Jeffrey L. Smith, hello! I am a new member of wordpress and I searched for the best SEO plugin and your plugin “SEO Ultimate” – is the best of the best! But one problem, I have WordPress 3.6.1 and the last update of your plugin was in January, I had already been upset and wanted to install another good plugin “SEO by Yoast” until I saw this topic and your message about update in 2 weeks, and I’m ready to wait despite the fact that the plugin from Yoast has translated into Russian (and many other languages??), and updated almost every month.
Can you exactly tell me when will you update your plugin? Or it’s better to install another one?
Thank You and Best Regards!
P.S. I read somewhere that you need a financial help so why not to make a “Donate” button and a lot of people (including myself) will be ready to help..