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hi lorenamb, just check your feat_cat(no).php with the link given below the just ur feat_cat.php file
download feat_cat.php file
or just replace ur feat_cat(no).php with them u will get the output1 got to include folder you find feat_cat1.php to feat_cat4 copy any two files and paste it and rename it feat_cat5.php and so on, open the file and make sure that the no of feat_cat(no) match the file name
2 go to settings folder open theme-options.php file
on line 335 create copy paste the above code and rename it<div class="field"> <label for="max_magazine_options[feat_cat5]"><?php _e('Featured Category 5', 'max-magazine'); ?></label> <?php $categories = get_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => 1, 'hierarchical' => 0 ) ); ?> <select id="feat_cat5" name="max_magazine_options[feat_cat5]"> <option <?php selected( 0 == $options['feat_cat5'] ); ?> value="0"><?php _e( '--none--', 'max-magazine' ); ?></option> <?php foreach( $categories as $category ) : ?> <option <?php selected( $category->term_id == $options['feat_cat5'] ); ?> value="<?php echo $category->term_id; ?>"><?php echo $category->cat_name; ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> <span><?php _e( 'Select the Fiveth featured category.', 'max-magazine' ); ?></span> </div>
then Come to line 536 in function max_magazine_default_options()
add'feat_cat5'=> 0,'feat_cat6'=> 0, after 'feat_cat4'=> 0,
then in same file i.e theme-options.php in /**
* Sanitize and validate options
on line 638
add this code given below
` if( !in_array( $input[‘feat_cat5’], $cat_ids ) && ( $input[‘feat_cat5’] != 0 ) )
$input[‘feat_cat5’] = $options[‘feat_cat5’];
if( !in_array( $input[‘feat_cat6’], $cat_ids ) && ( $input[‘feat_cat6’] != 0 ) )
$input[‘feat_cat5’] = $options[‘feat_cat6’]; `THEN SAVE THE FILE
3 go to index.php page and on line 60 add the code give below
//include featured category 5 if ( max_magazine_get_option( 'feat_cat5' ) != 0) { get_template_part('includes/feat_cat5'); } //include featured category 6 if ( max_magazine_get_option( 'feat_cat6' ) != 0) { get_template_part('includes/feat_cat6'); }
save the file then go to appearances-> themes option-> HomeSetting u will get 2 more featured category