Forum Replies Created
yes, Pro is required, and the plugin is installed, updated, and working as expected in all ways aside from this problem.
Wow, thanks for the shockingly fast reply! I never know what to expect when posting to the WP support forums, posts often going ignored for weeks or more, so this was incredibly satisfying to see. Even more psyched to be using PublishPress, knowing how responsive you are!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Types Unlimited] RSS feed for Post Types Unlimited?Yep, I hear you, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something. I showed the client a simple version that just uses Post Title, no other details, and he seems satisfied with that, so I’ll take you up on the custom code offer on the next project that comes up. Thanks for your always fast and thorough replies, and take good care!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] [fullcalendar] no longer presents calendarMy client’s site was throwing a similar error. The calendar displayed a spinner for a couple of seconds, then nothing. This site runs on a server with Litespeed caching, and when I disabled JS Minify (LS Cache > Page Optimization > JS Settings) the calendar displayed normally once again. I’m not sure if you’re on Litespeed, but if so I’d try this first. If not on LS, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if your problem is also due to javascript caching. Good luck!
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by vladtheinhaler. Reason: solved
Blerg, this is my bad, please ignore: the summaries are coming from WordPress, not from WordFence. The subject lines look similar to WF notifications, and since they all started coming en masse right after I tweaked my WF Central template settings, I assumed that the template change caused the wave of emails. Once I actually read them, it was obvious that they came from WP, not from scans.
Sorry for the false alarm! The silver lining (for me) is that I never really have confidence that these support threads are monitored and that there’ll be quality replies. . . it’s refreshing to see that someone from WF is on top of these support requests!
I’m having the same issue: when I install this with Woo’s Composite Products plugin, the Variations don’t become radio buttons, just a non-working select box. Any chance you’ll be planning a fix? This plugin sounds great based on the vast majority of reviews, but it’d be nice if it were compatible with the official Woo extensions at least. I know it’d be hard to guarantee a lack of conflicts with the zillions of plugins out there, but I assume the paid enhancements that come directly from Woo have a large enough user base to justify a new version that works with the official plugins. Would be happy to pay for a Pro version of WE Variations Radio Buttons if necessary to help support the extra work. . .
figured it out on my own. . . didn’t bother to reply because the suggestion to “disable plugins” and “use default wordpress theme” was already covered in my original post. later I figured it might be useful to at least note this. I get that there’s always a tension between vague unhelpful posts and overly detailed posts that have too much information, but I thought mine was pretty methodical and clear.
Nice, that’s a pretty solid tip. . . I didn’t know there were {is_long} and {not_long} conditions available. This *almost* gets me where I need to be. I say “almost” because using this method results in one annoying behavior that I can’t figure out how to deal with:
When using this code:
[events_list limit="2"] {not_long}<a href="#_EVENTURL">#_EVENTIMAGE</a> <span style="font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;"> #_EVENTLINK </span>{has_location} #_LOCATIONLINK{/has_location} <span style="font-weight: bold;">#_EVENTDATES #_EVENTTIMES</span> #_EVENTEXCERPT{30,...}{/not_long} [/events_list]
to display the events_list, the front-end page doesn’t return any events, when in fact there are a lot of future events in the queue. I figured out that this is because the first two events in the queue are both long_events, so the events_list loop logic goes: event 1 is long, so skip; event 2 is long, so skip; done.
What I need it to do, of course, is limit the events_list to the first 2 events *that get displayed* instead of the first two that *exist*.
Can you help me figure out how to add this refinement? Thanks again for your <24 hour reply, which I really appreciate!
Thanks for the fast reply, but as I said in my post, that setting won’t work because I want to totally exclude long_events from the events_list, not just hide them once they’ve started.
For what it’s worth, I’d also like to show a second list on the same page that ONLY displays long_events. That way the two lists could be separate and show the relevant types of events in a format best suited to their duration/nature.
Any other suggestions would be welcome.