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  • Thread Starter vonJanne


    WOW, that was a quick reply – thank you!

    And yes, with the other version it works exactly as it should. Thanks, you just made my day!

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Hi! Thank you for your reply, and please excuse my late response.

    Debug mode is not enabled on this site.

    When I activate the parent theme, the warning goes away, but then of course the site styling is all gone:

    Is there a way I can keep the customizing but make the warning go away?

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Anyone? Any ideas?

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Cool, thanks!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WooCommerce] PHP Error

    This seems to be a problem for very many people today …

    I got a fatal error when the server was on PHP 8.1 – downgrading to 7.4 at least it is “just” a warning. I have seen many people posting this the last few hours, I guess and hope it will be fixed very soon …

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WooCommerce] PHP Error

    Hi, I think I have the same issue – you can see it live here:

    I originally had the server on PHP 8.1, that caused a fatal error and the whole site was just the error message (see
    When I downgraded to PHP 7.4 I got what you see now.

    All plugins, theme and WP versions are the most current ones.

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL):
    Site address (URL):
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    ### Active Plugins (11) ###
    Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: von MonsterInsights – 8.8.2
    WPBakery Page Builder: von Michael M - – 6.9.0
    Loco Translate: von Tim Whitlock – 2.6.2
    Redirection: von John Godley – 5.3.3
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: von UpdraftPlus.Com
    DavidAnderson –
    UpSolution Core: von UpSolution – 8.10.1
    Germanized für WooCommerce: von vendidero – 3.10.4
    WooCommerce: von Automattic – 6.9.0
    Yoast SEO: von Team Yoast – 19.6.1
    WP Captcha: von Devnath verma – 2.0.0
    Smush: von WPMU DEV – 3.11.1
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    Kasse: #24 - /kasse/
    Mein Konto: #25 - /mein-konto/
    Allgemeine Gesch?ftsbedingungen: #2311 - /agb/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Impreza Child
    Version: 1.0
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ?
    Parent Theme Name: Impreza
    Parent Theme Version: 8.10
    Parent Theme Author URL:
    WooCommerce Support: ?
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    Overrides: –
    ### Admin ###
    Enabled Features: activity-panels
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    Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2022-09-15 08:21:06 +02:00
    Options: ?
    Notes: 70
    Onboarding: completed
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    Abgeschlossen: 138
    Oldest: 2022-08-14 13:55:54 +0200
    Newest: 2022-09-14 11:59:43 +0200
    Ausstehend: 4
    Oldest: 2022-09-14 16:12:15 +0200
    Newest: 2022-09-15 04:00:00 +0200
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-09-14 12:08:08 +02:00
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by vonJanne.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by vonJanne.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by vonJanne.
    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Yes, thanks – I thought I’d see if I could find the string using Loco Translation, and I was able to change the German translation there to something that fits my needs better.

    Let me take the opportunity to thank you for this plugin, I really like it! Good work! 5 star rating coming up. ??

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Thanks for your reply! I get that with the theme, and I have managed to set up a good post layout for the events showing the title, featured image etc. But that still leaves my question #2 unanswered:

    2) Where does the text in the blue headline (“Zeitfenster der Veranstaltung (1)”) come from? How can I change it? Is this just a strangely translated string somewhere?




    I had kind of the same issue: I used to have fully booked dates show with a red background, but a little while ago this stopped working (probably with an update).
    I found a slightly different code for this in the Design-FAQ today, so maybe you should have a look there. It worked for me. ??

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Hi @o6low ,

    I went for and a Cron Job – works like a dream.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter vonJanne



    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Works like a dream, thanks!! (Also the changing of the word CLOSE).

    If you’re working on another update, please consider adding an option to place it “Everywhere EXCEPT [page-id, post-id, …]”
    I use it for a contact CTA, and therefore I’d like it to NOT show on the contact page.
    Or if it’s used to promote a newsletter, one might want to NOT show it on the newsletter sign up page.

    But I’m happy with how it works now also, thanks for quick support!

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    Thanks, will look into it!

    Thread Starter vonJanne


    That’s great news, thanks! I’m just about to migrate a site now, so this is not the time for testing, but I will check it out within the next week or so. Thanks!

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