Forum Replies Created
Tonydo87, it looks like you posted on the wrong forum or post. Did you submit a support ticket related to my issue?
The first seemed to make no change. The second seemed to almost work. Together, they make all the bullets display properly. However, the spacing is still off. There seems to be more conflict from the theme than just its impact on the bullets showing up.
What it looks like when editing the product: for your help so far!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Menu Cart] menu cart won’t vertically center with rest of menuResolved. Thanks!
desktop and mobile views:
It’s doing the same thing on my phone. It’s affecting all products. a screwy, round-about way, I got it to let me in on the javajoeroasters site. I kept hitting try again and cancel until it finally backed out and loaded the home page with the wp admin bar at the top. From there, if I click on dashboard, it went back to the 2fa page. However, when I clicked on something else, like Themes, it loaded that page and I’m back in and have full access. I don’t see an explanation when looking at the activity log, including when looking at it filtered to 2fa activity. I’ve exported it if you’d like to see it. I then tried logging out, changing my vpn ip address, and now I’m locked out again.
After I tried to log into, I checked on another site (, and it did it to me a couple times but then it let me in. In the activity log, it shows from my ip address 6 “spam form submissions denied – bot detected” (I think I only tried it a couple times), and then one “enforced”, and then one “logged in – 2fa code verified”. I don’t know what that means…
Activity log file location, since I can’t access it through the dashboard? Sorry, I tried googling it. Security engine is set to standard on all my sites. Thanks
Now it has happened on another one of my sites, Am I the only one?
I couldn’t wait for a response. I went ahead and uploaded the wp-cerber reset file, which disabled the plugin, although my alternate login url was still applied. I reinstalled and set up wp-cerber again from scratch. I’m waiting for a few days of successful logins before reenabling 2FA. I’m hoping this was just a fluke and that it doesn’t occur again or on my other sites.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] use_label_element tag not workingThanks. That worked! Although I searched hard, I’m sorry I missed that article.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] use_label_element tag not workingThanks for your reply. The name tag wasn’t causing the problem. I added one, and it still isn’t working. Here’s my whole form code:
[text* your-name placeholder "Your Name (required)"] [email* your-email placeholder "Your Email (required)"] Select All that Apply [checkbox inquiry-type use_label_element "Current Customer" "New Customer" "General Comment or Question" "Request Service Quote" "Website Technical Issue or request"] [textarea* your-message placeholder "Your Message"] [submit "Send"]
When using this code with an EA CF7 plugin or as a shortcode, it shows the checkboxes, but they won’t display vertically. I added it as a shortcode at the bottom of the page. Thanks for your help so far.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] White space above and below footerIt looks like that fixed it! Thanks for your persistence!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] White space above and below footerI swapped in this snippet and cleared the cache. The white space is still there above and below the footer on multiple devices…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] White space above and below footerI swapped themes again, and confirmed that the white spaces don’t show in the Astra theme. I temporarily deleted all the content on the products page, and it made no difference. I temporarily removed the header and footer content and it made no difference. However then, when I removed the header and footer (made them “draft” status), the theme header showed up and had a white space above it, also. I then went through Appearance > Customize and tried to uncheck and zero everything I could related to the header. I couldn’t get the theme header to not appear, but I got rid of the white space above it. However, it had no effect on the footer white spaces.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] White space above and below footerNo dice, either. I tried the three separately and in combination, and the only one that makes a difference is:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
.col:not(.slick-slide), .blog-entry {
margin-bottom: 0px;
}However, it only removes the white space above the footer, whether by itself or with the top-margin snippet. So that you can see what the last snippet does, I left it with the top-margin snippet. Thanks for your quick and diligent help.