Forum Replies Created
I’ve taken a look at your site and you do not have a side cart running. Can you please explain what you are attempting to achieve? If you go to my site, add a product from the shop, you will get a side bar pop out showing your current cart info. You do not have this and that is what this script is built for. It changes the continue shopping button on the pop out window. What did you think the script did?
This script works on my site however it is not placed in the footer.php file. It is inside the footer’s custom html option within my theme options (I use Valenti 5 theme). Can you try that instead?
jQuery(‘.xoo-wsc-modal’).on(‘click’, ‘.xoo-wsc-ft-btn-continue’, function(e){
window.location = “url here”;
</script>Are you sure it has been inserted inside the php properly so it runs as php requires?
Also check the class names on the modal window and the button, make sure they are correct for your site, they may be different in some way.If you are still having issues, add your site url in a response, I’ll have a look for you.
Worked it out. For anybody else you can use this jquery to add a custom url to the continue shopping button
jQuery(‘.xoo-wsc-modal’).on(‘click’, ‘.xoo-wsc-ft-btn-continue’, function(e){
window.location = “YOUR URL HERE”;
});Add this to your footer to ease page loading times.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: (Chrome) Grid problem. Text will, but featured image won't show upHey crew. I’ve been fighting this issue for a couple of months now. Stumbled across the post and bingo, fixed it in 10 minutes. For anybody who is not great with CSS and web stuff in general but is learning while you go this works well. When in the Valenti theme in wordpress, go to Appearance > Theme Options and choose Custom Code, you will see a Custom CSS window, simply enter the
.cb-grid-img a { display: block; }
code in there and click save changes. This worked for me.