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We only use it to translate strings we want translated on one by one basis. Would it be possible to add an option to completely turn off fetching strings automatically? Is this what “dynamic translation” does? It would make sense if translatepress fetches those entries from js.
Turning it off completely would actually be a better solution, since at this moment we would have to add tons of exceptions as the plugin creates a lot of entries in the database and we don’t even know where they come from, some can be guessed but some are random. We just routinely maintain it to delete dummy entries, right now it is the biggest database on our server.
@kristynabodjona According to google’s rich test result testing tool the page you mention has correct markup, with no errors.
The “invalid object type for field brand” error was happening half a year ago when google change the markup template, but it has been solved long time ago.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cache@qtwrk Hi, can you please provide a link to the website you use for testing? I wanted to check it and compare. Thank in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cacheYes, adding product for the first time works ok. After adding first product to the cart add it again, but this time 2 units of it. In our case this is what happens:
For logged in users.
2x “Polo” has been added to your cart.
For guests/users not logged in.
“Polo” has been added to your cart.
i.e. the cached version of the page when item was added to the cart for the first time. Then, after moving to different page, the correct notification appears (2x “Polo” has been added to your cart.).
Should I be looking at anything specific in the response header? In both cases it’s POST with 302 and then GET with 200. It works the same way with cache disabled.
Do you have any demo page or do you know any shop that is using ls cache? I would like to check it for comparison.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cache@qtwrk Hi, have you been able to reproduce it or made any progress on it? The issue only happens when user is not logged in. Guests have “persistent messages” that are cached as a part of the website and they don’t show the correct value. Users who are logged in have the messages shown up correctly.
I think I already tried to edit most of the options to no avail. There is an option to cache users with session started, but it doesn’t affect the behavior of the messages. There seems to be a difference between how guests and logged users are cached.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cacheplease verify how was product added on your site
Could you elaborate on that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cacheNothing works. Is it possible to load “woocommerce-message” class as esi blocks? I think that would solve it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cacheDid you enable object cache ?
Yes, it was enabled, should it be disabled?
Settings look good, but I guess I’ll give it a go and see if anything changes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cacheOk, there is definitely something wrong with how this works. Turns out notifications are persistent, they don’t disappear and page ends up being cached with the notification displayed.
On the product page when product is added to the cart it says “‘Product’ has been added to your cart”. After refreshing or leaving the product page and coming back the notification is still there. It is cached globally, when accessing the same page from different browser it displays page from cache with “‘Product’ has been added to your cart” notification, even though it is not in your cart. This stays like that until LS cache is flushed.
Edit. Turns out you have to add the product to cart in order to see the buggy cached page. On one browser in private mode I force woocommerce to show two ‘added to cart’ notifications. On another browser I add the product once and see two notifications from the other browser.
It seems to be directly related with ls cache since can still be reproduced with other plugins disabled.
Could this be related to some of the ls cache options? Turning cache off solves the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Problem with woocommerce notices and litespeed cacheStarted working as expected again after updating woocommerce and flushing all. I suspect there were some issues with cached js, cannot confirm though as I didn’t have time to look into it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Customizer not working with ESI enabledThe temp fix qtwrk provided above are to fix the widget settings updating issue on the Customize page. Did you give it a try?
No, since we solved it changing widgets from admin area there was no need for that fix, besides we are on wp 5.8.2. Current findings are that the caching should be completely disabled for admin and it is not, it’s only disabled in admin area, but once you leave it, everything is cached regardless of the role, thus breaking Customizer and links in admin bar.
To disable the block editor for widgets we use filters
add_filter( 'gutenberg_use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );
It’s only two lines of code, so we will not be using plugin for this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Customizer not working with ESI enabledHi @qtwrk. We have used different workaround and edited the widgets from admin panel (Appearance > widgets), which seems to ignore the caching.
Outside admin panel it seems LSC ignores the settings related to caching admin, for example links on admin bar work well while in admin area, outside of admin area LSC breaks the links that normally should be accessible.
PS. It seems there are typos in your code,
instead ofWidget
.- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by victorove.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Customizer not working with ESI enabledSince I cannot edit the original post.
Edit: We’ve done the standard troubleshooting to exclude plugin conflict and with only LS Cache and WooCommerce turned on it still doesn’t work the way it should. It’s not possible to control ESI option for widgets from customizer, but the default ESI setting for widget works as intended.
Actually was easier than I thought. Once ESI is enabled you can set caching options directly from widget options.
For cookie based content I added rewrite rule in .htaccess as per documentation and it seems to be working.
Please try enabling ESI.
Interesting, how does that work? Is there any tutorial with explanations how to build example site?
Right now I am looking into “Cookies That Indicate Variations”, seems it will be better solution for us. For dynamic caching we would only need to cache the widget, nothing else.
Are you affiliated with LiteSpeed? Is there any plugin for variations based on cookies or we would have to develop one from scratch?