@extendmate Thsnk you for the response.
The user end message sent is this
“Hello Vikram
Your Asimi Jewels account was logged in to from a new browser or device. was this you?
, , India,
Windows Chrome 89.0.4389.128
If it wasnt you report to us immedietely! else Ignore the SMS.
Team Asimi!”
for ".$data['city']."
result blank
for ".$data['region_name']."
result blank
for ".$data['country_name']."
result India
for " .$data['operating_system']."
result Windows
for ". $data['browser']."
result Chrome
for ". $data['browser_version']
result 89.0.4389.128
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by vikrampalesha. Reason: Incorrect format