Go to Editor and open the sidebar.php
Scroll down until you see or use the find command and search for wordpress then change it out to your username for Twitter. Mine below is billtwynne
save the file and you are done
the_widget(‘TwitterWidget’, array(‘title’=>__(‘My latest tweets’,’mystique’), ‘twituser’=>’billtwynne’, ‘twitcount’=>’4’), array(‘widget_id’=>’instance-twitterwidget’,’before_widget’ => ‘<li class=”block”><div class=”block-twitter”>’,’after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,’before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”title”><span>’,’after_title’ => ‘</span></h3><div class=”block-div”></div><div class=”block-div-arrow”></div>’));
thanks this information is good and it works i try it.
now you can see it on https://vritesh.com/
thanks again