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  • FWIW the latest version (1.0.8) still doesn’t work on me. Let me explain my situation a bit better.

    On the site I have custom post type permalinks configured as and with subpages for those ( I also have another plugin that handles mapping separate domains to brand sites so the sites can have URL’s like When the user accesses that URL the system checks the custom domain based on mapping rules in the database and returns the correct WordPress post id with correct layout and content. This works just fine with older versions (I’m now using 0.8.5).

    With the newer version of the plugin the permalinks are somehow messed up so that when I call get_permalink() for it returns “”. That means that the function never passes the part where I check if the url has “brand” in it and I get a 404 error. I can work around this by using get_post_type() but after that when I rebuild the full URL and check the ID of that with url_to_postid() the function returns the ID of and all brand subpages show the content of the main site’s front page. Again this works correctly with the old version of the plugin.

    I have flushed permalinks multiple times and also saved all post types and taxonomies without changes to see if that fixes the problem. That fixed the multiple PHP notices I got from the plugin but not the main issue.

    Please try to solve this problem so that I don’t have to resort to using an older version of your excellent plugin.

    Tested with 1.0.5 and same problem. Here’s the export code from 1.0.5:

    {"brand_page":{"name":"brand_page","label":"Brand pages","singular_label":"Brand page","description":"","public":"true","show_ui":"true","has_archive":"false","has_archive_string":"","exclude_from_search":"false","capability_type":"post","hierarchical":"true","rewrite":"true","rewrite_slug":"brand","rewrite_withfront":"true","query_var":"true","menu_position":"","show_in_menu":"true","show_in_menu_string":"","menu_icon":null,"supports":["title","editor","excerpt","trackbacks","custom-fields","comments","revisions","thumbnail","author","page-attributes"],"taxonomies":[],"labels":{"menu_name":"","all_items":"","add_new":"","add_new_item":"","edit":"","edit_item":"","new_item":"","view":"","view_item":"","search_items":"","not_found":"","not_found_in_trash":"","parent":""}}}



    I tried saving again with 1.0.2, not sure if I tried with 1.0.3. Email sent.



    WordPress 4.1.1
    Custom Post Type UI 1.0.2

    Also tried with 1.0.3, same issue. Rolling back to 0.8.5 fixed the situation for now.



    I found out the reason is the “With Front” Option. Setting it to true has no effect in the current version. Resaving the permalinks does not fix it. All Posts are accessible with “/blog” in URL. It makes no difference setting the “With Front” to true or false. It’s always “false”.

    I have the same problem, get_permalink() returns the url without front.

    Thread Starter vpr


    The issue is still unresolved and we need to fix this for a site that is going live next week, otherwise we can’t use Role Scoper and have to look for an another solution.

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