Viktor Lecter
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] cant enter tu my blog admin because huge cacheYes it was a problem from my VPS, but it was solved, thanks.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Google plus button missing from social share bar (SSL)Ok, Im there:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Google plus button missing from social share bar (SSL)I deactivate all my plugins, and dont see the google plus button, month ago I discover that the problem was in the 301 www and SSL redirect that is not compatible with this button, is not a error of hueman.
Please I need a solution like the twitter button and a “plus” instead the counter, thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PageNavi] Conflict with Lazy load pluginNo… sorry, only with my main site, I use this plugins:
BJ Lazy Load
CDN Enabler
Disqus Comment System
GA Google Analytics
Postman SMTP
Query Strings Remover
Widget Logic
Wordfence Security (only anivirus scan)
WordPress Security Firewall (full options)
Wp Facebook Share Like Button
WP Social Sharing
Yoast SEOBroken Link Checker (deactivated)
WP-Optimize (deactivated)
Ad Inserter (deactivated)I use serverpilot with my VPS, and cloudflare with dnssec, auto minify, rocket loader, standard cache, page rules for www-https, no apps, scrape shield for hotlinking, etc.
I use SSL security with strict in Cloudflare, that is all my configuration.
I use hueman theme.
I deactivate all plugins and only activate first lazy load and then pagenavi and the error still here.
May I try another plugin to lazy load with base64 image cript?, do you recomend me one?.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PageNavi] Conflict with Lazy load pluginIf you first activate lazy plugin ( and later… activate pagenavy you will find the error, so… to avoid that error I need to activate pagenavi first, and then activate lazy plugin.
I use PHP 7, maybe this is the tip ??
I reproduce it: for respond.
Thanks tech55541 to modify the plugin, I see that you make a version of it as you posted in:
Please make a fork and support it ??
I make my own alternative with two plugins (minify and images) and Cloudflare Rocket loader (asynchronous loader), I use:
1.- BJ Lazy Load:
2.- Autoptimize:
3.- Cloudflare Rocket Loader: may use a CDN for image, like photon, or MaxCDN, here is a code to use photon without install Jetpack:
And then I have this results: OMG!!!
Hugs for all!!!.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social Sharing] Only use shorcode on widget, not in single.phpYeees!!!, I create a lateral share bar, I use this code:
<div style=”display:scroll;position:fixed;width:50px;top:100px;left:0px;”><?php echo do_shortcode(“[YOUR_SHORT_CODE_HERE]”);?></div>
I tried in css with child theme in style.css but dont work, but with html it work very good ?? ??
Hugs for all!!
Pd: Put that “lateral share bar” only in single.php after <?php get_footer(); ?> or before/after </section> because it dont work in home, only in post.
See it in my blog:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social Sharing] Only use shorcode on widget, not in single.phpFound a solution I use:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[YOUR_SHORT_CODE_HERE]”);?>
Remember, use ” instead of only ‘, and thats all ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social Sharing] Load Share button JSNo… I found a solution, you need to uncheck the option: “Always show social icons”, it works for me (and without js) ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Social Sharing] Load Share button JSMaybe you use Asynchronously loading scripts, in this case the icons dont show, I have the same problem because I use “rocket loader” with cloudflare and autominify, so we only have the option to use CSS, its a good option, im happy with that, some of this plugins dont work with Asynchronously loading scripts ??
I solve the problem, sorry for that… when i use forceOff I cant enter my site throught custom login nad need to login throught classic login: wp-admin, then I put in: “Visitor IP address will be Black Listed after X bad actions on your site” to 3 times!!, thanks for all the plugin work wonderful.
Sorry again.
Custom login page only have a have a 404 page :S
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Regenerate Thumbnails] Error regenerating imagesHave the same error, before I delete some images with image cleaner and not moved if not only erased it, I have 9100 images, deleted 1000 with image cleaner and Regenerate Thumbnails continues to recognize 9100, there is error, how I reindex the number of images to Regenerate Thumbnails recognize the new value?
Yes… you need to drag the ‘general options’ tab to the bottom.
@allenpayne Yeees, its safe to install, no have any problems with my database (the most important thing), I test it with BD 1.7, so take care because now we have BD 1.7.1. Its a good plugin, but about the pitiful delay now I use with because I need to personalize the posting option and quite the capability to choose other category (I put only one by default), and quit attachent and other options, my users now have the capability to put only the title and the post. I did this by edit bp-simple-front-end-post/form.php and quit this code:
<!— generating the file upload box –>
<?php if($this->upload_count):?><label> <?php _e(‘Uploads’,’bsfep’);?></label>
<div class="bp_simple_post_uploads_input">
<?php for($i=0;$i<$this->upload_count;$i++):?>
<label><input type="file" name="bp_simple_post_upload_<?php echo $i;?>" /></label>
<?php endfor;?></div>
<?php endif;?><?php if($this->has_tax()):?>
<div class=’simple-post-taxonomies-box clearfix’>
<?php $this->render_taxonomies();?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endif;?><?php //custom fields ?>
<?php if($this->has_custom_fields()):?>
<?php echo "<div class=’simple-post-custom-fields’>";?>
<h3>Extra Info</h3>
<?php $this->render_custom_fields();?>
<?php echo "</div>";?>
<?php endif;?><?php if($this->show_comment_option):?>
<div class="simple-post-comment-option">
<h3>Allow Comments</h3>
<?php $current_status=$this->comment_status;
$post= get_post($post_id);
?><label for="bp-simple-post-comment-status">
<input id="bp-simple-post-comment-status" name="bp_simple_post_comment_status" type="checkbox" value="open" <?php echo checked(‘open’,$current_status);?> /> Yes
<?php endif;?>
Honestly, Social articles is more visual than buddyblog and simple front end post.