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  • Thread Starter viennamex


    It has been over half an hour and I still have not received a single email to my email address from you. I’ve checked all folders. I am going to a more reliable AI plugin.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    Apparently, Edit doesn’t actually enable editing.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    I am using 3.5.2 and the Twenty Twelve theme.

    The logged in view settings for a particular Subscriber remain the same from 1.8.3.

    The updated version 1.8.4 refuses to show a single setting check mark.

    I have used the Delete database button numerous times with no result.

    I can not PURGE the old settings from version 1.8.3.
    They obviously exist but I cannot see them.
    I would love to SEE the old settings so that I could just modify them without having to completely reconstruct the settings that worked perfectly in version 1.8.3.

    Only when I make some NEW check marks and update Adminimizer do I see the settings check marks. But they do not overwrite the invisible settings from 1.8.3.

    I even completely uninstalled 1.8.4 and Deleted every single file in the plugin and started over.

    This is also showing the following error when using the Delete Database settings —

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/47/dxxxxxxx54/htdocs/mywebsitefolder/wp-content/plugins/adminimize/inc-options/admin_bar.php on line 55

    I have a Booking Calendar Plugin for a Rentals Portal WP framework.

    Every Registered User can create, modify, & delete their Posts (Rental listing) from this framework’s Front End forms.

    The Booking Calendar Plugin is administered in the default WordPress Admin pages.

    The Admin sees the Plugin Booking Calendar Options after clicking the left navigation menu that says “Booking Calendar”. The Admin can set various options for the Calendar that are then reflected as the master display options for all Calendars.

    99% of WordPress plugins are meant to be solely administered by the Admin who always uses the WordPress Administration area.

    Very few WordPress plugins ALSO have options for users other than the Admin or Super Admin roles to change and save. This particular Booking Calendar plugin has both the standard Admin settings, but a separate series of settings and options for Authors.

    The USER when logged in to the Wp Admin view sees the same “Booking Calendar” in the left hand navigation Menu. When the User clicks this however, the User (Author role) sees a SUBSET of options to make their own calendars, name them, save them, modify them.

    Then when each User edits or creates their own Posts the Visual Editor menu will display a dropdown selector to embed one of those calendars into their Post.

    All of this, of course, is only seen inside Wp Admin.

    Since the framework has a nice Front End for User to Submit and Edit their Posts, I would like to utilize this Plugin by “embedding the User interface” into the Rental Framework Front End forms.

    Otherwise I have to create a link to the WP Admin area for logged in Users and then customize the Wp Admin view ALL to simply let them SEE the Booking Calendar and modify it for themselves, and make it look as much like the Front End form as possible. Doable, but clunky.

    Is there a way that your Frontend Plugin can be modified to ALSO present the User Options of this Booking Calendar plugin inside the User Front end?

    I hope I have explained this well enough to get an answer.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    Well, Edward, I am grateful you are just “insane” enough to stick your head rather deeply into this whole business!

    Email sent.

    Thanks Muchly!

    Thread Starter viennamex


    It is 8:30 pm here. I have to stop.

    I went through the 10, 000 steps and got all kinds of nice Green Success messages but it still will not agree with the location of the installed php.ini.

    I am turning this over to you, Edward.

    I will email you your Admin Entry.

    Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    Thanks for that information. But, when I read these before they indicated that what took priority over the steps you are referring to was the SPECIFIC WEBHOSTING SET-UP.

    So, when looking at your instructions for 1and1 in the USA and Europe, I followed THOSE steps because your instructions stressed how important it was to tailor the PHP.ini setup to your 1and1 instructions.

    This is where you specify the Zend Optimizer that must be self-installed.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    I would also think that the IF the Zend Optimizer extension is NOT installed on your customer’s host server that your SETUP would specifically WARN this!

    I presume this is why the php.ini setup is failing for me by continuously rejecting the file paths that I enter while following the RECOMMENDED paths and the Diagnosed paths.

    But, this is a Big Issue. ZEND OPTIMIZATION Extension REQUIRED.

    Never read that anywhere.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    I have a new problem with BulletProof Pro.
    I am on a server.

    Only when I get to the PHP.ini setup do I discover that Zend OPTIMIZER must be installed on my server account. And the server info says that there is no Zend Extension installed.

    But, when I download what is called OPTIMIZER from the Zend site it is not named what your instructions call for, same for looking at other information.

    zend_extension=/kunden/homepages/30/d339629174/htdocs/ZendOptimizer/data/ 5_2_x_comp /

    The only extracted file from the Optimizer download these days is this —


    I don’t know what to put into the php.ini file.

    and it does not look as if
    this definition is going to work: zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15

    Thread Starter viennamex


    Thanks so much!

    It’s past 2 am my time.

    I will upgrade to Pro tomorrow.

    Thanks for providing so much useful information!

    Thread Starter viennamex


    Thanks AITPro for answering my questions on a SUNDAY!

    It sounds like the PRO version needs my FTP account to work.

    Can you tell me about your own FTP security to keep our FTP accounts at your server safe?

    Why doesn’t Bulletproof PRO supply its own Brute Force prevention for just the “brute force” attacks you are talking about, as some plugins do.

    If not, what do you recommend as companion plugins that work with BulletProof PRO to harden up areas such as “brute force”. Since I don’t think simply htaccess rules can handle this crucial weakness.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I was looking at these resources yesterday.

    But, as I understand it you are speaking generically about WordPress security issues, and not speaking specifically about the actions and capabilities of Bulletproof Pro since you are not the developer or on the Bulletproof Staff.


    I will be checking out your helpful links to see if I missed something yesterday.

    Okay, NOW I am starting to see a Report View show up.

    I have discovered that the instructions are incomplete in the Edit Report Settings.

    This page says that “Fields” are an Optional setting. Rather, they are NOT optional when using any kind of Custom Query that refers to values from tables outside the WordPress installed Core.

    Some more Text and a short Tutorial would help for this crucial page.

    For custom queries in my case every single Field must be specifically called for and modified with your various settings before the Query shows up.

    Thank you for this plugin.

    I might also slip in a note about your documentation for Pods.

    You put up comparison charts showing WP core queries to meta data and then to what you call “tables”. I assume you mean Custom Tables.

    The comparison charts show some cryptic data that seem to imply that Pods is less of a load on a server. Please put up some plain English : “what does this mean to the User” if Pods is installed.

    Thank you for your work and genius and I am going to download Pods and play.

    Scott, I don’t get it.

    I have another form plugin that uses 3 custom tables in WordPress. I use a custom join query to pull related data from all 3 tables. This query works fine in the plugin itself to show reports I already created for that plugin.

    I downloaded your Exports and Reports plugin to see if you offered some “improvements”.

    But your plugin says NOWHERE at anytime that I can find on your website and plugin readme or at HOW one SEES the Report in the first place.

    I used the same custom query already working.

    But your documentation does not start with the most rudimentary explanation of what one should SEE. I do not SEE anything after I set up a Report according to your instructions.

    My query left alone pulls up all the columns in PHPAdmin and for my previous reports.

    Your setup says specifying all these fields is Optional. So, I left that alone to see what I would get. The CSV export has a header referring to WordPress meta keys but I don’t see this until I open it up in Open Office or Excel.

    Your documentation says nothing about being able to install the View in a Post or Page and the Backend shows me no visual “Preview” of the Export.

    Can you add on to the Instructions of how to use this plugin?

    The instructions don’t tell users what to expect to see — the Visual indication –after they run through the Report set up.

    Thank you for a clever, if mystifying, plugin.

    Thread Starter viennamex


    I have discovered how to do this with admin bar changes by going to the Adminimizer file that generates code for that particular part of the Admin page.

    I will probably use the same technique for other parts of the page but right now I have succeeded in making all the changes I need VISUALLY while Adminimizer is hiding the rest of the stuff for logged in Authors.

    At any rate it would be simple enough for Adminimizer to Add a Modify Visual elements input form with each Change Module for every part of the Admin UI code.

    That way a particular Member role can have EVERYTHING modified besides “just” hiding page element. Then Adminimizer could help with COMPLETELY restyling the page with new Admin header logos, page width, column widths, background colors, etc.

    Adminimizer could then be the Complete tool.

    I think another feature that could be added is an Option that selects a given theme and tries to “match up” , say, the Theme Header with the Admin Header. Progressively select and rewrite code and see the preview until the Admin Header and Footer and page columns match the look of the chosen theme.

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