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  • I would like to add something. On my website not even an adminstrator is able to edit the content blocks, due to the fact that in the editing screen the text in the blocks is simply not showing.

    What i do:
    I open the the manage section of the plugin.
    I choose a block for editing.
    The block editing screen opens.
    It shows the name etc but not the content of the block.

    But on the pages where the blocks are inserted the contents are shown.

    Help requested.

    Kind regards, Viktor

    I have that same problem – not being able to add or update blocks – on this website which is running on a fully updated wordpress installation.
    Strange thing is: i have two other websites with exactly the same configuration where it works.
    Any hints how to solve it?

    Kind regards. Viktor

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    I finally realised that the two items in the menue bar do appear when you are logged in and not in the edit screen but on the readers view. So tgis one is resolved

    Same problem on my blog, which is on the most recent version of wordpress and is self-hosted (also my theme and alll plugins are updated to their most recent versions).

    What happens, when i schedule posts: i get the broadcast screen for scheduling and the posts are unmarked, then i mark them, click on schedule, and afterwards on the edit screen it says that broadcasting is scheduled.

    The post itself gets published as it should, but the social broadcast is not happening.

    So dear Alex King and mailchimp: I appreciate that you provide this very useful plugin, and that it is free.

    Please include fixing this bug in your next update.

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    @mindctrl, Thx again for taking so much time, especially in explaining things to a non coder.

    I don′t work with a child theme, have never gotten deeper into the more sophisticated parts of how to set wordpress up with chikld themes etc. I simply do not have the time to aquire all the necessary knowledge, as i run my three blogs (and all the research and writing necessary for them) besides a full-time job; not to forget private life ??

    So thanks again, i guess i will just have to hope that Alex King and mailchimp will soon release a new version that does include pages support (and maybe also fix the problem reported elsewhere, that scheduled broadcasting does not work).

    Kind regards, Viktor

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    Thx a lot mindctrl for taking the time.

    Though i don′t know much about coding i see this is more sophisticated than the solution of Pro Jerz who just commented out the exclusion of pages.

    But as the professors solution works as far as enabling social for pages, may i ask what is the advantage of your solution?

    Also – sorry – as a non coder i would need help to know where to include this in the code

    Thx, Viktor

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    I would be very happy if someone would take the time to respond. I have tried deactivating, uninstalling, deleting, cleaning up the database and then reinstalling social, as someone pointed out, that migt help, but those menues still do not show up.

    So help would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    Thx again fro trying to help. I simply did not want to got to the trouble of having to set it all up again, which one often has to do when deleting and reinstalling (with some plugins the settings will not be kept when uninstalling). So i hoped for the easy solution with deactivating, which very often solves problems.

    I now tried uninstalling (deleting), cleaning up the database and reinstalling, but i still do not have those menues.

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    Thx for trying to help. I already tried deactivating and reactivating. That did not work.
    I have opened a separate thread for this menue question

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    @bwp: in my self hosted wordpress blog (everything updated to the most recent versions) the “find social comments” does not appear in the menue. I have gone over the settings multiple times, there is no option for that.

    So i guess i′ll make that a separate support thread.

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    I tried the professors solution, and it worked as far as posting is concerned. Thank you so much Profesor Jertz.

    Now all we have to do is:
    -get Alex King and mailchimp to adopt it
    -and what i do not know yet is, if social comments will also be imported for pages, because i do not see that button one finds with articles to check for social comments.

    But anyway, thanks again.

    I am still considerng switching back to Wordbooker, but this might stop me.

    Once more an urgent appeal to Alex king and Mailchimp to make social work for apges as well

    Kind regards, Viktor Leberecht

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    Dear Alex, i am sure you have an awful lot of work on your desk, and maybe foun dour request disturbing.

    But as i do not seem to be the only one wishing for a standard integration of Social into pages i would kindly ask you to reconsider instead of just pointing us to the documentation how to code it ourselves (after we pointed out not to know about coding).

    How about picking up our suggestion for the next release?

    Kind regards, Viktor

    Thread Starter Viktor Leberecht


    Thanks a lot for the reply, but i do confess not knowing enough about coding to start using filters. And i somehow assume that this is true for about 90% percent of your users.

    So I would really appreciate if there was a nice option in the plugin where i can set this with a simple click.

    Now i know, you are doing the plugin for free, and i appreciate your work.

    But though it might not be polite to talk about your competition, the plugin wordbooker does a very good job of this. One can choose to enable it on posts and/or pages and you get a lot of options how you want it to work. NO coding needed.

    OK, he does not support twitter, but as far as facebook is concerned i would encourage you to take a look at what he does – and he does it all on his own; no whole group of developers, and for free as well.

    If any of this sounds like criticism: it is not meant be, please attribute it to me being german and maybe not knowing how to express myself in a way that it comes across as encouragement.

    Kind regards, Viktor

    Have to correct myself. I changed the php to 5.3 but for some reason the change did not seem to take effect (have to inquire with my hoster).

    Nonetheless, also under PHP 5.2 the safe_mode is off, so that should not be the problem?

    Thanks for the message. My hosting service is on PHP 5.3 and i can not change that. They also say that safe_mode is disabled.

    So the workaround would be much appreciated.

    Kind regars, Viktor

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