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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Line space
    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    I found it out myself.
    Simply put paragraph title and paragraph body in the same <p> </p> and the title will be exactly one linespace above the text.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Line space
    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    I edited style.css (in the directory for my personal theme) It changed something, but not what I want. I just want the distance between titles and paragraphs to change.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Thread resolved.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    It worked! You saved my life! Thanks, thanks, thanks, I am extremely relieved to not have to do a ton of work again.

    PS: everything went exactly as you specified. PHPadmin, options, siteurl. The only difference was that wp_options does not contain a home entry. But as I was able to access the dashboard, I simly changed it back and thus had my site back in full glory.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Thanks. I will contact the host. Will post the result once I’ve accessed the MySQL database.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Thanks, stvwlf.

    I tried everything you said, but finally decided to atart from scratch again, as I was losing so much time that it was the same as starting over. My technical skills are just not enough to handle this kind of info.

    I’ll close the thread.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    The steps I follow:
    1. I reinstall a clean WordPress into the empty server space. I do this from CPanel, it offers to install several blog packages of which I choose WP.
    2. I enter the exact same username, password and website path as the previous site I am trying to restore from backup. Now I have a generic, fully functional website.
    3. I delete the newly created public_html.
    4. I insert the backed up public_html in the root folder. When I try to access my site this generates the error message mentioned above.
    5. Now I try to edit wp-config.php to be able to access my backed-up web site, but this fails.

    This is my backed-up wp-config:

     * Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.
     * Change these to different unique phrases!
     * You can generate these using the {@link secret-key service}
     * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.
     * @since 2.6.0
    define('AUTH_KEY',         'u51GpZgpyt6BNOpoMnabrnY671AkDG20HeWWD0EEkfgR8ns0PeIAxrB8gdaq2y01');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  '2BVP18xuhsrWqbuKXG1i6MR7OqJmJrzKCKKgUsKG4zep3OPF7jSTLAtO5PDBIBdD');
    define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'pM08xV4Mra2Fs2Lpmt8JNjtJcj4dtapxtXww81G7cwwzJDot0TUzxLeceqs2gLPA');
    define('NONCE_KEY',        'oS4GNdBgA0avi7SmbmrOtMZ958FtdYDlpoBI5Eh5yeW6nW3xQog8BP0PH0ZZWOvh');
    define('AUTH_SALT',        'k9IwzxRLvVEfYdRjQMPQ2QdKGF_UFGTZWE3b64ggSfM1589rf68V_ccD76W9pUTn');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '6hQ0GR6O8_GQsvDkiAbbAUMX8Yvjk4h53_Lzd0iRsDuHZKIaY4MIGvTh_8s2O5Tp');
    define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'aW4irgkpsbIBrlzLgdfkQk6lMPdY4B7V5TeYgg0EAhMfTwqpWzyysiCGm4nY0PwJ');
    define('NONCE_SALT',       'Md2xxP8tcCJocbK95Mg3_fz_3a8llA4FXwMPC2h1TaqPP_5ZhM9R6NbXXwaWH9be');
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    Which lines should I edit? Can I find the necessary info in the newly generated wp-config.php?

    Sorry this is so long, but I’m getting desperate..

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Thanks, stvwlf.

    The trouble is that my provider charges cash for anything I ask them. A simple backup restore is $ 40,-. As we’re non-profit (me being a volunteer to boot) I just can’t put this on the budget.

    Is there any way to edit the file you’re talking about, because I’m pretty sure that’s what is wrong.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    I understand better what to expect and not to expect from Twentyten, which saved me some future swearing. I think I can manage to make a child theme and I like the idea.

    Thanks for answering all of my questions. Even though I feel a little overwhelmed it all looks doable.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Please close this thread. Although I haven’t been able to fully understand why I got in trouble, I was able to restart successfully.

    Thanks Moodles for the friendly help!

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Restarting from scratch. Thx Moodles so far!

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    By the way, the problem with the homepage missing appeared again. I have no idea how this has happened. If I click on the link in the top of General Settings (available on the whole of the dashboard, actually) I will get a page not found. This time I haven’t tinkered with the link names. Other pages are still available.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    Hi Moodles,

    Thanks for your detailed and very to-the-point post.

    If you’re getting a “page not found” error for a page that you know exists (in the database, i.e. it’s in the list of Pages in the dashboard), it might have meant that the link TO it was wrong and needed adjusting.

    I think there may have been two unrelated issues side by side. This one may have been due to the fact that I was unsure how to rename my home page (in General Settings) to the name I wanted. When I renamed it to e.g. ../myhomesite/ it would then publish as ../myhomesite/myhomesite/. As a bloody beginner I am still grappling with the relationship between the pages section and the General Settings section.

    What exactly did you do when you reinstalled WP? If you reinstalled WordPress before the ISP backup, do you know if you created a 2nd database, essentially a brand new install, or did you just re-upload a fresh copy of WordPress leaving the original database intact?

    I just reinstalled it from the standard Linux interface called CPanel, provided by the ISP. So I have no idea if this install removed all prior files or just implanted itself over the old file structure.

    I am just hoping to either find the info that was on the old pages in some file on the current installation or in a backup I made. So basically the question is, how can I recognize my – old – database and how can I access the info there in a way so as to easily copy-paste it into the new site that I started to set up nilly willy.

    Thanks for any help.

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