Vishy Moghan
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: iThemes security login page URLP.S. Where do I find my login page URL? Since the plugin has reformatted my DB tables I can not even view them any longer. This basically means that I can not find anyway of accessing the site Dashboards.
Please can anyone tell me where to look so I can find the new URL for my login pages???
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making the featured image link to original jpeg fileOK I’m gonna post this for anyone else who is trying to puzzle this out. In fact unlike esmi’s comment, this proved to be a solution available on WP knowledge bases and documentation, as I had thought…
So for anyone using Gridly who wants the blog page featured images to pop up to full size this is the modification I made to the index.php to achieve this.
<?php get_header(); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <div id="post-area"> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?> <div class="gridly-image"><?php $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'large'); echo '<a href="' . $large_image_url[0] . '" title="' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '" >'; the_post_thumbnail( 'summary-image' ); echo '</a>'; ?></div> <!-- <div class="gridly-category"><p><?php the_category(', ') ?></p></div> --> <?php } ?> <div class="gridly-copy"><h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <!-- <p class="gridly-date"><?php the_time(get_option('date_format')); ?> </p> --> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <!-- <p class="gridly-link"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">View more →</a></p> --> </div> </div> <?php endwhile; ?> </div> <?php else : ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php next_posts_link('<h1 class="view-older" title="See More">SEE MORE</h1>') ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
If you go to my site (still under construction as I tweak it more)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making the featured image link to original jpeg fileHi
I wasn’t really asking for support for the theme per se. I just wanted some technical help as to how to link the featured thumbnail to the full sized image file instead of the post. I don’t think that has anything to do with what theme I’m using since the principal factor at play is the WP base code.
OK folks
After much heartache and headache and all sorts of other ache, I believe we have the answer. Let us stop messing around with all the other answers and try this. Check your control panels to see if your php version is lower than 5.3? If it is that right there is what was blocking Jetpack. Mine was just updated from 5.2 to 5.3 and lo and behold, having installed Jetpack, all is well again and working as it should!!!!
Let me know if this works for you.
The previous is on the site that I mentioned does NOT allow me to link to WP using the second button. On my other sites it allows me to link, but I now have two buttons saying the same thing, more or less, at the top.
Here is the screenshot:
This, goes without saying I hope, is on my sites where Jetpack still functions.
Sure But how do I attach to this? Or do I need to upload it somewhere and put a link here?
The second button appeared after the last update, as far as I remember.
Well OK, I uploaded it here: Richard
This is on my personal site. My domain is, and the protfolio/photography part of it is This specific block on connecting to Jetpack/Wordpress account happened on the blog component sub domain here, not on the rest of the sites here. This domain is my own and I’ve been using IX Web Hosting for it for the last ten twelve years or so.
I would like to know why there are now two buttons connecting Jetpack with WordPress? it seems redundant.
Hi Everyone
I think I have kind of worked out a possible culprit. On my other sites, personal sites, Jetpack is working fine, but something I saw today after updating everything, is that on my server (separate from the one that has been causing all the problems so far) after the update a button appears that asks me to connect my site with my WordPress account. Now I am already connected and this second request link makes little sense. But perhaps I’m being dumb. Anyway the point is when I click it I go to a page with this message:
Invalid request, please go back and try again.
Error Code: invalid_request
Error Message: The URL stored by the Jetpack servers does not match your site. Please try disabling the Jetpack plugin, re-enable it, then connect again.Now this interested me since it has in the past never been an issue to connect my site to WordPress, and since this particular site is already linked why the second link request?
Could this have anything to do with my other site being messed up? That problematic site was already twice connected… Just a thought.
Thanks Wastabik
I think the best thing about Jetpack is that it puts every thing in one easy to manage package and their stats are so simple and useful.
And yes with my site too every time I refresh it has done what I had wanted, but the problem with this site is that it is a multi user site, and therefore some of the other guys that post there would be very lost and confused if they keep getting error messages. So I had to, regretfully take it off.
I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers.
OK all here
So finally I went back and deleted Jetpack again and the entire problem with ERROR 500 ages and so on disappeared completely and the site is behaving normally again.
I hope that the programmers and designers of this very useful plugin can find their way around the problem. For now I shall resort to other plugins for my Stats and social media needs. Shame.
Oh hi Wastabik. Thanks for the input. I do think and have thought from the start that your problem and mine are pretty much exactly along the same lines.
I have generally tried all sorts of things and the only thing that really works for getting my system under control is deleting Jetpack altogether. Once that is done everything behaves normally.
Meanwhile I have also been unto my server/host tech staff and they tell me that the problem is with the post-new.php! They checked back on their error reports and sent me this report:
[Wed Sep 25 09:05:51 2013] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: post.php, referer:
Now to me this tells me nothing whatsoever but maybe you better brains here can tell me what my next step is, if I am to keep Jetpack installed.
I really do not have the technical knowledge it would take to troubleshoot this.
Thanks all.
Hi Richard
Nope, done and it still takes e to the ERROR 500 page. I will meanwhile contact the tech people on my server and see what they can do, although to be blunt and frank they have mostly proved useless.
Please let me know of any developments. Thanks.
Hi Richard
Yes the script is still there. But I’m afraid I have more bad news. I made my first posting since installing Jetpack afresh tonight. I wrote the post and it was all shipshape and ready to go. But every time I hit the publish button, I find myself on the dread ERROR 500 page.As I mention above there are only three active modules on Jetpack there… Sharing, Publicize and Stats, which by the way are all working OK as far as that goes. My widget page is back but I have not tried adding or taking anything off it yet.
Anyway are there any other possibilities?
[Moderator Note: Please do not post in uppercase & shout at us. Post de-capped.]
OK guys…
an update on my progress.
i reinstalled jetpack after pasting this script:
define( ‘jetpack_client__https’, ‘never’ );
as sent to me by richard in my wp-config.this did not cure the problem.
but i went into the jetpack control panel and deactivated every module apart from the three i need which are stats,publicize and sharing.
after this my widgets page returned to normal and thus far i see no new problems arising. i shall post here again if there are any new developments.
however i do suspect that json api was the culprit. not interested enough in those, nor technically adept enough to look into it to see which exactly was blocking. it seems though the obvious new ‘widget visibility’ module in fact was not the problem.
thanks all.