The password doesn’t change the api key?!
I have the same problem as others in this thread, I get this error message:
The owner user2 of that API Key is not on the access list for this blog. When this blog was registered, virvla’s API key was used. To add you to the access list, virvla must visit this blog’s stats dashboard page and use the form at the bottom of that page.
But that same api key worked just fine for Akismet?!
I have two wordpress.COM blogs and I’ve tried the api key for both. For the other api key I get this message:
You are not a member of this blog.
If you have just installed the Automattic Stats plugin, this error probably appeared because the API key entered in the plugin belongs to a different user account.
I’m at a loss for what to do now? I’ve tried resetting the password, which didn’t help at all.