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Hi Gav,

    You’re right about the image size; this is a bug, both in persisting the custom image size and in sizing the containing div around the image. I’ve just fixed both these bugs this morning and they’ll be in the next version of the plugin, v2.2, which should be released in about a week’s time.

    The profile picture problem is something else. The plugin uses the standard WordPress avatar system to display author profile pictures. Out of the box, this means that you need to a) have a Gravatar defined and b) have avatar display enabled (this is done from Settings -> Discussion from the Dashboard, not from the User Profile) … see Question 4 in the FAQ.

    You can override this with another source of the author image via another plugin if that plugin’s author overrides the default WordPress get_avatar pluggable API call … see Question 5 in the FAQ. From looking at the User Photo plugin’s code, this does seem to be supported but it needs to be configured from that plugin’s admin options by ensuring that the Override Avatar With User Photo option is checked.

    As mentioned in the FAQ, I’ve tested WP Biographia with the Simple Local Avatar plugin which plugs/overrides get_avatar and this works. I haven’t tested this, apart from the most cursory of glances, with the User Photo plugin, so if you go down this route, please let me know if you come across any compatibility problems.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Fair enough. I’ll close this support entry down for now then. If you want to reopen it then feel free to do so. Alternatively, you’re more than welcome to get in touch outside of the forums; see for contact details.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Hi. Have you made any progress on this? It might also help to enable and check your Apache error log and PHP error log (if your hosting company allows this).


    Plugin Author vicchi


    I’ve made some progress but haven’t yet been able to duplicate this issue.

    What I’ve done is taken a fresh WordPress install and installed it locally on one of my machines. I then installed each of the plugins you have listed and after installation and activation, logged out of the dashboard and logged back in again.

    One of the plugins, Disqus, I wasn’t able to test fully as the Disqus web service will only work with publicly facing WordPress installs, and as my test installation is behind my firewall on a local machine, Disqus can’t “see” localhost.

    One other point of note; a lot of the plugins you’re using either double up functionality (such as Better Author Bio and WP Biographia) or partially double up functionality (such as All In One SEO Pack and Meta Tag Manager); this isn’t a problem per se, but you probably don’t want two biography plugins or meta-tag manager plugins active at the same time.

    Also, I’ve noticed that a lot of your plugins aren’t compatible with WordPress v3.3 … Akismet, Better Author Bio, Disqus, Global Translator, Health Check, Landing Sites, Meta Tag Manager, PodPress, Referrer Detector, RefTagger, RSS Syndication Options, Share This, Subscribe Remind, Theme Preview, WP Mobile Detector and WP Super Cache are all compatible with WordPress v3.2.1 and earlier but not v3.3. This isn’t necessarily a problem but it does introduce another level of testing problems.

    I used the Better Plugin Compatibility Control plugin ( to get this information; I know it’s adding another plugin into the mix but I made sure I couldn’t replicate the problem both before installing this plugin and after deactivating and removing the plugin.

    Finally, while installing and taking the minimum or default configuration for all of these plugins hasn’t reproduced the problem, that doesn’t mean that some of your site specific settings might not exhibit the problem, but without seeing a complete clone of your site, I can’t even start to test for this. Also, as your theme is a premium/paid theme, this means I can’t test compatibility here either.

    So what I suggest is the following:

    Make a clean local install of your site; install WordPress v3.3 on a machine which isn’t your public web server. Export your post content and users from your public site and import it into the local install.

    Then add and install each plugin, (the order isn’t important, the order you’ve listed them in is as good as any) but still use the default WordPress theme, not your premium/paid theme. For each plugin’s installation, log out and log back in again, configure the plugin to match the settings from your live site and then, again, log out and log back in again.

    Finally, if you’re not able to duplicate the problem, then install your premium/paid theme and see if this duplicates the problem.

    Let me know how you get on …


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you … the Christmas Holidays have given me some offline time.

    What I’ll do is to try and replicate your setup as much as I’m able on a local WordPress install and see if I can get this to recur. If I can, then this will give me some pointers to what’s going on here.

    I’ll post back here as soon as I’m able to …


    Plugin Author vicchi


    This isn’t really within the scope of the WP Biographia plugin but …

    If you want host-name/user to redirect to host-name/author/user-name, this sounds like a job for the mod-rewrite Apache module. There’s plenty of tutorials for this out there on the net. Just plug “apache mod-rewrite tutorial” into your search engine of choice.

    Hope this helps


    Plugin Author vicchi


    The fact that this has happened after a major WordPress upgrade is … suspicious.

    What would really help is if you can let me have a list of the plugins you have installed, in addition to WP Biographia, plus the name of the theme you’re using (and whether it’s a premium/paid for theme, a theme from the WordPress theme repository, or sourced from somewhere else).

    That way, I can try and duplicate your environment and see if I can get this to be repeatable.

    To be honest, the fact that you’re getting a 500 error is pretty serious and is indicative of something being majorly broken somewhere. I’m suspecting this may be more down to the WordPress upgrade, plus your other plugins and/or theme than the plugin (based on experience with this sort of thing), but let’s keep trying to track this down and nail the source of the issue.


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