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    Maybe this is outside the scope of your support or plans for features, but it would be helpful if the Featured Image could be selected on its own from the RSS feed (as we generally like to use the title and featured image to create RSS-based email content but not include the entirety of the content).

    I have done this to my RSS feeds using the following code, but maybe I can edit your plugin files to include it.

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Customize RSS
    // Add namespace for media:image element used below
    add_filter( 'rss2_ns', 'td_add_custom_rss2_ns');
    function td_add_custom_rss2_ns(){
      echo 'xmlns:media=""';
    // insert the image object into the RSS item (see MB-191)
    add_action('rss2_item', 'td_add_custom_rss2_item');
    function td_add_custom_rss2_item() {
      global $post;
      // Featured Image
      if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
        $thumbnail_ID = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
        $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumbnail_ID, 'large');
        if (is_array($thumbnail)) {
          echo '<media:content medium="image" url="' . $thumbnail[0]
            . '" width="' . $thumbnail[1] . '" height="' . $thumbnail[2] . '" />';
      // Use the first image from post content or default image
      else {
        $first_img = td_get_first_image();
        if ($first_img) {
          echo '<media:content medium="image" url="' . $first_img . '" />';
    // Get the First Image from Post Content
    function td_get_first_image() {
      global $post;
      $first_img = null;
      $output = preg_match_all('/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $post->post_content, $matches);
      $first_img = ! empty($matches[1][0]) ? esc_url($matches[1][0]) : null;
      return $first_img;
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    On a related note, is it possible to add the feature image to the RSS feed generated?

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    Thank you for the reply. On a related note, it would also be helpful to have an option to display different post categories in different colors on the calendar. This would allow us to better visual our upcoming content and ensure a good mix of different post types. Please consider this in a future release.

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    I would like to keep most of the open graph meta tags provided by Yoast, I only seek to disable the og:image.

    I was trying something like this:

    add_filter( ‘wpseo_opengraph_image’ , ‘__return_false’ );
    add_action( ‘wpseo_add_opengraph_images’ , ‘__return_false’ );

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    Thank you for the follow-up. It does seem to be allowing “skip” properly and is giving us the ability to use the plugin. Thank you for addressing this. One question: Every time we leave the plugin and return to it, the opt-in screen appears. Will the opt-in screen be the default screen every time the plugin is opened now (unless we opt-in)?

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    Thank you for the update. When trying to “skip,” after a minute of loading, the Opt-In screen is simply reloaded. We are not able to get past that stage without choosing “Allow & Continue.” When we select allow and continue, we are taken to a Freemius error screen: Error 522 Ray ID: 2762dcb01ffb1816 ? 2016-02-17 16:28:07 UTC
    Connection timed out

    Our daily site traffic is quite high (>20,000 unique visitors). We have seen in previous posts that you have indicated that this plugin should be used on smaller sites, but there’s never been an indication of what the limit is.

    Have been experiencing the same issue. Takes a very long time to open up a specific “Ads Place.” Get database errors continually. We have four different ads places and a total of 40-50 ads dispersed among those ads places – we only seem to get database errors when trying to navigate through the ads places and ads. When we are individually updating an ad there are few, if any, database errors.

    We’ve been experiencing a similar problem on our site. Certain placement markers that were available over the last year on our website are no longer visible (mostly along side bar).

    This started happening right around when the mobile changes were implemented by Google (late April, 2015). Unfortunately, our site is not optimized for mobile at the moment, so we fear this may be effecting the options available for placement markers.


    I’m having the same problem. I have ads clearly displayed on all of my pages with the exception of my home screen. When I first installed the plugin, I accidentally chose a couple of designs on the front page that disappeared off the screen. Now, I’m limited to one ad on the front page, after which I’m given the 3 ad limit message (even though there is only one ad visible in design mode). Also, that one ad that is available is not appearing on my home page.

    So, home page not displaying any ads, and there are a couple of ads that I can’t see to remove.

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