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  • VivaWP


    You can download a zip file of the theme from this page: (Look for ZIP link in yellow box.)

    However, it looks like there may be a few more code revisions before 1.7.3 is finished. Personally, I’m going to hold off downloading and installing until this update work is complete.

    Many, many thanks to SRS Solutions and sebastianrs for updating this great theme to work with WP 3.5+!

    Wow! This worked! Thank you!

    For those even “newbier” code people (like me) use the symbols below to comment out the line 127 using a code editor through your Cpanel or FTP access. (Only use symbols within the brackets. Don’t include the brackets.)

    At beginning of line 127 type: [/**]
    Create a blank line 128 and type into it: [*/]

    Your commented out line 127 code should look thus:
    /** throw new FileOperationException($error, ‘read’, ‘file’, $path);

    Save file and complete Step 2 from list above.

    To reactivate, remove the /** and the blank line with */ and resave the file again.

    You should be back in business.

    Specifics of what I did: Upon updating my WP site to 3.5.1 along with a slew of other Plugins including the WT3 update, could no longer access my Dashboard or other backend pages. My site was live, but blank admin and login pages. Did the 1,2,3,4 list above and now it’s fixed and working!

    I’ve been having the same issue, and after turning on and off plug-ins, looks like the plugin Feed Subscriber Stats, Version 3.0.6 was keeping Slimstat from working on my site. Deactivated it, and now have data and charts in Slimstat. Just gave Slimstat 5 stars! ??

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