Vishy Moghan
Forum Replies Created
Hi again Richard
So things get worse it seems. I think this business of deleting and reinstalling the plugin has done some damage in the whole set up. I just tried to re-install it and it sat the for ages on the installation page and then failed to install with this message:“The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”
Hmmmm. So I am somewhat lost now. In point of fact my entire dashboard is incredibly sluggish and non-responsive now!!! Help!
OK so here’s what happened:
I installed Jetpack again, and immediately lost my widgets page. Also there is no where I can deactivate Subscriptions as you suggest. Also again when I try to deactivate Jetpack from inside my dashboard, it takes me to an error 500 page. So I will have to go to my FTP and delete it from there again, otherwise the dysfunction of the site would be detrimental to the user experience. Sorry
Hi Richard
Er I think you misconstrued my last writing. Of course I want Jetpack and in fact I need it for our site. My question was not a criticism of your request. I was simply wondering what use the script would be since, as I mentioned in my original post I had to delete Jetpack via FTP. And so the question was how will pasting the script into the site help if there is no Jetpack installed.But the thing with the subscriptions certainly sounds promising so I shall try it.
Hi Richard
Is there any reason to add this script to our config file since we have it seems already deactivated and deleted Jetpack? Obviously right now without the plugin our sites are functioning normally!
Hmmm. It seems then that the problem is, as I thought from the start with Jetpack. As I have mentioned it doesn’t seem to be an incompatibility with other plugins, since it still block functionality when it is the only plugin that is active.
The ball I think is in the designer’s of Jetpacks court now.
Can we have a solution please. Otherwise we shall simply have to stop using Jetpack.
Same problem with me too and I’m also hosted at if Vishy means the same by HUB Web.Is this a problem related to our hosting?
Hi Wastabik, yes I do… So is it perhaps a problem with their server?
But one thing is for sure I have several other WP sites hosted there and they are not showing the same problem, and as I mention I have tried changing themes to default ones like Twenty Twelve etc. and it doesn’t change the problem. Hmmmm!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Can't deactivate Jetpackthanks for the advice, but if you look back it is EXACTLY the same issue, regardless of server. Why start a new thread only to have admin refer us back to this one?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Can't deactivate JetpackHi again
Is that to me or to jdorner? cos if it’s to me, if you look back you’ll see that this was the second thing I tried out, again fail.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Can't deactivate JetpackHi Jeremy
No that was the first thing I tried at the very beginning. It doesn’t change the facts at all.On some of my other sites this issue has not occurred, so I am deeply baffled. It seems to be happening only on one installation of WP, out of several instances on this particular server. I can not find anything at all in this specific case that is glaringly different from any of my other sites.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Can't deactivate JetpackAddendum to previous post:
I just tested by uploading an older version of Jetpack to my site and activating it, with the same results. So I imagine I will have to wait for some more in depth solution from here to solve the issue.
Just a couple of technical points, my WP is fully up to date, I have tested the site with all plugins deactivated, except for Jetpack which does not allow me to deactivate as mentioned before, I have tried it with various themes with no effect. I can’t seem to find the correct DB for Jetpack on MySQL either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Can't deactivate JetpackHi I seem to be having the same issue since updating to 2.4 with disappearing widgets. Every time I try to deactivate Jetpack I get an Error 500 page. What is the problem? does anyone know?
OK this is a little later. I just deleted Jetpack via FTP and now the widgets page is back to normal and showing on the site too.
It seems the new widget control component you have added to version 2.4 may be the one causing the problem. It went so far as to actually block the screen options and help buttons on top of the widgets page of the dashboard.
Thanks Jeremy no need it works, so in fact there is no way of doing it without writing in the code… Thanks and keep up the good work
Hi Jeremy
I don’t have carousel active. I just want the images to link to the original sized image from any size thumbnail that is generated by Jetpack. But even though in the gallery settings I have the link to images they still open in a new media page. That is just annoying. Did you visit the blog site? On the first page I have two thumbnails below the main image. I would have liked them to be put on the page with your plugin but have the behaviour you see there now. And this seems not to be possibleThanks
May I just ask a slightly modified version of the same question?
I like the layout of the tiled system, and as a photographer would like to deploy it on my blog. But, and it really is a big but, I want it to make the images link to the image at full size utilising the fancybox plugin I have there. Why is it not possible to do this?
I have always removed the linking system default of opening images on a new page, it creates pointless clicks. So since my Fancybox settings tell the plugin to take over the image links site wide I am wondering why Jetpack overrides this and where I may be able to modify this function.I would like to be able to display groups of photos in the tiled style, but for the images to open in a Fancybox pop up when clicked. Any likelihood of this being possible?The site in question is at
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: php helpHi alchymyth
yeah I may have missed a line there.
This is the code at the bottom of the header.php
<div class=”base-box-body base-sheet-body”>
<div class=”slider”>
<?phpif ( is_front_page() ) {
if (function_exists(“easing_slider”)){ easing_slider(); };
<div class=”cleared reset-box”></div>So tell me though, the problem as you see it is that I have the div class=”slider” before the conditional and not inside it? Am I right?
But on the plus side I just tried your code and it seems to work perfectly. Thanks a huge amount.
You have just made my day. I guess i will have to learn php properly one of these days.
But I have another question on this point.
How would I use and else conditional to load something else in place of this?
Say for example I want to put a slogan or a ticker or whatever in it’s place. In this case (say I create a div class “other’) how would I write the else condition so that my header on other pages loads a div of a style-able sort where I can insert say an image from a given directory and into a controlled height? Without confusing the page with clashing styles.
But thanks a lot for this help.