Hi Jordy Meow,
Thanks for your webp implementation! It works well and makes your plug-in really a all in one plug-in for images.
Two things i’m eager to know:
1) Currently there is no option to use webp images in the front-end. So it’s generating them nicely, but there is no script that checks to use the webp image, if present.
2) Would a “generate webp images only” feature make sense? Now all image sizes and retina images are also rendered in .png or .jpg. So it can easily generate 40 different image sizes while 97% of all browsers (just not IE) will use the webp images. It would save a lot of render time and disk space on the webserver.
I would like to know your view on these points and especially with the second option: is there a good hook that i can use to only generate webp images for now?