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  • Plugin Author vicchi


    Under Settings -> WP Biographia -> Admin -> User Profile Settings, add the Contributor role to the Hidden In Profiles setting. This will hide the Biography Options section of the user’s profile. However, this does also suppress the Biographical Excerpt field.

    Currently, it’s not possible to exclude Hide Biography Box on Posts/Pages option in the user’s profile whilst keeping the Biographical Excerpt field.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    The code looks correct … what I’d recommend is cutting this down to adding a single new contact method to start with, say Pinterest.

    Comment out or delete Instagram and Tumblr support from the code you’ve added to functions.php.

    You’ll need to check in 3 places that Pinterest support is working properly …

    1. Under Settings -> WP Biographia -> Admin and in the User Profile Settings section, ensure the check box for Enable support for Pinterest is checked and saved.

    2. Under Settings -> WP Biographia -> Content, ensure the check box for Show User’s Pinterest Link is checked and saved.

    3. Under Users -> Your Profile, ensure your Pinterest profile URL is entered and saved.

    I’ve just done all of the above steps on my local install and it’s working fine for me.

    If this doesn’t work for you, this could indicate that there’s a clash between WP Biographia and another plugin or your theme. In this case, go through the usual WordPress troubleshooting steps of swapping to a default, stock WordPress theme and disabling all other plugins.

    It would also help if you could post the plugin’s configuration settings under Plugin Configuration Settings on the plugin’s Colophon tab.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    A 500 Internal Server Error is indicative that something’s broken in your install. I’ve not come across this being caused by WP Biographia though. What do your server logs say about this? Did you upgrade and/or install anything else around this time, such as WordPress itself, another plugin or a theme?


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Can you post a link to your site so I can take a look at the structure of the Biography Box?


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Hi … the short answer is no, this isn’t currently possible.

    But I have to ask how you think this would work? Did you want to limit display in the sidebar according to the currently logged in user, or according to which users have posts that are being displayed on the current page?


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Haven’t heard back from you in over 2 weeks so I’m assuming this is sorted on your side and I’m flagging this as resolved; feel free to re-open and re-post if this isn’t the case.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Haven’t heard back from you in over 2 weeks so I’m assuming this is sorted on your side and I’m flagging this as resolved; feel free to re-open and re-post if this isn’t the case.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    From looking at the source of the page you linked to, I can see that the text About cmoffett is produced as part of WP Biographia’s widget (the enclosing <div> has a class of wp-biographia-widget, which is the giveaway).

    So it looks like you’ve dragged the plugin’s widget onto the sidebar under Appearance / Widgets from the WordPress Dashboard. If you don’t want the widget to appear, just drag it out, thus deleting it.

    Incidentally, the reason why there’s no other information shown as part of the plugin’s widget, is that this user’s profile doesn’t have any information (contact links, biography, etc) filled in, so you’ve ended up with an empty Biography Box.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Excellent, great to hear.

    Plugin Author vicchi


    So there’s a couple of things to correct.

    Firstly, the sample code in the plugin’s documentation isn’t quite right. The second parameter in the call to add_filter needs to be quoted, so that it looks like this …

    add_filter('wp_quadratum_checkin', 'store_last_checkin', 10, 1);

    Secondly, due to PHP’s rules on variable scoping, you need to declare references to the $last_checkin variable as global otherwise PHP thinks you’re declaring another $last_checkin variable with local scope to the function(s) it’s being referenced in.

    Both of these are errors/omissions in the plugin’s documentation, which I’ll correct.

    But thirdly, you can’t rely on the venue‘s location object always having a member called city. If you look at the Foursquare API documentation for a checkin’s venue, it says that …

    (location is) an object containing none, some, or all of address (street address), crossStreet, city, state, postalCode, country, lat, lng, and distance.

    If the venue you last checked into doesn’t have a city associated with it then your code will break as the city member won’t be present. So you’ll need to check the location hierarchy and use the lowest granularity location that’s provided, falling back to the default is there’s no location metadata beyond the coordinates.

    Also, the checkin object is just that, an object, so you’ll need to use object syntax, such as $last_checkin->venue->location to reference the location object and not array syntax, such as $last_checkin['venue']['location'].

    Putting all of this together, the following code should work (I’ve just written this and tested it out on my local WordPress install) …

    $last_checkin = null;
    add_filter('wp_quadratum_checkin', 'store_last_checkin', 10, 1);
    function store_last_checkin($checkin) {
    	global $last_checkin;
    	$last_checkin = $checkin;
    add_filter('wp_quadratum_strapline', 'format_strapline', 10, 2);
    function format_strapline($content, $params) {
    	global $last_checkin;
    	$location = $last_checkin->venue->location;
    	$locality = null;
    	if (isset($location->city)) {
    		$locality = $location->city;
    	else if (isset($location->state)) {
    		$locality = $location->state;
    	else if (isset($location->country)) {
    		$locality = $location->country;
    	if ($locality !== null) {
    		return sprintf('<h5>Last seen at <a href="%s">%s</a> in %s',
    	return $content;

    Hope this helps


    Plugin Author vicchi


    The latest version of WP Quadratum (v1.3.0 and not v1.2.1 as previously mentioned; there were sufficient changes to warrant upping the minor version number) has been pushed to the WordPress plugin subversion repository this morning and should now be available for upgrading from v1.2.0.

    Amongst other bug fixes and changes, this now adds a new filter, wp_quadratum_checkin that gives you access to the entire checkin object that the Foursquare API returns. This new filter is called prior to wp_quadratum_strapline so you can store the information you need (venue metadata) prior to the strapline filter being invoked.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    The latest version of WP Quadratum (v1.3.0 and not v1.2.1 as previously mentioned; there were sufficient changes to warrant upping the minor version number) has been pushed to the WordPress plugin subversion repository this morning and should now be available for upgrading from v1.2.0.

    Amongst other bug fixes and changes, this now adds a new filter, wp_quadratum_checkin that gives you access to the entire checkin object that the Foursquare API returns. This new filter is called prior to wp_quadratum_strapline so you can store the information you need (venue icon and address) prior to the strapline filter being invoked.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    The latest version of WP Quadratum (v1.3.0 and not v1.2.1 as previously mentioned; there were sufficient changes to warrant upping the minor version number) has been pushed to the WordPress plugin subversion repository this morning and should now be available for upgrading from v1.2.0.

    Amongst other bug fixes and changes, this now pulls the Mapstraction Javascript API from its new download home on GitHub, fixing the strict MIME type checking issue.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    Sorry to hear that; do you have avatars showing elsewhere on your site (such as in your comments)? It’d be good to know whether this is a more general issue or whether there’s something I need to track down.

    Plugin Author vicchi


    Glad to hear you resolved this; there’s a new version of the plugin appearing today/tomorrow by the way.


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